Nothing But Whispers

In Too Deep
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Running.   I'm running. Running as if hell was chasing me. Drops of sweating sliding down my neck. I was gasping for air. My body begged me to stop. But I couldn't. Just run. That's what they said. So I ran. I ran without thinking. Not looking back. My sides were hurting, tears streaming down my cheeks, flushed from all the heat gathering due to the run. I thought about what happened. I thought of why I was running. Then I remembered.    That day was just like any other normal day. I went to school, skipped class and then it was time to go home. I was stopped by some classmates asking me if I'd like to hang out with them. Being the nice guy I was, I accepted their offer. We went to karaoke and sang songs. At that time I was stupid for not knowing they were just using me. They rented the VIP room, bought lots of drinks and all kissed up to me. I wasted a ton of money then. Maybe more than a 100 bucks. And then my phone rang. I was glad that I could escape that room. It was too wild and noisy in there. Although I was glad, I felt nervous all of the sudden. My phone was ringing. But the caller ID was unknown. I never answered unknown numbers. But something about this told me to answer it. So without a second thought, I did. And after that, the nervous feeling I felt just now grew stronger as the person on the other line spoke. I could still remember those words as if they were engraved into my brain.    " Hello? Is this Mr.Lee Hyukjae? Do you perhaps have any relation to Mrs.Lee Seong Hye? ... She was committed into our hospital ICU about 1 hour ago. She has undergone an operation and we need a family relative or guardian to sign some documents. Please come to Hanyang University Medical Center* about a 10 minutes walk from your house address. Sir? Si- "   Everything was a blur after that. All I could recall was me running. Towards some place. Just like the dream I was having. Dream. Dream? I'm dreaming? And I'm not running anymore. It was more like I couldn't move anymore. My body was frozen on the spot.    You've got to go back. Don't run away Hyukjae!   So I did. I turned back round again and ran. Different from just now. This time, I felt the need to run. This time no one was telling me to run. I just needed to. I saw the hospital. I was getting nearer but then I realized something. What was I going to do there? Mom's went through an operation. She's safe. But on the other hand, we had nothing. We were penniless.  We couldn't pay for the medicine, let alone the operation fee. Then before I realized it, I out.      I guess I was still dreaming. I was in a different place this time. I could recognize that I was in a dark alley. This place gave me the shivers, there was this weird feeling as if I had been here before. As I was spacing out I heard a loud scream. I looked towards the direction of the scream and saw two man dragging a young man into the alley which I am currently in. The young man had jet black hair and fair skin. He was wearing a white, long sleeved blouse with an over-sized sleeveless sweater and just some jeans to pair it with. Now that I look closely at him, he looks like he's in high school.   'Let me go!' The young man shouted, begging the two man who were literally dragging him in. And then it struck Hyukjae.    Hadn't this happen to me before? Is-isn't that... Me?   No. No no no!   " No! "    Hyukjae darted up from his bed, panting. Just like in his dream.    Just a dream. It was just a dream, Hyukjae. Wake up.    He sat there, thinking and try to calm himself. Once he cleared his mind, he got out of bed and to the bathroom to do his morning routines.   After about an hour of preparing and eating breakfast, he was finally ready to go out. He got out of the house and locked the door before going. On his way to wherever he was going, he dropped by the Flower Shop to get some flowers and bought some food at the nearby convenience store. After buying most of the stuff he needed, he took a cab to his destination.   Arriving there, he paid the cab driver and stood in front of a hospital, looking at it from ground to top. Everytime he comes here, he can't help but remember the memory he so badly wanted to erase from many years ago. When his mother was first admitted.   Hanyang University Medical Center.   'Hanyang University Medical Center. Is mom really in there?'   And after so many years, she is still in the same hospital but different room.    After standing there, absentmindedly, he finally started walking in into the hospital to visit his mom.     ---     " Hyukjae. " The fragile woman called for her son who was currently busy arranging the newly bought flowers from just now into a vase.   " Yes mom? " He answered back, not looking at her but at the flower, pondering on how he should arrange it to his mother's liking.   When she did not answer him back, he looked at her to find her smiling at him. Surprised at her sudden greeting, he smiled back.   " How have you been, Jaekin? " She asked him, calling him by his pet name that she came up with.   " I've been good, mom. " H
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7/9/16 Edited


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LeeEunhae93 #1
Chapter 9: Reading this in 2019..hope you will update this
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 9: Hey this story indeed update as soon as possible k.. I'm waiting.
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 9: love it...
update soon
257471 #4
Chapter 9: this is great, please update soon :)
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 9: love ur update,. thanks for the update..

Chapter 9: dramatic entry... XD Iike that part..
Chapter 8: omg... siwon, zhoumi and yunho are much taller than hyuk...
that must be cute.. XD
Chapter 7: Lee bro father so proud of their passionate brotherly love!lmao!
and sungmin acting....hahahahaha!!!

~your old reader~ ^.~
Chapter 6: siwon and hangeng will get their present soon...hahahaha!!
hyukjae is scary when he's mad or!
Chapter 5: Dh soon will take the heir position..
must be so hard...
well, good luck for him