Night time hugging

jongie and me


-a few weeks later-
Keys pov: 
I woke up as the cold night breeze hit my face, as I wiped the cold beads if swear of my fire head, a dull pain increased in my lower stomached, as I cowered over in pain I lightly whimpered, being careful not to wake jonghyun up, I slowly uncovered myself and made my way through the dark room to the bath room, I slowly felt tonight diner creep up my throat, as I head to the toilet and got there just in time, I don't like waking jonghyun up with these things, I felt like a burden to him, I don't even know why he picked me over that beautiful actor. 
I couldn't have his kids.
He was always there for me through thick and thin, but some tis I couldn't return the same to him even I I wanted to . 
He had to put up with my nagging 
My whining 
And the fights 
He went through so much for me, and still I will meet be good enough for him,because I couldn't offer much, 
" key, you okay princess" he sleepy angelic voice ran through my  ears 
I slowly stood up and flushed  and nodded my head 
" yer I am fine" my voice wavered and told other wise 
" you don't look to fine" he said leaning against the door frame. 
" I am fine Jongie" I said 
He sighed, he knew I wasn't fine, but still gave it 
" go back to bed" I said looking at his tired face, I smiled to cover up my sickness 
I didn't want him to lose sleep because of me either 
He smirked and walked towards me 
" not without you" he whispered pickin me up bridal style, and waking back to the bed  and placing me down before pulling the covers up and getting into bed himself 
" you sure your okay baby" he whispered wiping the hair out of my eyes
I slowly noodled and closed my eyes as a little burst of pain spread through me. 
I felt jonghyuns arms slither around my waist as he moved me closer, I nuzzled into his warm embrace, a I felt his lips press against my fore head, while I listened to his calm heart beat, before I fell asleep 
Heyy gus I updated sorry for the wait, will update soon love you all please comment love 
maddy xx 
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Chapter 16: I know how it feels, that already happened to me... Sorry for you
Chapter 16: It's ok^^ but keep update soon & fast^^ keke :) Fighting!!!~
Chapter 15: Good story... I like it... So adorable... Plz update soon...
Chapter 15: So cute chapter ! Yes ! For names, all the beautiful names for a boy are taken by Super Junior. Trust me, I'm writing an Mpreg myself for one of my fic and I turn crazy cuz the Suju monopolized all the great surnames !
Ryeowook -> sunrise; Eunhyuk -> Silver; Sungmin -> sharpness of splendor; Yesung -> artistic voice; Leeteuk -> special; Jongwoon -> strength; Kyuhyun -> jade (gem)...
But you still have
boy : Chin-Hae: truth, ocean
Chung-Ho: the fair lake
Dong-Yul: the passion of the East
Jae-Hwa rich
Yong-Sun: dragon in 1st place
Kang Dae: strong and tall
Min-Soo: intelligence, excellent
Wooyoung (always full of good fortune)
But as I know that Jonghyun prefers girls (CF Hello Baby)
Areum : Beauty
Iseul : dew
Su Ah
Eun Jung : kindness
Young Im : jade (gem) beauty
Na Yung : beautiful like a flower or silk
I hope this could help you ! Fighting !
Mawyna #5
Chapter 15: An update, yes..
JongHyun..he must be dreaming of Key and drooling his frustration.. Cute but at the same time..ewwwww..
Peanut? What a cute nick..
Chapter 14: Yeah, take all the time you need until you will be satisfied. Readers will wait for you, as I do ! Fighting !
Mawyna #7
Chapter 13: Ola.. Take your time Maddy.. I know it gonna be superb!..
Chapter 12: Aww i love this story so much <3
Amazing , perfect <3
Update soon !
Yes key pregnant but i hope if it was twins :(
Mawyna #9
Chapter 11: Poor Jjong.. Key pls..don't do that..have pity on him..
Maddy dear.. Let Jjong stay put regardingless of Key's unsecured feeling.. For once, i understand that feeling.. Agaga..
Love ya..
Chapter 11: I hate you. Key No!!!! KEY YOU BISH!

Love You Maddy <3