011. Kill Me

From A to Z

It was all her fault.


If she had been paying more attention to the roads when she was driving the two of them to the restaurant, maybe she would’ve seen the patch of ice.

Maybe she would’ve been able to swerve out of the way instead of skidding and smashing headlong into the railing, sending the car over the edge of the road and into a ditch.

Maybe she would’ve been able to turn the steering wheel enough that her side would’ve been the one that hit the railing instead of Myungsoo’s.

Maybe her boyfriend would still be alive instead of bleeding all over the ground next to her as Suzy sobbed, the blood from her own head injury dripping next to her, her neck at an awkward angle.

Maybe Suzy wouldn’t be in so much pain, more so that the more she seemed to scream Myungsoo’s name, the farther away the other got.

Maybe they’d be eating dinner right now after a momentary freak out instead of being fussed over by paramedics as the ambulance’s sirens screeched about them.

Maybe they’d be laughing together at some joke, instead of Suzy screaming for her boyfriend, her lover, her life, not wanting to be separated from him so soon.

Maybe Myungsoo would still be alive, Suzy mused to herself, bloodshot eyes staring at herself in the mirror as she tugged on the medical bracelet on her wrist. Mentally unstable, it read and she scoffed. 

She was stable. Perfectly stable.

As stable as someone who had accidentally killed her other half could be.

Suzy pulled at the bracelet hard, until her skin turned red due to the pressure of it. The pain brought her back to her senses.

“Oppa… I miss you. I’m sorry. It should’ve been me up there instead of you,” she whispered, staring out the window, her gaze pointed at the sky.

“I wish you could come back… or better yet, let me join you up there.”


This is a drabble I wrote for something else, but it seemed to work in this sense. huhu

I felt bad for not updating so this is for you guys ( ̄∀ ̄)

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Suzyelfs #1
Chapter 14: Omg my eyes all teary...for da mourn me chapter.its sad.....ur story is great.i enjoyed reading it..
mahida456 #2
Chapter 14: Plz update soon!
soomuch_A #3
Hey! Are you a fan of Suzy Bae? If you are, sooooo please help to vote Suzy for The Hottest Female Idol 2012, here the link :
Vote as MANY as you CAN !
soomuch_A #4
Chapter 14: It's the first story that make me crying today ! :( Myungzy !!!
Chapter 4: OMG! The two are so adorable!!! A drunk Suzy and Prince Myungsoo coming in to the rescue. LOL <3
Chapter 12: a bit confuse in chapter 5, wooyoung? Myungsoo? And in this chapter was sad :(
soomuch_A #7
Chapter 12: Myungzy !!!!! Noooo.... It must be a dream right author?
Chapter 7: wooyoung or myungsoo???
Chapter 12: SO so SAD !! Why did you have to seperat them author-nim TT They love is perfect , so why he died on the sic chapter AGH...
Chapter 1: I adore your short drabbles. U can't wait for more ^*^