.part two.

Want You Back [One-Shot]



A bright light entered your vision and you squinted as your dark chocolate orbs fluttered open, taking in your pink room. You slung an arm over your eyes with a groan, wanting to go back to sleep.


It had been almost 2 am before you actually fell asleep out of exhaustion in thinking way too much. Your mind just wouldn't stop replaying that image and those comments though... It was killing you.


You needed to know who she was.


You sighed and sat up in your bed with groggy eyes.


"What time is it?" You spoke to yourself, your voice cracking at using it so early in the morning


Your alarm clock beeped 6:30 am and you sighed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You felt dead but you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep any longer now.


You grabbed your laptop from your side table and switched it on, leaning closer to the screen out of habit.


You logged onto allkpop to see the latest news and scrolled down. Your hand froze on the mousepad, your eyes glued to the top story of the day.


'EXO-M's Lu han has a girlfriend?'


*No...* You shakily clicked the article and scrolled down to read it. You gulped as the same picture haunting your mind was displayed on your screen once more. You tore your eyes away and read the article.


The author of the article talked about the speculations the picture had brought up and about how SM Entertainment had yet to deny or admit to any rumors. Everyone was in an uproar about the possible news of the famous rookie's girlfriend.


You took a deep breath, feeling your heart erratically beating against your rib cage, you felt surreal at the moment.


Was this really happening? Of course.


It's not like Lu han was your boyfriend. Not at all. You had no right to feel this way. You had no right to get angry or upset if he did have a girlfriend. You had no right to care. You shouldn't be caring. So why did you?


You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts and placed your laptop off your lap on another portion of your bed. You stood and brushed off invisible dirt from your shorts and tank top. You decided to do the one thing that always cleared your mind: running.


You hadn't been running in almost a year now. Not since... well not since a while.


You changed into sweat pants and slipped on a sweatshirt, tying on running shoes and grabbing your headphones.


It was pretty early so only a light sunlight illuminated the roads and the air was slightly on the colder side.


You began running when you were a block away from your apartment building and took deep breaths, only focusing on the music pounding from your headphones.


Without realizing, you ran faster and harder, almost into a full out sprint. Your heart was beating hard, pounding inside of you and your muscles were straining, begging and pleading for you to stop but you couldn't. The adrenaline was helping you clear your mind, and you knew that if you stopped, your thoughts would take over once more.


You ran ever harder, pushing it to your limits, needing it.


Your breath was running short and as you shut your eyes to concentrate on the pounding bass of the song, you lost your step. Before you could fall, you caught yourself and leaned your hands onto your knees, your chest rising up and down rapidly. As you caught your breath, you stood straight and looked around. As you turned to your right, the building right next to you made you stiffen.


It was this place. This place. The place where you had felt your happiest. The place where you had felt your worst.


Tianshi Ka. (A/N: Angel Cafe)


The very place that Lu han had first met you. The very place where Lu han had first asked you to be his girlfriend. The very place that Lu han told you that that his dream was to become a singer. The very place that Lu han told you he was moving to Korea to be a trainee for SM. The very place where you broke up with Lu han.


"_____?" A voice suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts.


You turned your head to stare at the same person that has been haunting your mind since yesterday.


Lu han.

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Adorable luhan and cute ending,..ouo love it
Diyanah365 #2
Chapter 5: Yay!!! Happy ending !!!! :)
Chapter 5: it is absolutely cute!
Chapter 5: cute ending! i love it! :) <3
Chapter 5: baobei is baby? ge means bro? idk. im not chinese. but i loves it.
merlis13 #6
Chapter 1: luhan,luhan I like luhan,..thank's author^^