Ice Cream

Sorry, but I'm Taken by...

"MiHyo are you leaving?" Hoon asked.

"Noona!~ You're leaving?"

"Yes DongHo OPPA!" I emphasized oppa a bit more.

"DongHo when will you stop calling her noona?" SooHyun asked.

"Whenever I feel like it. How do you know if I'm an oppa? What if I'm the same age as you?" DongHo had questioned me.

"You're 1994 like Kai is right?"

"Yup... Where you taking her?" DongHo was confused.


There she goes talking about Kai again. Why him? I just didn't know what to do. I pulled her out of the hotel room and down the hall to secluded area.

"Oppa, why are we here?"



"Well you see, I li..."


"I like..."


"Ice cream. Let's go get some!" I'm such a coward. Why don't I tell her? Why can't I tell her? Should I?


We went to go get ice cream at the shop across the street. We took the back exit to stay away from papparazzi. Who knows how much more papparazzi is out there after the incident. We just sat by the little place with my gear up so no one will know who I am. Disguise for short.

"Now Hyo, what do you want?" I asked her. I don't know. SHe usually only goes to get ice cream with Kai. Kai?

"She would like strawberry." A guy answered for her.

"Oh BaekHyun oppa!" She screamed and hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Shhh~ Someone will find out." MiHyo looked around the place. It was only us and another guy. Who's BaekHyun? He seems familiar. Her boyfriend?

"She would actually like green tea." The other guy interupted. He's a giant, rather good looking giant.

"How would you know?" that BaekHyun asked that giant.

"I actually cared for her, while you played video games. What a thoughtful brother." He replyed sarcastically.

"Hyung?!" I figured.

"Oh nae. Hey Kevin."

"Oh yeah. Kevin meet Kris. Kris meet Kevin." MiHyo spoke.



"MiHyo can I talk to you? In private?" Kris asked.

"Only if I get a hug." MiHyo had said.

"Okay." Kris agreed and hugged her and carried her bridal style and went toward the back of the tiny shop. "Green tea right?"


"Green tea right?"

"Oppa you know me too well."

"2 green teas coming up."

I sat still while I could see Kevin and BaekHyun oppas getting along again and Kris went to order.

"Here's your green tea." A man hid behind a newspaper.

"Excuse me, but who are you?"

"I am your worst nightmare." He put down the newspaper and revealed a mask. He grabbed me up and started to pull me out of the second exit right next to the table.

"Op-!" He muffledd my cries with his hand.


I heard something. What was it? BaekHyun thought and turned away from Kevin. Kevini\ knew something was wrong so he turned around as well.

They then saw Kris drop the ice cream and ran out the door. The followed along. The caught up to him. They ran after the tiny car. Only to stop.

"Dude what happened?" BaekHyun asked.

Kris started to speak in Mandarin and fist were clenched with tears running down his eyes.

"What is he saying?" Kevin interupted.

"I said! MiHyo..." He started to bawl.

"MiHyo what?" Kevin said in English in a worried state.

"MiHyo was kidnapped!" Kevin dropped to the ground. BaekHyun ranted and soon punched a wall, now leaving a hole. Kris stood there trying to control his feelings, to stand strong.

"Call the guys." Kris commanded.

Kevin called U-KISS and BaekHyun called all of EXO. Kris called the police.

The hunt begins.

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I have writer's block guys! The pain!


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Chapter 27: i wanted her to end up with kris but then kai but then kevin.. its weird that she actually ended up with kevin.. :D but yay!! cute story! i really enjoyed it.. ^^
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 26: Really wasnt expecting her to end up with Kevin; but i'm not against it~!
UkissistheB2st #3
Chapter 25: They're so cute together~!!
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 1: Oh so you include kibum and Alexander even though they're not part of the band anymore? At first I was like "9? What is this?" And then I remembered kibum and Xander. It's nice to see fans who still accept them.
UkissistheB2st #5
Chapter 24: I want her to be with Krisus~ :(
babyxgirlx704 #6
Chapter 23: Aw, I feel sorry for Kevin :/ Wish he ended up with her instead haha
Can't wait to see what more surprises you have for us next! xD
UkissistheB2st #7
UkissistheB2st #8
Chapter 21: Omfg, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY KRISUS?!!?
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 20: Ooooh she likes Kris!! Yes!! ^_^