The trip


“ Hyuuuuuuk !! “


She kept calling me in the break , following me


“ hyukkkieee com’ooon I’m sorry “


“ don’t you ‘hyukki’ me “


She grinned “ so you forgave me ? “


I rolled my eyes and continued on my way .


Earlier she was soo loud about ‘ us ‘ , she kept saying how we met and stuffs and all gave me teasing looks , I HATE THAT .


We kept walking all the way and I let her accompany me , she have some weird thing that prevent me from saying no .


Fortunately she don’t share with me the next classes … except from the last course , chemistry one .


“ Students , today we will try to mix some products , so please each two work in a mixture “ the teacher declared as we all spilled into pairs , me was with Yesung .


“ Good , now each one take the Cl-( cloror)“ the teacher who was in the center showed us as we followed him “ and pour a little of Na ( sodium ) with it “ he continued


“ NO “ someone shouted what made the teacher almost throw all the products , and all turned to the noise’s direction , Hae .


I sighed and turned back .


“ excuse me teacher , but the result of this two product will results a disaster “ she objected and I turned to face her again , the teacher frowned but she still continued “ Cl- and Na  are two products usable in wars , what mean that mixing them will result a big explosion sir “

She ended , her face showed knowledge and serious , not the careless and noisy girl she used to be .


The teacher thanked her for the important information , a little embarrassed because as a teacher he ignored that fact and continued the experience casually .


I noted my self to ask her latter about the issue , she seems – surprisingly - having knowledge in explosions and weapons .



It was lunch time , and I went to home , there were some strangers with my father , I assume they were his partners .


I went in the living room , ready to walks up to my room


“ Oh Hyukjae ! “ my dad called me .


I turned to face him and smiled to him .


“ If you still want to go in the mean place of the kills , the equip is going in less than 15 mins “ he informed me and went back to his business .


Aish , why in a time like this , but I  have no choice , I climbed quickly the stairs and changed from my uniform to casual clothes , bought with me some notepad and my camera .


After some time I went to one of the survey group’s van .


In the main place , the crime’s place was circled by yellow taps and even if I was allowed to watch I wasn’t thought allowed to enter in the tap’s circle , yet with my camera I had no problems , it have a high zoom .


I started zooming the cadaver , from the blood’s victim – dark red going to black – it seems the kill wasn’t  committed in a soon time , maybe last night .


I noted that in my notepad .


I continued watching through the screen , and something caught my attention , I adjusted more the zoom , yes it’s real !! An index !


I called out one of the scientifique police


“ there I think there is an clue “ I pointed at the left arm of the victim – a young man - .


The Sc.Po guy ran and effectively found it , it was a strand of hair , slightly long but not too mush , and cant belongs to the victim because the latter had black and curled hair while the strand was straight and brown .


The whole evening spent like that , fortunately I brought with me my bottle of milk , since I didn’t eat .


It was already dark when we were back to our house , one of the van accompanied me to the house while dad has something left to do .


As I stepped inside my room I went directly to cool down under the warm shower , it was a pretty tired day .


After dressing my clothes ,  I was drying my hair but something poke in my head , the notes !

Since I didn’t attend this evening in class I need to have what they scribbled in their notebooks .


I was going to call yesung until a loud thud came from outside , near my window precisely , I ran to check up and found a lying body , I quickly climbed the window


“ Are you all right ?! “


“ my arm … “


I looked at the arm and it was blocked with some nail in the wood roof , I took the little towel that stilled in my shoulder and banded  the big wound , at least to stop the running blood . But the situation was indeed delicate .


“ you’ll need to go to the doctor as soon as possible “ I declared as I approached the body , but none responded , the face was covered with hair -….. long hair !


I should know it , who else can break in in roofs at night except her .


Since mom and my sister must slept now , I deal alone with the problem . I lifter her and went troughs the rescue stairs .


The first person who appear in my mind was dad , I called him and with no time a van came .


“ She have big cut on her arm due to a iron nail“ I informed .


“  so the wound must be disinfected before the iron disperse in the blood “ a tall guy answered , one of the laboratory team .


After almost an hour waiting , I took the opportunity to read some folders of the issue , since it’s the central district police’s laboratory who took care of her , two laboratory assistant came with her .


“ Hi hyukjae “ one greeted me as I bowed , “ here you  have nothing to worry about she is totally fine “ she informed and bid me goodbye .


“ Are you okay ? “ I asked , she nodded .


“ I’ll take you home “


“ thank’s hyukkie “ she grinned .


Since it wasn’t too far , we decided to go back walking .


“ what were you doing up at that hour ? “ I asked


She kept silent then answered “ to see you ? “ she grinned .


I sight and kept walking , deciding it’s better not to talk .


We arrived to her house , who seemed some blocks away from mine .


“ here , have a nice dreams “ I bid goodbye


“ wait “


I turned ;


“ don’t you need this evening’s notes ? “


Oh yes , I remembered .


I smiled .


“ you can go in and take them , they are in my desk “ she smiled , showed me the way and disappeared .


I went to the room , looks like it’s her room , and took the note book who was near a picture showing a happy family , wife and husband each one holding a baby and beside there was an old man , I smiled he have grey eyes too .


I went out , looked for her to thank her but she was no where , so I just left .







I was sitting up , waiting for the sun to raise , it always mesmerised me the way it raise .


Almost a month passed , and in every day of it the sun would wake up each day late with some minutes of the day before .


“ Hyukiiiiiie !! “


I looked down and smiled , grab my back and went down .


“ Good mooorning , wanna some milk ??? “


I took a little bottle and open it .


It’s began an habit that Hae pass by me every morning , so I just let it be .


On the way , she used to go greet an old woman , I sat on a bench beside the little garden’s home and looked at my watch while sipping a little of the milk , there still half hour left before the courses began .


“ Ohayo gozaimasu “


I looked up and saw some girl ,


“ Ohayo “ I greeted her back in Japanese .


She smiled .


Sumimasen* , do you know any girl living here ? “ she asked .


I smiled waiting for her to continue .


She got the clue and continued , knowing that she didn’t give mush information


“ umm , her name is Hin- “


HI  !!!!! (a/n the name “Hi” is reading as “hee” ) “ some one shouted , the girl – that I suppose her name was Hi – turned and her face lightened .


I turned , it was Hae .


“ OMG Hi IS THAT REALLY YOU !!! “ she shouted and hugged her .


I glanced at my watch , and decided to advance them and go .


At lunch time we decided me and Yesung to skip the lunch and go to the library instead , there were some data that still need arrangement .


No one’s POV


“ so what brings you here Hi ?!! “ Hae asked her friend grinning , she couldn’t believe that her childhood friend came back .


Long time ago she lived in Japan , but Hae’s family were obligated to go back to Korea and until then their communication was cut .


Hi smiled and took out her bento “ I just missed you Hi-“


“ hmm Hae , it’s Hae “ Hae cut her friend and smiled awkwardly .


Hi frowned a bit but shrugged , “ as you like miss HAE “ she winked and both girls laughed and continued their chitchat while eating .




“ You know , “  Hi said while walking back to home , it was noon , “ I came here to ask you if you would like to come with me to Osaka Yemple , it was my grandpa’s place and since his death’s date is soon I wished to be there “


Hae stopped , thinking .



Hyukjae’s Pov .


“ Good bye Hyukjae “ Yesung bided me goodbye .


“ Bye “ I nodded .


I turned and massaged my neck , it’s been almost 4 hours that we studied on our project in the library , yet I was happy , there is just some edits left .



“ hey “ some one called , turned to the voice’s direction and frown .


She smiled , it was that girl who asked me today , I almost confused her with Hae , since both have same eye’s colour . Behind was hae , she shook her head and had a worried face


“ I just wanted ask you … “ I gave back my intension to Hi , “ if you would like to go on a trip with us “ she said .


I looked at her confused .


“ I mean me and Hae “ she ended .


“ No just don’t give her attention she’s just fooling around “ Hae occured


“ No no I would really like you to come with us “ Hi objected .


“ Sorry , but a trip to where ? “ I asked ,


“ Japan “ Hi said smiling “ to Osaka Temple precisely “


I kept quite for a moment thinking .


“ Com’oooon it’s just one day just oone “ Hi pleaded


But why I must go with them , better reject politely


“ I-“


“ Hae come here help me ! “ Hi shouted to Hae , and I closed my mouth


Hae sighed heavily and ran to me “ Yes pweeeeze come with us “ she showed me her puppy grey two eyes that become four with her friend’s .


No I am not agreeing .


They blinked both in same time .


And certainly not going .


They pout together .




“ Okay “ I finally declared , surprised by my own answer .


I left the two squealing girls and went feeling weird .


“ Hyukiiiiiiiiie “ hae called , I sighed and turned .


“ DON’T FORGET ITS TOMORROW AT 6 AM “ she shouted and I turned back and almost shock out .


“ some one is being too close with girls “ Boa smirked right in front of me .


I pushed her lightly in the side and continued to walk “ what are you saying “


“ for some one who is not into girls it’s weird “


I sighed .


“ yeah , weird “ I muttered


I opened the house and reached to my room .


After taking a shower I started arrange my bag for tomorrow .


I went down , it was dinner time , I helped in dressing the table and sat ; as the rest of the family sat too and all said the thanking wish , I called


“ dad “


He hummed as he began fill his plate with some mit


“ Tomorrow I will be absenting for all the day “


“ why is this ? “


“ I have a little trip “


“ to where ? “ mom asked


“ to Japan “


All shocked out and Boa who started to cough due to shock.


“ JAPAN !!! “ she shouted surprised .


I nod .


“ alone ? “ dad asked .


“ No , with two …. Friends “


He eyed mom , and mom nodded and smiled warmly .


“ It’s okay , you’ve been working a lot , just go and have fun “


My father who was near me patted my shoulder .


I smiled .






Many things will happen in that trip O.O !


Sumimasen = Excuse me / Sorry in jap .

And Hi that is read as “ hee “ mean fire in Japanese , just info plus ^^


Ah for the phisyque products I’m not sure of if they really explode together do they?^^”

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hima_kawaii #1
Chapter 8: wha--- i'm confused here kkkkk~ >.<
anyway thank for the chapter :3
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 7: huuwwaaaa!!!!! hae!!!!! you.... hoowaaaa :O

i missed you too author-nim ^^
eastcandle90 #3
Chapter 6: what actually happened here...
who actually those girls????
the important one....where is my hae????^^
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 6: yeah i'm sure there will be many things that will happen in the trip....
so hyuk's gay ?? :D kekekeke
hima_kawaii #5
Chapter 5: well not bad though :)
hima_kawaii #6
Chapter 4: the new student hae !!!^^
how come hyuk mistaken hae as a girl????
aaaaaa i'm curious about the detective hyuk kekekeke~
Chapter 3: Whoa this is intriguing xD
Update soon!
eastcandle90 #8
Chapter 3: owh!!!!!!!..i thought you gonna make hae as a girl...i don't really like gender switch to be true....this is some magical story or something like that?????...owh...i will wait..please update
thanks for the update^^
hima_kawaii #9
Chapter 3: aaa at first I thought Hae's a girl kekekekekekeke I don't like GS though... :)
waaaaa I'm more curious, could it be that there's something magical??? ahahahahahahaha I want more update okay.... ^^
and thanks for this chap ^_^
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 2: catmoon=donghae????????? kekekekekeke update soon :)