002. Break Me

From A to Z




"Suzy Bae, answer me!"

The lack of answer worried him, and Myungsoo quickly shook off his shoes as he dashed into the house in a mad search for his girlfriend, tossing the brown bag of pastries onto the table. He had been by her favorite bakery and decided to buy some of her favorite cakes as a random present.

But now he couldn't find her.

He was much more afraid than he should’ve been. She wasn’t hurt by chance was she? Perhaps it was a product of fear in her imagination, but he knew he had to find her.

His footsteps sounded about his house as he ran through the rooms that he knew she usually occupied.

Where was she? The living room with the piano was empty, the kitchen was empty, even the washroom was empty. He slowed as he reached the closed bedroom door, afraid of what he might see when the door was pushed open. Myungsoo knew she was home, saw her jacket in the closet and her shoes by the door.

Taking a sharp breath, he forcefully pushed open the door...

...to see the room exactly how it usually was. The papers on her desk to the clothes scattered on the ground.

And then he heard it. Sobs coming from inside of her closet.

"...Suzy." He murmured before opening the closet and falling gently to his knees in front of her. Sobs racked her body as she muffled her lips with a grey sweater. He pulled her to his chest, his hands running themselves gently down the length of her hair, murmuring soothing words to her.

"S-s-soo, m-my dad j-just died, h-heart atta-ack," she managed to choke out, her grip on his shirt frighteningly tight. He knew she had been close to her father, and this must have been a huge blow.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," he said softly, and she looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face as she hiccupped. His finger found her cheek, swiping his thumb across it at an attempt to stem the flow of tears for a while.

She attempted a small smile, before another sob escaped from her lips. Immediately, he was on the alert again, his arms wrapped around her shoulders and he held her tightly, as if he would never let go.

As she continued to cry in his arms, he felt his heart ache for her. Never had he seen her so broken, so fragile as he had at that moment. And he vowed to be there for her always. For the rest of their lives together, Myungsoo promised himself, and her, that he would never let her cry like this alone ever again.

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Suzyelfs #1
Chapter 14: Omg my eyes all teary...for da mourn me chapter.its sad.....ur story is great.i enjoyed reading it..
mahida456 #2
Chapter 14: Plz update soon!
soomuch_A #3
Hey! Are you a fan of Suzy Bae? If you are, sooooo please help to vote Suzy for The Hottest Female Idol 2012, here the link :
Vote as MANY as you CAN !
soomuch_A #4
Chapter 14: It's the first story that make me crying today ! :( Myungzy !!!
Chapter 4: OMG! The two are so adorable!!! A drunk Suzy and Prince Myungsoo coming in to the rescue. LOL <3
Chapter 12: a bit confuse in chapter 5, wooyoung? Myungsoo? And in this chapter was sad :(
soomuch_A #7
Chapter 12: Myungzy !!!!! Noooo.... It must be a dream right author?
Chapter 7: wooyoung or myungsoo???
Chapter 12: SO so SAD !! Why did you have to seperat them author-nim TT They love is perfect , so why he died on the sic chapter AGH...
Chapter 1: I adore your short drabbles. U can't wait for more ^*^