.part one.

Want You Back [One-Shot]



“Hmm… What should I do now?” You asked yourself with a sigh.


You spotted your laptop on the other side of your bedroom and your expression lit up. Crawling over with a groan, being lazy, you tumbled to the floor and then pulled your laptop off your table, onto your lap.


You logged onto tumblr and began looking through your dashboard. Your chin was resting in the palm of your hand as your elbow leaned onto your knee.


“Oh! It’s L.Joe~” You giggled, totally in love with the bad boy of Teen Top.


You scrolled down further when your finger suddenly froze, on the mouse.


*W-What’s this? * You clicked on the post with a slightly shaking finger and gulped silently.


The picture that had caught your attention was of non-other than the baby-faced beauty of EXO, Lu han.


‘It’s his girlfriend!’ One of the tumblr users had commented.


‘Woah he looks nice~’ another one said.


‘Who’s that?!’ the third one questioned.


You gulped, totally agreeing with the third one.


Lu han did look amazing in the picture, that you had to say.


He was sporting a baby blue shirt and skinny jeans but even in those simple clothings, you could see girls all around him in the picture staring at him.


But that’s not what everyone was irking about. It was the girl with him in the picture.


Beside him, was a girl, walking close. Way too close to just be another passerby.


You felt a pang in your heart as you gulped, staring at the picture, unable to draw your gaze away from it. You finger trailed the mouse cursor to the exit button, but you couldn't click it. Every single detail in the picture was popping out at you, like neon signs. You really needed to get away, but you couldn't. A dreaded feeling was entering your body and you felt uneasy in the stomach.


"_____? Are you here?" You heard your best friend's voice ring through the house and you snapped your head to the side, also clicking the mouse so the screen closed down.


If she walked in and found what you were staring at, it would lead to a whole new round of questions. Questions you didn't want to answer.


"Y-YEAH!" You called back to her, shutting your laptop and placing it on the floor and leaving your room.


She was placing the groceries she went to buy in the cabinets and you smiled, going to help her.


"What did you do all day?" She asked you as you worked.


You gulped, your mind wandering back to the picture. "Nothing much. Just lazed around."


"Of course." She laughed with a shake of her head.


You two continued talking and finishing cleaning up until you were done. Then, you decided to watch White (a scary movie) and after just simply at ramen for dinner.


Though you were distracted throughout the rest of the day, it didn't mean the picture had left your mind. No. Whenever you were just sitting there, without work in your hands, you started thinking back.


*Who was that girl?* You couldn't help but keep asking that same question in your head. You let out a silent sigh as you realized there was no answer you would be receiving.


Why did it even matter? It wasn't like you had any right to care who Lu han was with... at least not anymore.


"I'm going to go to sleep." You murmured and dejectedly left to go to your bedroom, leaving your best friend puzzled.


You slipped into bed and shut your eyes tightly but your mind was on full alert. Still assessing the situation at hand. You sighed once more.


*Oh, what am I going to do? Why do I feel like this? It took so long to get over you and now... it's like i never did.*





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Adorable luhan and cute ending,..ouo love it
Diyanah365 #2
Chapter 5: Yay!!! Happy ending !!!! :)
Chapter 5: it is absolutely cute!
Chapter 5: cute ending! i love it! :) <3
Chapter 5: baobei is baby? ge means bro? idk. im not chinese. but i loves it.
merlis13 #6
Chapter 1: luhan,luhan I like luhan,..thank's author^^