Chapter 24

Love in S.M

Siwon and Tiffany were in awkward situation while the others were normal already. Tiffany wanted to help the girls and the boys to cook but Sunny and Yuri stopped her.

"Just stay with Siwon oppa. You two need to talk." Sunny said.

"But ---- " Tiffany tried to reject but Yuri stopped her.

"No but. I don't  think he is angry anymore. He's worried about you." Yuri said and Tiffany couldn't do anything about it. She walked to Siwon who was sitting at the living room.

"Oppa, can I sit with you?" Tiffany said nervously. Siwon smiled and grabbed Tiffany's hand making her sit with him.

"Why do you have to ask?" Siwon laughed. "I will not reject whenever you wanted to sit with me." Siwon smiled and looked at Tiffany in her eyes. They admired each other.

"Oppa, mianhe." Tiffany suddenly said still facing Siwon.

"For what?" Siwon asked.

"For making you paid all of those stuffs. Oppa maybe see me as a girl who only want to get advantage of you. But I'm just helping Eunhyuk oppa and Donghae oppa." Tiffany looked down. Siwon smiled and he grabbed Tiffany's chin and made her faced him again.

"Oppa will not see you as that kind of girl. I'm just a bit moody today. You don't need to be sorry." Siwon smiled warmly and it melted Tiffany's heart. Tiffany smiled widely. Tiffany didn't expect what Siwon did next. Siwon made Tiffany's head lean on his shoulder and she blushed madly.

"What about our ice cream? Want to eat it now?" Siwon asked Tiffany. Tiffany shook her head.

"Let's eat it another time."

In the kitchen it was really crazy. Ryeowook and Sooyoung argued about what to cook. Yuri and Yesung busy feeding Yesung's turtles with vegetables they bought. Yoona and Kibum splashing water here and there. Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk washing the foods while dancing randomly. Sunny and Sungmin cooked while arguing about how to cook. Jessica and Donghae busy sending glares to each other because Donghae accidentally wet Jessica's clothes. Kyuhyun and Seohyun sat a little far to avoid their sisters and brothers crazy act. Hankyung and Shindong were busy playing pranks on Heechul. While the leaders tried to make them do the work correctly.

"Yah, do it right. Stop arguing, dancing, splashing, glaring, whatever you do it now. STOP IT !!" Leeteuk shouted and all of them looked at him.

"Girls and Boys we will never finish this and have a celebration party if we keep on playing around like this." Taeyeon said and sighed. In the end, with the all hardships, they finished making the foods. Siwon and Tiffany joined them in the dining room.

"What took you guys so long?" Tiffany asked and giggled. "Were you guys cooking or dating there?" All of them glared at her and she just laughed. Finally they ate the food. After that, they went to the living room and had a crazy night together. Siwon and Tiffany were busy joking to each other when suddenly the lights went off.

"Opp-- paa" Tiffany were scared of dark. Siwon quickly hugged her and calmed her down. The girls also did the same. They hid behind the boys. Taeyeon being the leader quickly calmed the girls.

"Girls, calm down. Maybe the light went out. Ahjussi help me to find some flashlights." Taeyeon said and Leeteuk stood up.

"Well, well, having a party huh? Do you really think you can escape from me, my lovely Tiffany?" A voice suddenly heard and it scared the girls more but Tiffany weren't really scared. Instead of being scared, she was angry now.

"YAH PSYCHO !!!! WHAT MY LOVELY TIFFANY?!!! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!!! Stop bothering me and my members." Tiffany yelled really loudly. Now the man was laughing.

"You look so y when you are angry. You really have to be mine." The voice said with an evil laugh. Siwon had been controlling his emotion finally lost control.

"You freak. She will never be yours. As long as I am alive she will be mine. You can not have her." Siwon yelled but those words made Tiffany's heart beating faster and faster.

"Why are you always hiding? Are you not confidence of yourself. Of course, how can you compete with my hyung, the great Choi Siwon. If you dare come on out from your hiding place." Kyuhyun tried to anger the man so that they could catch him and it succced. The man shouted and came out, the lights were on again. The man rushed to Kyuhyun and Seohyun. Kyuhyun quickly pushed Seohyun away and when he turned around the man punched his face hard.

Siwon anger had reached it limit. "Stay here Fany, hyung protect her." He gave Tiffany to Leeteuk and Taeyeon and then rushed to the man. Before the man could react, Siwon punched him harder than he punched Kyuhyun and he grabbed his collar.

"Don't you ever touched my brother or bother my Fany again. I'll make sure to crush you into pieces." The man were frightened with those threat because he knew Siwon wouldn't hestitate to do it. He needed to escape before someone recognized him so he grabbed a vase and threw it to Tiffany's direction. Tiffany screamed and Siwon let go of the man. The man quickly took the chance and ran away. The vase didn't hit her.

"Fany ah, gwenchana?" Siwon worriedly asked Tiffany. Tiffany hugged him and cried between his hug.

"Oppa, I'm scared." Tiffany was trembling and scared. "I'm afraid he will hurt you." Siwon smiled and brushed Tiffany's hair.

"I'm alright. He will never hurt me. Calm down okay?"  Tiffany let go and smiled to him.

"Oppa gwenchanayo?" Seohyun asked Kyuhyun nwhile examining his face. Kyuhyun just smiled and nodded. Siwon and the other hyungs quickly went to him.

"Kyu ah, are you alright?" Siwon asked. He nodded but his lips were bleeding a little.

"Let me treat Kyuhyun Oppa first." Seohyun said and brought him to her room. Siwon went back to his place and still looking angry and worry. Tiffany ,oved closer to him.

"Oppa, don't be bother about it. Everything will be okay. I don't want to spend the night with gloomy feelings. Let's just forget about it and continue our celebration." Tiffany calmed Siwon down. Siwon felt relieved and he rested his head on Tiffany's shoulder.



Hey Guys, thanks for the greetings
And I really love your comments
especially because today is my birthday
Comment and subscribe, love you all


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