Lies .


“ H-hae ? “ I asked , still not believing .


She smiled sarcastically


“ Dear Hyukjae .. “ she voiced , her voice a bit changing “ your criminal was with you all the time , I thought you’ll be smarter than this “


I chocked , it was her ?! The sniper is her ,?!

Oh God of course ! Her walks in the roofs in night and her knowledge in explosion make her a good suspect !




“ Why ? “ I asked


She smiled fadely “ if I just could know it too … Since the day they did it I promised myself to take revenge ..”


“ they did what ? “ I tried to figure out


She looked sadly at a picture and answered “ killed my grandpa “


Yes !! now I know where I saw that old man ! It was when I brought her notebook from her room that day , so it’s her grandfather !


“ but those people are innocent Hae-“


“ Also my grandpa was innocent ! They killed him without reason ! and .. and just the fact to see that they laughed happily while seeing the pictures , like anything happened , like it’s not their fault that that happened make me see them like sinful insects “


She started cry , it must be hard yet she still don’t have the right .


Suddenly burn smell was in the air , I glanced up and saw that everything was in fair !


“ Hae there is fire ! Let’s g-“


“ You’re not going to anywhere Lee Hyukjae , if we must die we’ll die together !”

She stated and pointed her weapon right in front of me .


“ Hae!!” I tried to raison her


“ I’m sorry “ she sobbed “ I wasn’t like that before , it’s them who changed me , I’m sorry “ she cried and prepared the weapon to shot in me


“ ha-HAE!! “ suddenly a big wood dropped on her , falling her down , I looked up it was the ceiling wood , the temple start to ruin , I glanced back at the lying body , the big wood on her .

I quickly removed the heavy hard thing from her and carried her looking for an exit .


I soon found some lights coming from a door and rushed there , relieved that it was leading out the Temple .


After many steps away , hearing the cracks of the Temple falling down  I put Hae down and started shake her


“ Hae ? Hae are you alright ? “


She didn’t answer and no one was there , I looked for a save place and laid her there , then ran with all the strength I have to look for help .




“ Please sir by here “ an old man dressed with black like all the others who was in that big field showed me the way of the entrance .


There were many names graved , yet I looked for a particular one but I didn’t find it , I saw a bunch of people , ladies , kids and old ages men all encircling the shaped rock , I guessed it was the right one and I headed there .


The name graved there was Hinata Lee and I frowned .


“ Exuse me is this Hae’s funeral ? “ I asked one of the men there , he looked at me with pale face and nodded “ yeah he is there you can go to him “ he informed .


“ huh ? “ I stunned , “ I’m sorry but Hae is the one who died “ and it’s a she , I continued mentally .


The older man frowned “ no Mr. DongHae is the death person’s older brother , her sister is Hinata , poor her she was found abandoned near a burnt Temple , she was sweet girl …. Mr. Hae is there beside the tomb if you want to wish condolences to him “


Eh ?


I snapped back from my double shock as more people pushed me lightly wanting to attend the ceremony .


I almost stumbled when I wanted find a place to sit and think , I was lost , lies , all that was just lies , I lived in big lies , from the hidden identity of her ( sniper ) , to her fake name and now her death … despite what others can say when I came back that day to bring a medical team the body was no where to be found , and it was just after my comeback to Korea that I knew her death’s news …


I cant believe this !


I stood up and wanted to leave , not standing all that , but something in me wanted me to still and at least see who’s that Hae , the REAL Hae .


I turned and went take my place in the long line of people who wait to wish condolences to the closest relative , and as my turn finally came , I was greeted by a pale face and red eyes , he smiled fadely and handed me his hands , I took his hand never leaving contact with his eyes


“ Thank you for coming Mr .. ? “


His voice sounded so broken and hoarse .


“ I wish you my best condolences , please be strong , and I’m Hyukjae , Lee Hyukjae “


Suddenly his hand tightened on mine as I finished my words , becoming colder on my palm , I frowned a little and looked at him just to be greeted by cold glare , pursing lips and stern face .




an: shocked?:p

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hima_kawaii #1
Chapter 8: wha--- i'm confused here kkkkk~ >.<
anyway thank for the chapter :3
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 7: huuwwaaaa!!!!! hae!!!!! you.... hoowaaaa :O

i missed you too author-nim ^^
eastcandle90 #3
Chapter 6: what actually happened here...
who actually those girls????
the important one....where is my hae????^^
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 6: yeah i'm sure there will be many things that will happen in the trip....
so hyuk's gay ?? :D kekekeke
hima_kawaii #5
Chapter 5: well not bad though :)
hima_kawaii #6
Chapter 4: the new student hae !!!^^
how come hyuk mistaken hae as a girl????
aaaaaa i'm curious about the detective hyuk kekekeke~
Chapter 3: Whoa this is intriguing xD
Update soon!
eastcandle90 #8
Chapter 3: owh!!!!!!!..i thought you gonna make hae as a girl...i don't really like gender switch to be true....this is some magical story or something like that?????...owh...i will wait..please update
thanks for the update^^
hima_kawaii #9
Chapter 3: aaa at first I thought Hae's a girl kekekekekekeke I don't like GS though... :)
waaaaa I'm more curious, could it be that there's something magical??? ahahahahahahaha I want more update okay.... ^^
and thanks for this chap ^_^
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 2: catmoon=donghae????????? kekekekekeke update soon :)