Hello There!

Sorry, but I'm Taken by...



"What up!"


"Bbuing Bbuing"

"SeHun! Tao!"




"Oppa!" MiHyo ran and hugged him.

"BaekHyun! Don't just keep her to yourself!"


"You mean Baozi." She was corrected by LuHan.

She had hugged everyone of them except for 5. The outrageously tall one was so to die for.

"Hi! I'm D.O."

"I'm JongDae aka Chen."

"I'm Lay." He said quite quietly. Cute.

"Can I get my hug now?" Kai said cutely and opened his arms. She ran into them and hugged tightly.

"And you are?" She said really curious of who this tall expressionless faced man was.

"You don't remember him?" BaekHyun, her brother, asked.

"No, I don't"

"That's hurtful Fluffy." He said in a cute tone, but with expression on his face. No one called me Fluffy other than...

"Kevin? Wu Fan, Kevin?"  She was so puzzled that this guy could possibly be Squishy. (To the Beautiful You)

"I have to go by my stage name now. It's Kris."

"Kris? I like it! Sounds... ay!~" SHhe said the last part seductively.

"I know."

"So Squishy, how did you get so tall?"

"Squishy?!" ChanYeol bursted out. Every one laughed along, while ChanYeol, LuHan and SeHun were on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong with Squishy?" MiHyo asked.

"Yeah, whaat wrong with my nickname?" Kris said.

"Squishy and Fluffy? What wouldn't be wrong?" SeHun answered.

"You guys seem like a couple by calling each other that!" ChanYeol was now crying with SeHun and LuHan. Kai's face flushed red and he walked off.

"Let's go." Kris said to MiHyo.

"Sorry, but I have to meet up with Kevin." She replied giving a sad aegyo face and waved good bye.

"Rejected!" LuHan chimed causing more laughter.

"Yah!" Kris yelled and made every one stop laughing. Then bam! They laughed even louder and now all were in tears except for SuHo and BaekHyun.


{ MiHyo }

"Let's go eat." Kevin said and we left with Eli and KiSeop.

We ordered our food and waited to be served.

" What did you order?" Eli asked.

"Kimchi Chigae." KiSeop said with a big smile on his face.

"I got Bibimbap!" Eli said with his smile from ear to ear.

"Well... I got the Galbi Jjim." Kevin responded.

"I got HaeMul DdukBaegi." I said with my chopsticks up.

We were served our food and it looked delicious!


june_jeju12 HaeMul DdukBaegi

Kimchi Chigae kimchi_chigae_1.jpg


Galbi Jjim

We finished our food and we walked out to see paparazzi everywhere. "Who's this girl?" "She's pretty." "What's your relationship?" Then I was pushed and I fell on Kevin while Eli and KiSeop were getting bombarded with the other paparazzi. My lips were now on his. And my body was supported by his firm arms. I'm so over.


This made me hungry. BaeGoPa. 배고파!

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I have writer's block guys! The pain!


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Chapter 27: i wanted her to end up with kris but then kai but then kevin.. its weird that she actually ended up with kevin.. :D but yay!! cute story! i really enjoyed it.. ^^
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 26: Really wasnt expecting her to end up with Kevin; but i'm not against it~!
UkissistheB2st #3
Chapter 25: They're so cute together~!!
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 1: Oh so you include kibum and Alexander even though they're not part of the band anymore? At first I was like "9? What is this?" And then I remembered kibum and Xander. It's nice to see fans who still accept them.
UkissistheB2st #5
Chapter 24: I want her to be with Krisus~ :(
babyxgirlx704 #6
Chapter 23: Aw, I feel sorry for Kevin :/ Wish he ended up with her instead haha
Can't wait to see what more surprises you have for us next! xD
UkissistheB2st #7
UkissistheB2st #8
Chapter 21: Omfg, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY KRISUS?!!?
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 20: Ooooh she likes Kris!! Yes!! ^_^