“Dude, you’re weak.” BaekHyun patted my back with force. Seriously, I want to jump off a cliff, or hung myself on a tree which is impossible because of my height or cut my just cut my wrist. “Weak? I kissed her on the cheeks Bacon?! Is that what you called weak?! She could sue me for crime. ual abuse maybe, Oh my God Park ChanYeol What did you do?! I can’t face her tomorrow.”


It was a bright Sunday today, but my Sunday was not so bright. Here I am in BaekHyun’s room. Lying flat on my stomach, while BaekHyun’s busy nail filing his finger nails. I sighed. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I don’t want to face her. I CAN’T face her, After what I’ve done. Kissing someone to the cheeks, I know it is not a big deal to others. But to her, I think it will be a big deal. I guess?


“I feel sorry for you Yeol, I know you didn’t mean it but your instincts did. Maybe, you should talk to her and then after that just act like nothing happened.” I saw him stopped from what he’s doing and let out a heavy sigh. “Just act normal tomorrow.”Act normal? How can I do that? To be honest, what is normal? “I’ll try.”


The day went fast, and now I’m currently walking my way to Ali’s classroom. “Just like what you said yesterday, act like nothing happened.” I looked at BaekHyun with a smile plastered on my face. He nodded. Just like what I do, I looked first at the window to look for her and there I saw her seating on her usual chair, smiling, hair tied in a cute lazy bun and talking to LuHan.


“Hey, you’re creepy stalker is here. Tch.” I heard Lu Han’s voice echoed from the other side. “Shut up Lu Han.” I heard her. I took a deep breath and coughed. “H-hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Ali looked at me while I walked inside their room. “S-sure. What was that all ab-”


“No. You are not talking to him.” Lu Han entered the scene. “What? Stop acting like that.” Ali said in replied. “No, I said I won’t allow you to talk t-”


“Shhh, Lu Han. You’re not my boyfriend. Just wait here.” She placed her fingers onto LuHan’s lips which cause him to stop from his restless rants. Boo you LuHan! Hahahhaa! I mentally do some backflips(which I can’t do) and roll on the ground. “Come on let’s go.” I felt her hands on my arms as she grabbed me all the way to the school garden. “So, what do you want to talk about?”


“E-e-It’s about the kiss.” I took a deep deep breath and waited for reaction. “Oh that, don’t worry too much Yeollie.” She smiled at me. “I’m used to that. Kris always kisses me on the cheeks. Maybe you should meet him next time, I’msure the two of you will be good friends since you’re both tall.”


 Kris always kisses me on the cheeks…


I like it when she calls me Yeollie. I blushed. But whoever is that Kris guy, maybe I should put him on my rival list. Take note: He should be on the first. “Oh sure. It will be good.” No it wouldn’t! I should surrender myself to the police already and let myself be caught before I do something murderous. “That’s nice Yeollie! I think we’ll meet today, want to come?”


 So here I am, walking side by side with Ali. Lu Han wanted to come also but Ali said no, Ali said Kris hates LuHan for the reason she didn’t know. While BaekHyun, he left the moment I entered the room. What a best friend. We headed to the coffee shop where Kris is working. So he is old already, an advantage to him since he can give anything to her. “My princess is here!” The tall blonde man which I guessed is  the Kris guy opened her arm and received a bear hug from Ali. “Kris! I miss you!” “Yah! Call me oppa.”


“I don’t like. It’s disgusting.Oh, Kris. Meet my friend ChanYeol, Park ChanYeol.”


I bowed and smiled at him. “He’s weird.” Kris pointed at me. Ali just laughed. “Kind off. But I like him.” I felt my face burned and my ears getting red. “Are you friends with Lu Han?” He asked me with a piercing look. “I don’t know, h-he hate me t-that much.” I stuttered. “Good, then I like you.” He smiled at me. Dang! He’s handsome. His eyes and nose fits perfectly to his face and his lips were so thin. I’m getting gay. Just kidding. I’m straight like a ruler.


“Hey, I’m just going to the comfort room.”Ali excused herself , grabbed her things and headed to the girls rest room leaving me and Kris alone. “You’re the second guy that Ali introduced to me.” I gulped. I don’t know whatto say. Should I thank him. Think brain. Think! “E-er. R-Really? S-so I guess, Lu Han is the first one?” I asked, he nodded. “That Lu Han.”


“Why do you hate him so much?” I asked suddenly. Wait, I think I bought my scotch tape. It must be somewhere in my bag.  “I don’t know, I just hate him. Don’t ask.”My hands  stopped from opening my bag to get my scotch tape and looked at him. He really loves Ali. Maybe I should give up on he-.


“By the way, I’m Ali’s cousin and my name is Kris.”


So he’s just Ali’s cousin. I thought he’s soon to be her boyfriend, and I’m very happy because he is her cousin. I repeat, Cousin. Kill me Lord. So I smiled by myself and celebrate mentally since I have to scratch Kris name in my list because he’s Ali’s cousin and good thing he is because my looks is no match for his looks. He’s just like an angel send from God. Okay, I sounded gay. By the way, where is Ali? I looked around and from the corner of my eyes, I saw her coming out from the rest room.


“Sorry for the wait, Kris and Yeollie.”  


“Hey, I think the two of you should go home already. It’s getting late.” Kris said as he messed up Ali’s hair. “Arasso. Arasso.” She smiled. “Let’s go, ChanYeol.” I took a last sip from my hot choco, and left it on the table. “Yah, ChanYeol. Bring her home, Ara?” Getting terrified by Kris’ commanding voice, I nodded and headed outside. “Kris, is weird. But I think he likes you.” Ali whispered in my ears. It is the first time that she’s this close to me.





     ★     ★    ★     

Hi! Sorry for the lame chapter and late update. I'm just depressed over the ticket price. I mean,how can I have those huge amount of money? 3 I'm sad. I'm desperately want to see EXO close-up. I guess, it would be just a part of my dream. 3




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Chapter 7: BaekYeol!!!!
Chapter 6: Lulu will always be a er in this story. Haha
I'm gonna keep tabs on this baekhyunnie's buin. <3 HAHHHAHAHAHA GUSTO DIN! XD basahin ko bukas :D
Can't wait for the updateee~
Chapter 5: Chanyeol's instinctive moves are killing me. Agghhh... XD
rockerchix008 #6
Chapter 1: update soon sis <3 bbuing bbuing~
monkeyingalienhorse #7
Chapter 5: Hehe, funny fic~ ^^
Chapter 4: Update soon!