Chapter 18

S.I.S (Super Idol School)

I stood up quickly and crouched behind the wooden bench. “A-attack me? Are you guys’ crazy?”

They all shook their heads. “Look, the best way to learn and improve your powers is by instinct.” Kris explained.

“I think you guys just want to hurt me.”

Kai chuckled, “We’re not going to hurt you unless you hurt us first but that won’t happen.”

I raised an eyebrow, “I can turn into a lion and bite you? I can hurt you guys.”

Suho cleared his throat, “We’re EXO.”

“Actually you’re only 1 quarter of EXO.” I corrected.

“Look, do you want to learn or not?” Kai said impatiently.

I stared at the four boys in front of me not only were they all taller than me but they all knew how to control their powers and I didn’t. “Mmm… Okay.”

They grinned. “Since its 4 vs 1 you can choose the location.”

“Location? What? Here? The courtyard?”

They all laughed, “I’ll just choose.” D.O insisted. He walked over to the other wooden bench and bent down. He pressed a couple of buttons and the courtyard turned into a rainforest. The wooden bench I was hiding behind had turned into a large rock. I stood up amazed.

“Wow, this place is…Beautiful.”

“Not when we’re done with it.” Kris mused.

I looked at them nervously. “Can I have a 10 second head start?”

“Make it 30.” Suho said.

I nodded, shapeshifted into a lion and started running.

Suho stood in front of the three boys. “Guys, let’s not be too competitive now. She’s a newbie.”

“Of course.” Kai smirked then he disappeared.


My ears pricked up at D.O’s voice. *Is Kai trying to find me?* I stopped and looked around; even though I was a lion I was scared.

*Think Jessica think.* I looked around and saw a tree with thick leaves. I heard rustling behind me so I turned into a monkey and climbed up the tree. I stared down below holding my breath. A few seconds passed before I saw Suho and D.O walking side by side looking for me.

“Out of all the places you could’ve picked, you picked a rainforest? We’re going to be here for hours.” Suho complained.

I took a deep breath. *I can just stay here for the whole time. Or not.*

I heard rustling of leaves next to me and my eyes widened. It was Kai. His face was serious though. He leaned towards me, “Listen to me, this is serious. Some very bad people have gotten into this world, I don’t know how but Kris saw them wondering through the rainforest. Stay here no matter what, okay?”

I turned back into my normal form. “Bad people? Are they going to kill us?”

He put his finger to my lips, “Stay calm and stay here.”

*You didn’t answer my question.*

He jumped down from the tree and explained the whole situation to D.O and Suho.

“We should alert the school, we should get the rest of EXO in here.” D.O exclaimed.

“Shut up!” Kai hissed, “They’ll hear us and we can’t alert them.”

“Kai’s right, to alert them we would have to leave this world which means that they could get into our school and that would be bad.” Suho explained.

D.O threw a massive rock at a tree. “Let’s just find them and kill them.”

“Can’t do that.” Kris said as his feet touched the ground.

“Why not?!” D.O fumed.

“Because those people that are here are different from the others. They are the top of the top.”

D.O snapped, “How do you know that? Did you stop and talk to them?”

Kris stared at D.O, “I saw the symbols on their uniforms. It’s Beast.”

“Beast? The traitors?” Kai said with disgust.

“It makes sense how they got into this world. They’ve probably been waiting for ages for someone to open it.” Suho said wisely.

I jumped down from the tree. “Who’s Beast?”

They all stared at me, “Sica, you need to go back up that tree. It’s safe. No one will find you there.” Kai said cautiously.

“But you found me there. Look, I think it’s best if I stay with you guys.”

Suho nodded, “Don’t leave our sides okay?”

“She’s going to get hurt; we can’t have her with us.” Kai argued.

“Why do you think will happen to her if they find her in that tree all by herself? She’ll die.”

I took a step back, “What?”

D.O walked over to me, “Beast have no mercy. They will kill anyone. But us.” He winked.

I looked into his eyes and I could tell he was scared. *Why were they so scared of Beast? I thought they were the ‘mighty’ EXO.*

D.O suddenly fell down in pain. I looked at the other boys and they were also on the ground. I held my breath and tried to see if anyone else was here and sure enough there was. A boy sitting on a rock was smiling at me.

“It’s great to finally meet you, sis.”

Hey guys ~
Wow this story has changed heaps. It was like all romantic and now it's all actionish.
kind of? yeah ok.
Thanks again to everyone that's subscribed, commented and even upvoted~!
Kyaaaa~! I was so happy when I saw an upvote this morning. :3
I finished Chapter 18 and I was working on a special Lusica chapter for you guys but yeah, I won't have time to finish it today. :(
But I will finish it~!
Oh and if I don't update tomorrow, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE~! ♥


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[S.I.S] Currently working on Chapter 18 and a special Christmas chapter. :)


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mandy8888 #1
Chapter 18: Please update soon
AznCutie8418 #2
Please continue updating :D
icybyung #3
Please update ^^
icybyung #4
Chapter 18: Please update soon =)
Chapter 18: why i feel like krystal doesnt exist in this story.. T.T
icybyung #6
Please update
icybyung #7
I am still waiting for the update please update
Chapter 18: Oh My Gee~ You really have to update this story ASAP~
This is totally awesome~!!! ^_^ I'm really looking forward to who is her brother in Beast... FIGHTING~!!!
SoYou__Angel #9
Chapter 18: Annyeong! I REALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! I think it's the best! Good idea. Hope you will put the next chapter! I'm already looking forward to reading the next chapter! Kyya, but question pls : what exactly the power of Jessica ? Can she transform ? And please, can you write more good action with Kai and Jesica ? I hope that it'll end with a KAISICA! Love this couple so much! Poor Kai... I don't to see him suffer like that >w< Tss, that Victoria XD Update soon ^^
Take care and FIGHTING~