.part four.

Want You Back [One-Shot]



It was silent.


"L-Lu han?" You spoke nervously. He hadn't said anything since your confession, just stared at you with eyes widened in shock.


"You..." he spoke slowly, almost as if he wasn't sure what you were saying, "want me back?"


You hesitantly nodded. You were scared to death at the moment, feeling more fearful than you have ever felt.


He was going to reject you. You knew it. But you couldn't back away now, you needed to hear it from him.


"I-I know you don't want to but-" he cut you off as his hand rose in a stop sign.


"_____" Lu han spoke your name softly. "You broke up with me. Why?"


You tensed. Could you tell him the truth? The real reason you had broken up a year ago after spending almost two years in bliss with each other?


"Tell me." He spoke as if he knew exactly what you had been contemplating in your mind.


You looked down, almost ashamed to meet his eyes.


"SM..." You whispered.


Lu han's eyes widened. "W-What?" He knew what you were saying, yes. But he couldn't believe it. Not until you said it.


"SM Entertainment doesn't allow dating Lu han." You spoke rapidly, shutting your eyes. "I didn't want to get in the way of your dream, I knew how much it meant to you."


Lu han was silent as he stared at you. Your beautiful eyes were invisible to him and he hated how you were avoiding his gaze. You bit your bottom lip and he had the strong urge to touch those soft lips with his own again...


"Look at me." He demanded and your eyes fluttered open in surprise. "_____ ... Why didn't you tell me before?"


You gulped and looked away, letting out a breath as you gazed out at the open street, "You wouldn't have let me break up with you then..."


"You're right." Lu han smiled softly, loving how you knew him so well. "I wouldn't have. But that can be fixed now."


"What?" You looked up at him with widened eyes.


"I still love you, baobei." Lu han smiled shyly. "That never changed."


"G-Gege..." You blinked as tears glinted at the corners of your eyes. *Please don't let this be a dream...*


He opened his arms wide and you didn't hesitate to run straight into them, sighing in bliss only when his arms wrapped around your slim body, holding you against him, right were you belonged.


"I'm sorry." You whispered into his chest.


He placed his chin on the top of your head and smiled softly, "Be my girlfriend again?"


You nodded as a sob raked through your body, you smiled joyfully, "Of course."




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Adorable luhan and cute ending,..ouo love it
Diyanah365 #2
Chapter 5: Yay!!! Happy ending !!!! :)
Chapter 5: it is absolutely cute!
Chapter 5: cute ending! i love it! :) <3
Chapter 5: baobei is baby? ge means bro? idk. im not chinese. but i loves it.
merlis13 #6
Chapter 1: luhan,luhan I like luhan,..thank's author^^