Stares And Glares

In Too Deep
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“Mr.Lee, please learn how to do it well! The paperwork needs to be done a certain way and you have to thoroughly read through the proposals.” Donghae smiled forcefully and tried blocking out the annoying lady’s booming loud voice. She had been nagging at him since this morning and he was tired of it. In fact, since he stepped into this building, he should have expected things like this to happen.

“Ladies, Gentlemen, I need you all to gather here today for a very important announcement.” At the hearing of his voice, everyone had gathered around the meeting hall, curious as to what this announcement could mean for them.

Making sure that most of his employees were in the room, he started off slowly. “As you all know my son, Lee Sungmin, current heir of the company, is leading all of you. Till this day, that is.”

The executives around could not help but get a sparkle of hope in their eyes. If the current heir was stepping down, it meant that they had a chance. They had worked so hard to get into this company and tried getting a good position, some even wanting the President’s position themselves. But as they have come to known about the Lee Sons, they lost hope. Why was it that rich people always got what they want? They start off easy and get it easy in the end. While they worked hard day and night in school and in work. They finally made it this far, only for it to be taken away from a fresh graduate. They could definitely not pass up this chance.

“Yes, what you are thinking is right. From today onwards, Lee Sungmin, my second son, will step down from his position.” Everyone in the room was practically jumping around with joy, too distracted with their own thoughts to notice a young man; no older than twenty-one, walking out slowly towards the retired president.

“And my third son, Lee Donghae, will take up the position in his stead.”

The sound of records breaking snapped the business men out of their fantasy and turned sharply to look at the newcomer. He was smiling nervously, hands behind his back while his father was patting his back encouragingly.

This was going to be a long day.

“Mr.Lee, are you listening?!” Donghae snaps out of his quick flashback from a few days ago and comes face to face with his secretary. He inwardly gasps at the exaggerated face the woman had. She was like one of those cartoon characters you’d see in a fantasy movie. Yeah, the evil witch of the West, or the evil stepmother.


Donghae smiles up at her apologetically, eyebrows creasing together while he rubs the back of his head. The secretary just humph at him and walk away muttering something along ‘spoiled brats’.

After deciding that his scary secretary was gone, Donghae releases his breath that he unconsciously held and sinks into his chair. He looked up at his office door –making sure that no one will suddenly barge in, and turned around to look at the view of the city and sighs.

Life’s really been hard these few days for Donghae. Ever since he took over, people of different positions and importance started hating on him. It was like Kim Heechul and Lee Sungmin all over again. Now he understood why Sungmin-hyung disliked the company. Well, maybe he’d find out more soon but for now, suffer.

He sighs again and stands up, deciding that he needed a break. He brought up his left hand to look at his wristwatch.

12:21 PM

Well, I could get some lunch. I deserve it, right? Right?

So deciding to get some lunch, Donghae started walking to his door while thinking about where to go. Just as he opened the door, he got the shock of his life when he came face to face with a fist.

He almost fell down. Almost.

“I am sorry, Mr.Lee. I was just about to knock on your door.”

That certainly did not sound like a sincere apology.

His secretary smiled up convincingly at him –smile obviously so fake.

“It’s okay. Do be careful next time.” Donghae returned her smile and the next minute was spent with them smiling at each other, one awkwardly and another forcefully.

“Well, where are you planning to go, Mr.Lee? Trying to escape?” And she gives another fake smile.

“No, no, just trying to get some lunch. You know, I’m human too. Ahaha, and you know humans, need to eat all three meals a day to stay healthy, haha.” Donghae laughed nervously at her face which was slowly changing from a smile into a frown.

“Well, do hurry, sir. Time is precious, don’t go wasting it.” At her declaration, Donghae’s face contorted in confusion.

“You do have a lot of work to do if you wish to catch up.” Donghae’s frown turned into a full blown glare.

“I will get it done.” He said through gritted teeth, glare increasing and it surprised the woman –but she dare not show it. After waiting for a response, which never came, Donghae walked past his secretary and left her standing there, a scowl frozen on her face. That’s when a worker noticed her.

“What’s the matter, Mrs.Seong?”

A moment for thought and then she replied.

“Nothing, I just think that this one is going to be a different story.”

Grr. Urgh. Aish. I hate that woman. How could she say that? I get that I’m not exactly the smartest or anything, in fact I know nothing about business but, oh god, the nerve of that woman.

As Donghae was trying to calm himself, he started to notice the stares and whispers around.

That’s him. That’s the other son who’s going to take over.

Man, rich pe

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7/9/16 Edited


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LeeEunhae93 #1
Chapter 9: Reading this in 2019..hope you will update this
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 9: Hey this story indeed update as soon as possible k.. I'm waiting.
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 9: love it...
update soon
257471 #4
Chapter 9: this is great, please update soon :)
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 9: love ur update,. thanks for the update..

Chapter 9: dramatic entry... XD Iike that part..
Chapter 8: omg... siwon, zhoumi and yunho are much taller than hyuk...
that must be cute.. XD
Chapter 7: Lee bro father so proud of their passionate brotherly love!lmao!
and sungmin acting....hahahahaha!!!

~your old reader~ ^.~
Chapter 6: siwon and hangeng will get their present soon...hahahaha!!
hyukjae is scary when he's mad or!
Chapter 5: Dh soon will take the heir position..
must be so hard...
well, good luck for him