Beautiful Days Review Shop


| Open | Busy | Closed | Hiring | 

Open: I finished reviewing a few, so I'm opening the shop again!

Hiring: I'm taking applications for reviewers, preferably (but not limited to) those who are willing to critique boyxboy fanfics. 



oo1) Be patient.

oo2) You should be subscribed.

oo3) After your review is complete, please remember to credit in your foreword. I will check your fanfiction five days after the review.

oo4) Get as many reviews as you want. The more help you get, the faster you'll improve.

oo5) I'm here to help and not to hurt feelings.

oo6) The reccomendations section is specifically for fanfics of ninety percent and above. Feel free to check out those fanfics; they all deserve their spot. If you want to get in that section, make sure that your grammar and your plotline stand out--in a good way, of course.

oo7) To see the review rubric, click here.



Table of Contents

oo1) Status List

oo2) Recommended Fanfiction

oo3) Beginning of Reviews






Bias Groups: INFINITE & Block B

Genres: I cannot review /yuri and fics, simply because I do not have enough expertise in those genres to accurately review.



Request for a review

Apply as a reviewer



Reviewer's Note

2013.05.27: Okay, I know it's been forever, but I'm back!  After this week, I'm going to start reviewing again.

Dang, I haven't been here in a while. Um, I'll start reviewing again in a few weeks when I start Christmas break.


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Chapter 7: thank you ^^ I didn't even notice you updated haha! and it's alright. I understand that you have a life and the story is quite long as it is! I started that story early last year, in my senior year of high school and I know it could use some work. I've been out of the writing scene for... well, a whole year now. I thought I would send a review request so that maybe it would encourage me to start up writing again :) I think that you did a great job. If you have any more advice for me I would be glad to hear it. Minho's dad is the way he is for a reason, but I'm trying to figure out how to redo scenes so that Jonghyun stops being so... feminine? and Minho not as manly. It's really hard LOL I'm not good with thick plots, honestly. most of my stories are bland, I guess (at least it seems like it to me) and I'm fairly new at ual scenes, so of course they're not the best, plus I don't like to dwell on them for too long though I know people want them :)
thank you <3
requested :)
Requested :D
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for the review...
And I'll be back! Hopefully with more improvement!
Chapter 6: Thank you so very much! It's a pain to get real criticism now a days, since people don't really want to hurt another's feelings, but I feel I can learn from this :D I'll work hard! I'm a bit excited now haha Thank you again ^-^
Take your time :]
I have requested! Thank You ^^..