Chapter 3

Don't Get Comfortable



"Time to find my homeroom. I probably won't even remember which hallway it is by noon, I can't tell these lockers apart either" Soo Jung spoke quietly in disappointment.

"Why don't I assist you there ?" offered a girl with big eyes, blonde hair, and flawless skin.

"Uhhhh..I" as she attempted to speak with her dehydrated throat.

"I'm Jessica, a foreigner form the states. I moved back here when I was eleven, although I don't look like I'm Korean because of my blonde hair, I actually am" joked Jessica "Jessica Jung, Jung Jessica" she corrected her self with a Korean dialect. "Let's go, I'm pretty sure we're in the same homeroom. Our lockers are right next to each other."

"O..okay, I'm Lee Soo Jung from Busan. I just recently mov-" she was interupted by another very pretty girl.

"Loose the accent, I'm Hyomin the queenka of this school besides Jessica and the others. You're from Busan ? Hmph, at least we have one innocent girl in our school. We need another queenka, the current ones are going out of control."

"She's always like that, don't mind her. Hyomin's the lead queenka" whispered Jessica."Unnie, don't be like that" whined Jessica.

"Ara, let's get to class before we wreck our perfect attendence on the first day."Demanded Hyomin.

"She seems nice, a typical AB blood type, she'll get used to me in no time." Soo Jung happily skipped over to catch up with Hyomin.

Chapter 4 Preview [:

In chapter 4 of 'Don't Get Comfortable' Soo Jung finds out whose class shes in and with who. Turns out her class has the majority of the kingkas and queenkas. Will she be able to live up to their high expectations ?

A/N : MIANHAE ! >"<

I haven't and couldn't update my fanfic as much as I hoped, my laptop broke down D;

 ANYWAYS ~ i hope you enjoyed my other..REALLLY short chapter ^^

sorry for any mistakes :P

f e e d b a c k ? c o m m e n t s ? [:

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b1a4cnblueblockb #1
update soon please.
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
update soon please.