People can't fall in love in less than a day!!

Would you take this seriously?


“I thought I was late…” all I had in my mind was to act as casual as possible until I can figure out what is wrong with me.

“No, the teacher called and said today class would start later. I guess she couldn’t talk to you because you are new here” He smiled and walked towards me leaving the girl behind. “Lets go get something to drink before you dehydrate” he took my hand and we started walking.

When we passed by the girl she looked at me full of jealousy and anger. She tried waving at DongWoo pretending to be fine with it but for my surprise he totally ignored her.

On the way to the connivance store I was really quiet; I couldn’t help but wonder what is the relationship between DongWoo and that girl, its clear she likes him but from his reaction I think he is not that much into her, but then why would he let her hold his arm if he doesn’t like her?

“Her name is EunBi” His comment took me completely off guard and all I could do was look at him shocked. How does he know what I’m thinking?

“Oh, She seems nice” just in case they are friends I have to be nice.

“She is, we have been friends since a long time ago because her dad is a good friend of my dad” He smiled and pushed the door open.

They are just friends, that’s good.

Wait! Why would I even care? DongWoo is just someone really nice that I met yesterday. Just a friend nothing else.

“Cool” I smiled back and went straight to the refrigerator. I’m just being so pathetic right now! I mean how more awkward can I be? This is frustrating.

But we didn’t talk about that any more. We just went back to class and danced like there was no tomorrow again. Nothing new happened during the class we just danced next to each other shearing some occasional smiles.

Class was over and all I could do was lie on the floor. I’m so tired.

“Hoya, Come on, EunBi and I are going to go get something to eat, wanna come with us?” Dongwoo offered me his hand to get up from the floor. As I stood up I saw EunBi’s face, she wasn’t happy with the idea at all.

“Sure” And out of nowhere I just accepted the invitation, why? I really have no idea. But I just feel like spending as much time as possible with DongWoo. Time without his smile just seems so dull and empty.

What the hell I’m I thinking? I just met him yesterday! Not even 48 hours have passed and I’m thinking about him like he is something fundamental in my life. Yes he is nice and all but its not like I like him or anything right? People can’t fall in love on less than a day. It’s just crazy.

We went to a typical food restaurant nearby. The conversation wasn’t anything really interesting we just talked about class and how I ended up alone in Seoul. I told them my story skipping some details. DongWoo was impressed I was living alone, I kind of felt he was sad for me because I had no family here so he offered me that I could stay someday in his house.

Dinner was over and we went separate ways, apparently EunBi lived near DongWoo so they took the same bus. I… well I went home alone just like yesterday. 


5 subscribers now!! :) i'm so happy! i hope to read some comments soon :) please do tell me if you like the story until now and if you think something is missing :) LOVE to all my readers. Wait until next monday <3

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blankpaper #1
Chapter 5: Asdfghjkl I'm jumping and rolling around now :D
Kyaaaaa soo cute ^^
salflower #2
Chapter 4: Wowwwww Dongwoo Kissed Hoya!!!! XD
Update soonnnn <3
Alheechy #4
o/ Don't kill me but I'll start to read your fic Cami ;u;/
Chapter 3: awhh Hoya went home alone :(

author nim great story!!! Yadong couple!!! r awesome!
Chapter 3: This story seems to be really good >.<