
jongie and me


jonghyun and key had been living the normal life, even though key had to be alot my safer now with what he did everything was okay and thats all jonghyun cared about that his family were okay. 

" baby lets go get ice cream" jonghyun said wrapping his muscular arms around key and kissing his neck softly 

key closed his eyes enjoying the feel if his lips on his neck 

" yer okay" he said turning around and placing a kiss on jonghyuns pink puffy ones 

key finished what he was doing and went to go get his shoes he bent down and a pain shot threw his belly 

he scrunched up his face and went to scream but he kept his mouth closed so it came out more of a groan, he looked at his soon to be husband worriedly 

" you okay baby?" Jonghyun asked walking near him 

key but his back to the wall and sat on the imaginary Chiat and took a deep breath out 

" yer I am fine " he said through gritted teeth 

Jonghyun went up to him and brushed the hair out of his feline eye 

" you don't look okay " he said 

" I think it's just a cramp " key said steading his breathing 

Jonghyun picked him up and took him to the bedroom 

" do you want me to get you some ice cream?" He asked laying him on the bed 

key nodded and And scrunched up his face again 

jonghyun placed a soft kiss on keys fore head 

" I will be right back " he said taking his wallet and leaving the room 


while jonghyun was gone the cramps got worse and key ended up biting the blanket to lower the noise of his screams. 

Jonghyun returned home to the sound of really loud muffled screams he put te ice cream down and ran to key 

He laid in the bed and took key into his warm embrace as the boy cried out in pain 

" shhhh, it's okay" jonghyun said rubbing soothing circles in his back 

" try and sleep baby" he voided kissing keys swear forehead several times 

Key tried his best to calm down and sleep but it wAsnt until jonghyun started to sing sweetly that he feel asleep in his warm comforting embrace. 

Jonghyun got up after key had fallen asleep and walked back out to te kitchen he put the ice cream away and went back to cover up keys sleeping body before heading back to the lounge room and putting a movie on and falling asleep 

-------------------------------------------------sorry it took so long for me to update  but my mind went blank and I just couldn't think.... If you read my other story lock up I will update it soon too sorry for the short chapter :( I wish you all the best and will update soon 


maddy xx 

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Chapter 16: I know how it feels, that already happened to me... Sorry for you
Chapter 16: It's ok^^ but keep update soon & fast^^ keke :) Fighting!!!~
Chapter 15: Good story... I like it... So adorable... Plz update soon...
Chapter 15: So cute chapter ! Yes ! For names, all the beautiful names for a boy are taken by Super Junior. Trust me, I'm writing an Mpreg myself for one of my fic and I turn crazy cuz the Suju monopolized all the great surnames !
Ryeowook -> sunrise; Eunhyuk -> Silver; Sungmin -> sharpness of splendor; Yesung -> artistic voice; Leeteuk -> special; Jongwoon -> strength; Kyuhyun -> jade (gem)...
But you still have
boy : Chin-Hae: truth, ocean
Chung-Ho: the fair lake
Dong-Yul: the passion of the East
Jae-Hwa rich
Yong-Sun: dragon in 1st place
Kang Dae: strong and tall
Min-Soo: intelligence, excellent
Wooyoung (always full of good fortune)
But as I know that Jonghyun prefers girls (CF Hello Baby)
Areum : Beauty
Iseul : dew
Su Ah
Eun Jung : kindness
Young Im : jade (gem) beauty
Na Yung : beautiful like a flower or silk
I hope this could help you ! Fighting !
Mawyna #5
Chapter 15: An update, yes..
JongHyun..he must be dreaming of Key and drooling his frustration.. Cute but at the same time..ewwwww..
Peanut? What a cute nick..
Chapter 14: Yeah, take all the time you need until you will be satisfied. Readers will wait for you, as I do ! Fighting !
Mawyna #7
Chapter 13: Ola.. Take your time Maddy.. I know it gonna be superb!..
Chapter 12: Aww i love this story so much <3
Amazing , perfect <3
Update soon !
Yes key pregnant but i hope if it was twins :(
Mawyna #9
Chapter 11: Poor Jjong.. Key pls..don't do that..have pity on him..
Maddy dear.. Let Jjong stay put regardingless of Key's unsecured feeling.. For once, i understand that feeling.. Agaga..
Love ya..
Chapter 11: I hate you. Key No!!!! KEY YOU BISH!

Love You Maddy <3