Your by my side

jongie and me


Taemins pov: 
*one day after* 
Why the hell was I here.... Oh that is right, Minho just broke up with me, key and Jonghyun have each other and onew is unloved with his chicken.... So now I am sitting on cold hard white ruled floor of my bathroom, my shirt pulled up a little exposing my upper hip, with tears streaming down my face, and a shiny new metal blade in one hand, I slowly brand my shaking hand up to my hip, and placed the blade against my pale skin...   I deserve this.... I thought to myself as the cold blade pierced  my skin, making red blood seep through as I ran it further down my leg, every one would forget me soon enough right? I am not wanted here.... My parents don't even love me, for that I sliced my leg again, leaving a bigger gash, the razor only leaving behind the sting, which made me crave more to self harm my un wanted presents in this word... I cut and cut 
And again 
Until my hip was covered in hundreds of long cuts, I got up and wiped my tears away, looking at myself in the mirror, my face red and blotchy. All I wanted to do now was sleep. I grabbed my sleeping pills of the hand basin and took 1, but mabey 2 won't matter right? It three?
I took them all but then thought if wwasting space, so I took the other to left in he container. 
I washed my face off and stared at myself again, until my concentration was broken my a loud knocking noise.
I limped my way to the door, and swung it open. 
"Onew hyung?" I said surprisingly 
 "Taemin-ah~" he replied back his voice happy and smily like always
"C-come in" I stuttered as I welcomed him in. 
" Do you want a drink hyung?" I asked
"Yes please if it isn't a hassle" he said politely 
I turned to my side and started to walk to the kitchen
"TAEMIN WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON YOUR PANTS!" Onews voiced boomed laced with worry 
" don't worry" I simply stated 
"WELL I AM!" He yelled agian 
I felt my sight fade a little and I got dizzy 
" HYUNG IT IS FINE! Please just please leave it" I pleaded tears pooling near the bottom of my eyes
As I started to walk again
Put couldn't move dew to a certain someone's hand on my wrist. 
" tae please tell me you didn't cut yourself?!" He pleaded to me 
" hyung I am lonely! Jonghyun and key are in jongkey land, Minho FRIGGEN left me and you are always with chicken, plus my parents hate me and I haven't seen my brother since shinee debuted, now shinee has broken up, you own KFC , Jonghyun is fine,  and my parents  still hate me!" I screamed at him, he pulled my into his warm embrace, and let my cry, making circles on my back to soothe me. 
I felt his hand slip under  my chin forcing me to look into his sad loving  eyes, as he Came closer and his lips meet mine, the taste of chicken spread on my lips, as he deepened it. I slowly pushed away and looked at him getting off his lap and standing up 
" hyung we can't" I said before my sight faded completely and I became dizzy as every thing went black... 
Onews pov:
I rushed over to Taemin and shook him
"Tae!" I shouted 
"TAEMIN!" I shouted agian and shook him again but no movement was made by the limp body 
I rushed to the phone and called 911
" hello 911 how my I help you? " the lady voiced asked 
" I need an ambulance now!" I demanded frantically 
Hey guys! Cliff hanger !!! You love me right now don't you? Any way comment please, feelin unloved here :( I love you guys and I will continue to update! Sorry to the 2min shippers! But I thought I would do Ontae! And I am sorry if I hurt you some how In this chapter :/ 
Any way  lov ya all!!! <3 
Maddy xxoo 
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Chapter 16: I know how it feels, that already happened to me... Sorry for you
Chapter 16: It's ok^^ but keep update soon & fast^^ keke :) Fighting!!!~
Chapter 15: Good story... I like it... So adorable... Plz update soon...
Chapter 15: So cute chapter ! Yes ! For names, all the beautiful names for a boy are taken by Super Junior. Trust me, I'm writing an Mpreg myself for one of my fic and I turn crazy cuz the Suju monopolized all the great surnames !
Ryeowook -> sunrise; Eunhyuk -> Silver; Sungmin -> sharpness of splendor; Yesung -> artistic voice; Leeteuk -> special; Jongwoon -> strength; Kyuhyun -> jade (gem)...
But you still have
boy : Chin-Hae: truth, ocean
Chung-Ho: the fair lake
Dong-Yul: the passion of the East
Jae-Hwa rich
Yong-Sun: dragon in 1st place
Kang Dae: strong and tall
Min-Soo: intelligence, excellent
Wooyoung (always full of good fortune)
But as I know that Jonghyun prefers girls (CF Hello Baby)
Areum : Beauty
Iseul : dew
Su Ah
Eun Jung : kindness
Young Im : jade (gem) beauty
Na Yung : beautiful like a flower or silk
I hope this could help you ! Fighting !
Mawyna #5
Chapter 15: An update, yes..
JongHyun..he must be dreaming of Key and drooling his frustration.. Cute but at the same time..ewwwww..
Peanut? What a cute nick..
Chapter 14: Yeah, take all the time you need until you will be satisfied. Readers will wait for you, as I do ! Fighting !
Mawyna #7
Chapter 13: Ola.. Take your time Maddy.. I know it gonna be superb!..
Chapter 12: Aww i love this story so much <3
Amazing , perfect <3
Update soon !
Yes key pregnant but i hope if it was twins :(
Mawyna #9
Chapter 11: Poor Jjong.. Key pls..don't do that..have pity on him..
Maddy dear.. Let Jjong stay put regardingless of Key's unsecured feeling.. For once, i understand that feeling.. Agaga..
Love ya..
Chapter 11: I hate you. Key No!!!! KEY YOU BISH!

Love You Maddy <3