Upside down world

jongie and me

onews pov: 

the ambulance soon arrived and had taking my sleeping beauty away from me, well I hope he was just sleeping, with all my heart I loved this boy, every single bit of him and now life might just take him away from me. I refuse to let that happen. As I was pace in the hospital, many thought of my love and death ran through my head , I began to cry, "please don't cry Taemin,please" I mumbled softly under my breath, as tears stained my pale cheeks, I decided I better call jonghyun to notify him.i grabbed my black berry out and dialled his number

"what's up chicken?" He voice rang through the phone 

" you might want to come to the hospital" I said my voice shaking 

" why!?" Jonghyun said panicking 

" something happenes to tae." I simply spoke an single tear trolling down my cheek

"okay be there in five" he said before the beep signalled he was gone 

Jonghyuns pov: 

I hung up from the call, and stared at key who was under Neath me... A giant smile spread across his face. As he finished giggling, 

"okay no more tickling, we have to go out" I spoke breaking out fluffy moment 

"why~?" He questioned 

" because I will tell ou when we get there" I spoke geting of of the bed. 

" whee are we going?" He questioned me 

" you will see" I spoke walking to the front door 

there was no way I was gonna tell key we are going to the hospital because there is something wrong with Taemin.. Oh no no no I I said that he would start crying. And I hated seeing him cry.... 

We got in the car and drive to the hospital 

" jongie the ultra sound isn't until next month" key said 

"I know." I simply stated as I opened the door for him as he stepped out if the car

" then why are we here?" He asked confused 

" kibum, tae is in the hospital" I said looking into his eyes 

he looked like he was goin to cry, but he tilted his head back an refused to let the tears fall. I pulled him into a hug and we stood in the middle of the car park hugging for a while, 

" wanna go in now" I spoke softly

Key nodded and we went in, only to be greeted by a red blotchy face that belonged to the chicken man himself 

" you okay onew?" I asked worriedly 

" no. I found out what was wrong" he said more tears escaping his puffy brown eyes 

" what?" I asked seriously 

" key might wanna leave" he stated 

"NO HE IS MY SON I AM FRIGGEN STAYING HERE" he whisper yelled at onew

" Kibum. Calm down hunny you can stay" I stated 

onew sighed 

" he over doses on sleeping pills, an he lost alot of blood my the cuts on his leg" onew said, breaking out into tears 

i looked next to me to see key gone and running towards the bathroom

"Be right back onew, why don't you go see him" I said running after key... 

" key, come out of there" I said between breaths 

he had locked himself In The bathroom 

" no it's a my fault I wasn't there" he cryed and screamed at the same time

" sweety it isn't you fault, you had to take care of you and the baby an the wedding" I said leaning my head on the door 

" I don't care, I hate this baby!" 

He yelled

"no you don't." I stated 

"please come out key please" I begged 

" no. I hate the world it has gin upside down! I jut wanna die! " he sobbeb.

that is it have had enough of being able to do nothing, I picked the lock an swung the door open, embracing key in my arms I placed my hands under his chin and forced him to look at me 

" you do not hate that baby" I said caressing his belly 

" and many people love you" I said kissing his forehead 

" and don you dare die because I you do I will follow you I said kissin him sweetly while my hand caressed his cheek, I pulled away and looked his his deep brown feline eyes. 

" let's go see tae hey?" I asked softly as I grabbed his hand and lead him back down the hall... 


hello guys it me agian... I updated agian! Yay this took me a few days to think about it but It is done now. Yay! Any way please comment love ya bye!! Xx






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Chapter 16: I know how it feels, that already happened to me... Sorry for you
Chapter 16: It's ok^^ but keep update soon & fast^^ keke :) Fighting!!!~
Chapter 15: Good story... I like it... So adorable... Plz update soon...
Chapter 15: So cute chapter ! Yes ! For names, all the beautiful names for a boy are taken by Super Junior. Trust me, I'm writing an Mpreg myself for one of my fic and I turn crazy cuz the Suju monopolized all the great surnames !
Ryeowook -> sunrise; Eunhyuk -> Silver; Sungmin -> sharpness of splendor; Yesung -> artistic voice; Leeteuk -> special; Jongwoon -> strength; Kyuhyun -> jade (gem)...
But you still have
boy : Chin-Hae: truth, ocean
Chung-Ho: the fair lake
Dong-Yul: the passion of the East
Jae-Hwa rich
Yong-Sun: dragon in 1st place
Kang Dae: strong and tall
Min-Soo: intelligence, excellent
Wooyoung (always full of good fortune)
But as I know that Jonghyun prefers girls (CF Hello Baby)
Areum : Beauty
Iseul : dew
Su Ah
Eun Jung : kindness
Young Im : jade (gem) beauty
Na Yung : beautiful like a flower or silk
I hope this could help you ! Fighting !
Mawyna #5
Chapter 15: An update, yes..
JongHyun..he must be dreaming of Key and drooling his frustration.. Cute but at the same time..ewwwww..
Peanut? What a cute nick..
Chapter 14: Yeah, take all the time you need until you will be satisfied. Readers will wait for you, as I do ! Fighting !
Mawyna #7
Chapter 13: Ola.. Take your time Maddy.. I know it gonna be superb!..
Chapter 12: Aww i love this story so much <3
Amazing , perfect <3
Update soon !
Yes key pregnant but i hope if it was twins :(
Mawyna #9
Chapter 11: Poor Jjong.. Key pls..don't do that..have pity on him..
Maddy dear.. Let Jjong stay put regardingless of Key's unsecured feeling.. For once, i understand that feeling.. Agaga..
Love ya..
Chapter 11: I hate you. Key No!!!! KEY YOU BISH!

Love You Maddy <3