Night time cries

jongie and me


Jonghyuns pov: 
Keys he's onto my hand harder as we reaches Taes door, I gave him a soft squeeze and a re-assuring look, as I swung open the pale blue door, I was dumb founded, onew and Taemin were full on making out. Omo. Lets just wait for key in 3...2...1 
" YAH LEE JINKI GET YOUR LIPS OF MY SON, I DONT WANT HIM TO GET AN STD" key bellowed going  up to onew and pulling his head back by his hair, and death stared him. 
I went over there before it could go any further and I unlatched his finger from onews hair, and held them in mine. 
" sorry Taemin, onew we will be going now" I stated pulling key out of the room.
The car ride home was silent and very very awkward 
* 2 weeks later.* a/n: by the way guys key is nearly 2 months 
Keys pov: 
It was around 1 I  felt a little uncomfortable as I squirmed, around, my eyes swung open as I hand it a cold substance, I brought my hand out from underneath the pick blanked and it was covered In, blood. I quickly swung up, and took he cover of  my side if the bed, to See a puddle I blood underneath me. I let out a scared shaky breath and slowly gotten off the bed. I went and got changed, then went to Jonghyun. 
" Jjongie please wake up" my voiced cracked with fear as I shook my lover. 
" key it isn't morning yet I don't want to" he groaned
" pleas jonghyun I am bleeding" I said shakily
He immediately shoot up
"Are you okay?" He questioned worry laced his deep voice 
 I nodded 
" just scared" I stated 
" let me get dressed" he said hoping out from under the pink covers to reveal black silk boxers 
I started to walk to the front door, but about half way there I was sweeper off my feet by a now fully dressed jonghyun 
We walked out to the car and headed to the hospital for the second time in a week. 
Jonghyun kept giving me worrying glances before we reached our destination 
" jonghyun it still hurts" I whined as he cradled me 
" don't worry baby it will go away soon" he softly spoke as he rocked 
We were now inside the hospital as jonghyun, called for a doctor  we were lead to plain white room with one blue wall in it.  The doctor  laid me on an uncomfortable bed 
" okay mr Kim want seems to be the problem" he asked lookin at the bored in front of his eyes
"I have been bleeding. Down there. " I said 
" oh. I heard you were 2 months pregnant" he stated now looking up to me
" we'll just go safety things could you put you shirt up." He said 
I watched jonghyun tense up and death glare the docter, so I slowly took his hand I. Mine and gave it a squeeze 
A the docter put the cold paste on my stomached , he slowly feasted the camera  on my stomach and clicked a few things, before his gaze softened, he turned the camera off and put his stethoscope to my stomach before his smile completely faded, 
" I am so sorry mr Kim, but you have miscarried." He voice saddend and was full of hurt. 
My heart was crushes. 
The doctor left the room, and I bust into tears as I was just told my child had died. 
" I am s- sorry jonghyun" I said as I looked at his shocked face  tear flowing down my face. 
He said nothing, just stared 
"I-it's my f-fault" I shuddered from the thought of a dead baby 
My dead baby... 
Jonghyun pulled me into his loving embraces. I know he was hurt, just by looking at him.
* back home 
Jonghyuns pov: 
WHAT. The . Hell 
Somthing I didn't expect was that. 
 I took key to our bedroom and laid with him as he cried, for our loss.  He was hurt badly and all I could right  now was stay strong, I loved key, and right now  I needed to be there, I  had shed a few tears but not many i wanted to seem strong though deep down. My heart was crushed. 
hey guys you I've me more right now I am gessing? :) I know I am mean trust me I almost cried writting this chap. But don't hate me please even though it is short it took me 2 hours to right and I know don't if my info isn't right but who gives a crap. Any way I am going 
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Chapter 16: I know how it feels, that already happened to me... Sorry for you
Chapter 16: It's ok^^ but keep update soon & fast^^ keke :) Fighting!!!~
Chapter 15: Good story... I like it... So adorable... Plz update soon...
Chapter 15: So cute chapter ! Yes ! For names, all the beautiful names for a boy are taken by Super Junior. Trust me, I'm writing an Mpreg myself for one of my fic and I turn crazy cuz the Suju monopolized all the great surnames !
Ryeowook -> sunrise; Eunhyuk -> Silver; Sungmin -> sharpness of splendor; Yesung -> artistic voice; Leeteuk -> special; Jongwoon -> strength; Kyuhyun -> jade (gem)...
But you still have
boy : Chin-Hae: truth, ocean
Chung-Ho: the fair lake
Dong-Yul: the passion of the East
Jae-Hwa rich
Yong-Sun: dragon in 1st place
Kang Dae: strong and tall
Min-Soo: intelligence, excellent
Wooyoung (always full of good fortune)
But as I know that Jonghyun prefers girls (CF Hello Baby)
Areum : Beauty
Iseul : dew
Su Ah
Eun Jung : kindness
Young Im : jade (gem) beauty
Na Yung : beautiful like a flower or silk
I hope this could help you ! Fighting !
Mawyna #5
Chapter 15: An update, yes..
JongHyun..he must be dreaming of Key and drooling his frustration.. Cute but at the same time..ewwwww..
Peanut? What a cute nick..
Chapter 14: Yeah, take all the time you need until you will be satisfied. Readers will wait for you, as I do ! Fighting !
Mawyna #7
Chapter 13: Ola.. Take your time Maddy.. I know it gonna be superb!..
Chapter 12: Aww i love this story so much <3
Amazing , perfect <3
Update soon !
Yes key pregnant but i hope if it was twins :(
Mawyna #9
Chapter 11: Poor Jjong.. Key pls..don't do that..have pity on him..
Maddy dear.. Let Jjong stay put regardingless of Key's unsecured feeling.. For once, i understand that feeling.. Agaga..
Love ya..
Chapter 11: I hate you. Key No!!!! KEY YOU BISH!

Love You Maddy <3