Family Reunion

Sorry, but I'm Taken by...

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No One

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Kevin and YoSeob have been avoiding MiHyo for a while now and she's barely seen them. B2ST is supporting YoSeob, so they don't hang out with her and U-KISS does the same. MiHyo was getting worried. She's been avoiding EXO for the longest. Kai and Kris are still against each other. Kris has EXO-M to back him up. Kai has EXO-K to be with him. When MiHyo are with them, it's war between the two groups. BaekHyun was the only one who didn't care. He would automatically pick you up and leave. He's the only EXO member you would talk to.

MiHyo would always think the same thing. *I'm sorry for hurting you.* She would smile a fake smile and look down at her textbooks again. While she thought of everything she did to hurt them, Kevin was thinking about it as well. *Why are they so much better than us? Than me?* He always smiled with fans, but stumble and trip at home. He was really broken inside. YoSeob felt the same, but he just smiled to stop himself from thinking about you. He had to mature. He wanted to get over you as fast as he can, because he knew he couldn't ever have you.


Kevin and YoSeob were walking down the streets with their diguises on. They did their usual best friend thing. They went to go get coffee and go shopping. Sounds feminine right, but it's not like that. They were walking when they saw BaekHyun come out of the Beanpole store. He was talking to persons that were also in the store.

"I'm getting something to eat. Who wants to come with me?" He asked. It's not fans would know it's them. It was just obvious to the bestfriends that their other best friend was there. XiuMin ran out with SeHun. SeHun and XiuMin pushed each other, since the fight between Kai and Kris had spread to each group.

"Let your hyung go first! Yah!" XiuMin yelled.

"You might be older, but you're my enemy!" SeHun yelped then pushed XiuMin back getting him out. Kevin and YoSeob looked at each other and nodded. They turned around and walked the opposite direction. They passed by a plant about 2 yards away then felt hands on their shoulders.

"Want to join us?" BaekHyun asked with a smile. YoSeob and Kevin blew a puff and turned around. They followed BaekHyun down with XiuMin and SeHun still bickering.


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It was awkward between us. BaekHyun laughed at the two losers. He opened his mouth and said, "You two are lame. SeHun stop fighting with hyung and XiuMin... shame, you're fighting with the youngest member when you're the oldest." SeHun stuck out his tongue and BaekHyun hit his head. XiuMin tried hiding his laugh. BaekHyun glared at him and he stopped. I drank my drink and YoSeob just looked around. I looked at one spot in particular with YoSeob. The escalator. The escalator wasn't what caught our attention. It was the 8 guys coming down. They came and sat on the tables, dividing K from M. On the M table were missing 3 seats. XiuMin got up to sit with the rest of EXO-M. BaekHyun told me to sit with them, but I declined and excused myself. I went to the bathroom, since my cappacino from earlier, soda and smoothie was making me pee.

I came back after I did my thing and saw YoSeob gone. I looked around and saw him getting drinks with BaekHyun. I went to talk to EXO-K for a moment.

"Where's Kai?" I asked. They looked at me and waved.

"He's at a photoshoot." SuHo said as he locked his phone. I nodded my head and I sat on the empty seat. "Yah! Get out of my seat!" YoSeob yelled at me with a smile. He sure is upbeat again. I got up and stared at him with a fist of fury rotating in the area. "Fine! I'll sit with EXO-M." I got up and went to sit next to them. EXO-K scoffed and slurped on their drinks. BaekHyun gave them their drinks and LuHan took the same bubble tea SeHun grabbed. LuHan was excited. "Bubble tea!" SeHun and Luhan looked each other after noticing that both of them said the same thing at the same time. SeHun faked a tear as well did LuHan. "I missed you!" They yelled and hugged like long-lost brothers. Sometimes I wonder if LuHan can make anyone gay.

Kris laughed at the two and they glared at him. "What? Just happy, we're getting closer again." SuHo laughed too. "It's funny how your sister can make us go crazy." He pointed at BaekHyun. "I thought the same." BaekHyun smiled genuinely. The rest were in shock.

"Hyung-deul? What's happening?" SeHun asked and Tao joined in. Chen kept playing with his phone and drinking his coffee. XiuMin went to go buy celebratory food for himself.

"I think we should stop this feud." LuHan continued, "I missed my SeHun." SeHun hugged him tightly.

"A-Yo! I thought the same." ChanYeol busted out causing everyone to laugh.

"Are you sure Kai is okay with all this?" D.O asked with concern over the heartbroken Kai. I was told by BaekHyun that she couldn't date him anymore, because of the feud they had.

"Finally! Family reunion!" YoSeob yelled out and the whole food court looked at them, but no one recognized them. I laughed at how oblivious these fans were. They were wearing our merchandise too. We joined into one group hug. "Can you let go of me? I need to do my celebration dance." Lay said as he put his arm out of the group. We let go of each other and he started dancing "Two Moons". The girls had finally noticed it was EXO, so we made a run for it. "Wait! I forgot my mondoo!" XiuMin was tempted to run back, but if we did it would be over and only EXO11 would be left.

"Pabo YiXing." I shook my head.

"Shut up." Lay said as we were in the car squished together. I forgot my car...

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MiHyo |You|

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I wonder if the guys are okay. I hope they didn't slit each others throats yet. I kept thinking of bad things that might happen.

I heard the door unlock and I looked out of the room. "Umma?" I asked and saw no one then the door bursted open and saw all of EXO, YoSeob and Kevin walk into the house. They sat in the living room and talked and laughed and wrestled with each other. I guess they're back. I walked up to them and sat down beside BaekHyun and Kris.

"Hey, sis." BaekHyun said as he ate some chips.

"Hey." Kris said shyly. Weird of him.

"Hi!" YoSeob said as he waved at me from the dog pile.

"How are you?" Kevin said as he sat on the floor facing me.

"Fine." I smiled and he got up and went to the bathroom.

BaekHyun then chuckled, "He has a small bladder like a girl. I hope he's not a tranny."

"I hope not." Kris said as he went to dig up LuHan.

I like them happy like this and getting along. I went to open the door because I thought I saw my mom come home from being secretary from SiWon oppa's parent's company. I opened the door to see Kai with a girl. He had his arm around her waist and came into the house. I furrowed my brow. I bet he's trying to make me jealous. for him because I'm not. Not even the least.

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Is it working? I whispered into my dates ear, "I don't think it's working, noona. What do I do?"

"Shut up and smile and act lovey dovey." My cousin snickered at me and put on a smile.


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I have writer's block guys! The pain!


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Chapter 27: i wanted her to end up with kris but then kai but then kevin.. its weird that she actually ended up with kevin.. :D but yay!! cute story! i really enjoyed it.. ^^
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 26: Really wasnt expecting her to end up with Kevin; but i'm not against it~!
UkissistheB2st #3
Chapter 25: They're so cute together~!!
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 1: Oh so you include kibum and Alexander even though they're not part of the band anymore? At first I was like "9? What is this?" And then I remembered kibum and Xander. It's nice to see fans who still accept them.
UkissistheB2st #5
Chapter 24: I want her to be with Krisus~ :(
babyxgirlx704 #6
Chapter 23: Aw, I feel sorry for Kevin :/ Wish he ended up with her instead haha
Can't wait to see what more surprises you have for us next! xD
UkissistheB2st #7
UkissistheB2st #8
Chapter 21: Omfg, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY KRISUS?!!?
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 20: Ooooh she likes Kris!! Yes!! ^_^