Ch. 3 - Kaisoo

Exo OTP Oneshot Collection

Suho walked into the kitchen and yawned. "Good morning everyone."

"Morning hyung.." Sehun said sleepily.

"Where are Jongin and Kyungsoo?"

"They're still asleep in their room." Chanyeol replied.

Baekhyun stood up, "I'll go wake them up."

He walked into Jongin and Kyungsoo's room, finding a huge lump on the king sized bed. His eyes growing big, he slowly approached the bed.

What is this?

Slightly lifting the comforter up, Baekhyun found Kyungsoo wrapped up in Jongin's arms with his head resting on the younger's chest. Baekhyun smirked and took out his phone.


Kyungsoo jerked a bit. Eyes fluttering open, Kyungsoo looked around the room. "Baekhyun hyung?"

"Good morning sunshine! Time to wake up! Tell your boyfriend to wake up and come out to eat breakfast okay?" Baekhyun smirked and walked out of the room.

Scratching his head, Kyungsoo stared at the door. "I swear I could have heard something..."

Jongin groaned and opened his eyes. He pulled Kyungsoo back into his arms.

"Mmm.. Kyungie, go back to bed. It's the middle of the night babe."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, "Yah Kim Jongin. It's already morning babo. Get your lazy up."

"Fine fine. You're so adorable when your grumpy Kyungsoo." Jongin said while pinching Kyungsoo's cheeks.

"Whatever. Just go brush your teeth. Your breath smells horrible."

"It does not!" Jongin yelled.

"It does too. If you ever want a kiss from me again then you better brush your teeth now."

Jongin smirked. "Oh really now?"

Kyungsoo nodded his head. "Yes really. I can't stand of stinky breath and you know that."

Jongin pinned the older to the bed and moved his face closer. "Are you sure you don't wanna kiss me? You know you can't resist me."

"YAH KIM JONGIN! Get off me!"

Leaning down and capturing Kyungsoo's lips, Jongin caressed his lover's cheek. Kyungsoo gave in and kissed back. Lips molded together like a puzzle piece. When they pulled apart, the younger ran his finger over the other's swollen lips. "I love you Kyungsoo."

"I love you too Stinky breath."

"Yah, way to ruin the moment."

Kyungsoo smiled, "No problem!"

Yes! Another chapter down. Hope you guys like it. Leave comments and tell me what you thought!(:

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Lovefunfics #1
Chapter 9: This chapters was so cute..but in krishun..i cried it was angsty but in the end fluffy
thyrami246 #2
Chapter 7: So cuteee!!~ >///< doki doki u///u nice~^^
thyrami246 #3
Chapter 6: I really have to fight the urge to kill kris in this fic.. Urgh he's so damn stupid.. Aishh.. Sehunnaaa~ you're too kimd -,- if i were you i won't return to him /pout
But the story is nice~^^ good job! :D
Chapter 7: Taohun was so adorable and fluffy and uggh . . . I was aww-ing through the entire chapter.
This fanfiction is so fluffy that I have to look up again and again. :)))
Chapter 9: It says baektao in the tags but there isn't a oneshot about them? Please remove the tag then T^T
YunaEunHee #7
Chapter 9: I loved them so much! XD Kai's y stinky breath lol. I really wish there were more Krisyeol and TaoHun shippers! Also for Sulay! And Krishun.... Seriously you picked the best ships ever! TaoHun so adorable! And the Twin Tower couple! :)
chubbymorie #8
Chapter 3: @ch.3.
Waahh! The oh so y yet so ad0rable classic couple..
Kaisoo never fails to make me squeal like crazy even with their simple moments.. *sigh*
-yap. I call them classic couple. Along with baekyeol, hunhan, taoris, xiuchen and sulay...
Th0se were my original... Keke..
chubbymorie #9
Chapter 2: @ch.2
Rily? I never saw sehun w/ any1 other than kai and luhan, i even hated lay when the otp layhan g0t b0rn..
But heck! After i read this fluffy, cute and ad0rable layhun fic.. I was like.. " yah! Kai and luhan st0p messin with layhun! Sehunie is lay's okay!"
chubbymorie #10
Chapter 1: @ch.1
O-kay~ i might say that it is really~ sh0rt..
That was so freakin cute.! ! !
My krisyeol feels are overfl0wing.!!