

“ turn …

breath …

if you target a man’ s heart he still react for 8 secs ..

in the eye , you reach the center of reflexes the death is  instantaneous  “


“ each one can possess a weapon , but kills requires courage , everybody isn’t able to do it … “


I kept telling her everyday and  in  every lesson a new way , teaching  her , our duty was to take revenge in the name of our grandpa’s soul , my sister Hinata and me were the only survivors to a murder that happened in our village , years ago we lived in Japan , and my sister was born there which her Japanese name came from , there was known to be a war from centuries between our and the neighbor’s village , yet with the time and civilization’s mind they decided to forget about it and live peacefully . We lived with our grandpa , since we were always told that our parents are in a place and will never comeback  -but now I’m sure that they were  killed too- my grandpa was the head of the village , everyone loved and respected him , everyone was happy until the day when he brutally came and pushed  us to the cellar.

I was sixteen and  Hinata younger than  me by few years , we didn’t understand  anything until we heard sudden  gunshots .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~



“ euuum Hae kun! But I don’t know how to do this!”

“ how many times I have to tell you , it’s oppa not kun , we’re not in japan!”

“ But Kun suits you beeetter  hehehe “

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


We were terrified and waited days to leave the place our grandpa hid us , just to be more shocked to see bloods everywhere , now becoming darker , and a body laying there , grandpa’s one .


We came back to Korea afterwards , we didn’t figure any problems since all our family’s wealth was in our name . But even if nothing was needed , the burnt in our heart would never blow out  thus we swore we would inflict and impose that fate to everyone .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


She shouted as I entered the home

“ I know what I want to do!! I will study law!”

“ are you sure ?? “

She nodded vigorously and grinned .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


Everything went smoothly , we practiced a double life , in the day we are good students and in the night we are snipers , I would in every night , or with the start of every dawn teach Hinata some supports on how she must attack and work , we can say she did everything  or almost , when I was her tutor , but also I was looking for the real ones who destroyed our lives , our lives were goodly planned , perfectly synchronized , not until those past days , something in my sister’s behavior changed ..

It started with coming late for her sniper courses and being inattetive to the point of even  leaving a hint to the police , a lock of her hair , I would always ask her but she wouldn’t answer , I was starting to suspect some things but I wanted to make sure of it myself thus I looked for anything in her room that could give me answers until I found it , a diary! I was surprised at first , a diary is definitely not her style but browsing just the first page of it made all my suppositions right , she was in love .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


She called when we were watching Tv , “ yes Hina ?” I answered and smiled .

“ I’m I beautiful ? “

I was taken aback by this unexpected question “ hmm .. of course you are!” I tried to smile , but I was honest .

“ reaaaaally!!!” she grinned

I nodded and  ruffled her hair .

“ and what’s the most beautiful thing in me ?” she asked eyes wide and lips slightly parted waiting patiently my answer , this was a little awkward and new , but I chuckled “ your eyes “

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

She loved someone named Lee Hyuk Jae .

I sighed heavily , this mustn’t happen  .

I didn’t say anything but kept my eye on her but I never had the chance to see him , I was wondering where they were meeting .

Time passed , an old friend of her came back , and Hinata was going to Japan suddenly and I followed her , first because I don’t trust at all Hi , since she have a good part of what caused us this , and second because Hyukjae will accompany them . Yet I lost them in the way and I came too late and found my sister’s body on the empty field near a temple , fire everywhere .

She was dead .

They killed her .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

 “ “ she smiled fadly as I held her tightly , “ I t-*cough* I tried.. I know you are..angry with me *cough* I know you already knows everything…”

“ssh don’t talk , we’ll discuss this later just please conserve your strength I’ll bring you soon to an hospital-“

“No..” she held faintly my hand “ I’m s-sorry..oppa.. , I love you a lot “ she smiled weakly , and her hold started to fade

“ hina no please hold on sometime!!” her hand dropped on the ground and I saw how her eyes ‘s light faded and started to darken “ no please..”  for the first time in a long while my eyes watered and the tears flew so heavenly on my little’s princess’s pale face , I cried , so hard .

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


The news quickly propagated and within no time all our relatives were reunited , she was a sweet girl and everyone loved her , even strangers, she had that weird thing that cant let you hate her , everyone loved her , all our family loved her , it’s why all took care of her after our grandpa’s death.


I was doing my duty as the closest relative to her and was receiving people’s condolences beside her tomb , they were told that she had a sudden illness and died and not surprisingly everyone believed it . I was shaking the hands of the random people barely remembering their faces , it was still the middle of the morning and I was already exhausted , but my rights prevented me to escape before the ceremony was over , as I bowed to an old aged man he passed away to let the turn to another guest , I breathed mentally and prepared my self and looked at the said person just to frown a bit , I don’t remember seeing him before , he was quite young , having confused feature and dressing formally , he slowly came and offered me his hand , I accepted it politely and smiled a bit


“ Thank you for coming Mr .. ? “                     

I shook the thoughts of my head and figured it’s just someone’s friend or a part of family or so , and just asked casually waiting for an answer .

“ I wish you my best condolences , please be strong , and I’m Hyukjae , Lee Hyukjae “

With each flying word that he pronounced it was like venom to hear , I looked at him with disgust , he still is daring to come after that he was the cause of her death! Morron .

My blood rushed and my hand tightened on his , but I wouldn’t show him that , no I wouldn’t yell at him , I forced a smile and bowed a little but my hand just wouldn’t want to loosen that I myself didn’t realize until he groaned a little .

“ I’m sorry “ I faked a smile , he shook lightly his head and stepped back almost quickly , his face was mixed thus he reached the exit immediately , I stood there not knowing what to do , I mustn’t let him go , no , not until I know something about him , I tried to move but more people would just block my way , I watched him as he regained the exit gate and then , there I noticed something , I smirked .

Lee Hyukjae , I will find you soon .

And then..

I will kill you .








oooh how mush long i didnt peek here ><

missed this fic and it's readear thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis mush *open wide my arms*

as you could notice it was Donghae who was talking here , do i need to mention it ??

so how is your impression in this chap??

please comments and subscrible alot^^

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hima_kawaii #1
Chapter 8: wha--- i'm confused here kkkkk~ >.<
anyway thank for the chapter :3
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 7: huuwwaaaa!!!!! hae!!!!! you.... hoowaaaa :O

i missed you too author-nim ^^
eastcandle90 #3
Chapter 6: what actually happened here...
who actually those girls????
the important one....where is my hae????^^
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 6: yeah i'm sure there will be many things that will happen in the trip....
so hyuk's gay ?? :D kekekeke
hima_kawaii #5
Chapter 5: well not bad though :)
hima_kawaii #6
Chapter 4: the new student hae !!!^^
how come hyuk mistaken hae as a girl????
aaaaaa i'm curious about the detective hyuk kekekeke~
Chapter 3: Whoa this is intriguing xD
Update soon!
eastcandle90 #8
Chapter 3: owh!!!!!!!..i thought you gonna make hae as a girl...i don't really like gender switch to be true....this is some magical story or something like that?????...owh...i will wait..please update
thanks for the update^^
hima_kawaii #9
Chapter 3: aaa at first I thought Hae's a girl kekekekekekeke I don't like GS though... :)
waaaaa I'm more curious, could it be that there's something magical??? ahahahahahahaha I want more update okay.... ^^
and thanks for this chap ^_^
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 2: catmoon=donghae????????? kekekekekeke update soon :)