Chap tree


While finishing some researches in the library , I bid the owner goodbye and went .

In our place I stopped at the shop


“ Bottle of milk ? “ the cashier asked me as I smiled nodding.


From one week , I used to buy bottles of milk for the little cat I’ve meet  a week ago ;

 For one week any trace of ‘ catmoon ‘showed .

I kept almost all my time on the roof looking for a particular person , but in vain .

I even started to ask myself if it wasn’t a kind of spirit that appear in late time when the moon filled completely and that I accidentally spot it since it was too late , or maybe I was too sleepy and just imagined it , yet the singing was too real to be a simple blink of eye .


I paid the cashier and continued my way , still thinking at the same and only topic that played in my head earlier and during all this week .


Today the little cat didn’t come to my slight deception , I was being attached to it in that short time ..

“ Jae come down the dinner is ready “ Boa waved for me from her room’s window


“ Just start , I’m not feeling like eating now “


She paused a little wanting to protest but just let it in the end


“ Good night then “ she smiled and went muttering ‘anchovy’ word .

In the same time I led my self to my room and slept .



The next day was a week end , I woke up early when just the moon changed his clothes to a sunny one ,  put on my tracksuit and went for a jogging , my father , who used to exercice too , rejoined me in no time .


“ Good morning “ he greeted me , jogging in same pace as mine .


“ Good morning dad “ I greeted him back


“ you’ve been quiet those days , I mean too quiet for your habit , something mattering you ? “


We turned by some houses and raised the speed a little .


“ No it’s just … study “


“ Mm. “


“ So how’s your work ? “ I asked as I turned so I’m facing him and jogging by back .


“ It’s good , nothing serious just ordinary ligitations “


“ mmm ,, or maybe you cant confrond the real complicated files anymore “ I


“ what ? “


“ see you even can’t follow me , you’re starting to get oldy dad “ I stick my tongue out


Wh--me?! Let’s see who’s getting older ! the first one reach the home wins! “


“ Deal ! “ I said laughing and turned because unlike my words my father still have a perfect body despite his middle age and can easily surpass me .


We played in the middle of the city like a crazy kids making pranks to each others to run over the other easily , after some minutes I could see the gate pf our house with my dad beside me by millimetres , I increased my speed and we arrived at last together .

Each one rested his hand on the other’s shoulder panting and laughing .


“ So who’s the oldy huh ? “


I stick my tongue out as he rubbed my hair softly , playfully .


“ Com’on boys , a healthily breakfast for our athletes “ my mom declared from the door handing us little towels and I could see her eyes slightly watering .


“ Good morning mom “ I kissed her cheek while threw the towel over my neck .


I went upstairs to change to a dry clothes , and just when I was about to open the closet my eyes went to the little white thing behind the window.

I opened the window “ you came “ I smiled and the cat’s little head , she purred and ran away .


“ Wait ! I have something for you ! “ I took the little bottle from my desk and climbed the window to the roof , but she disappeared again .


I stilled there looking around and contemplating the city in same time , and like each time I do it I got lost in my thoughts .


When I realized that I still with my wet tracksuit top I stood up to go back .


“ Oh ! MILK ! “  someone shouted nearby , I turned to face the sound when I saw a girl gulping all the bottle up swallowing every drop of milk in it.


“ Aaaah ~ “ she wiped her little white mustache with the back of her hand .


I was too surprised to react , from where did she appear ? But the first thing i stated when finally I could spoke was “ You DO like milk !


“ UH-HUM !!! “ she nodded “ Take you must drink it it’s so delicious ! “ she handed me the ‘empty’ bottle


“ Oops! “ she palmed “ soooooorry “ she looked down .


I couldn’t help but chuckle and took the bottle anyway “ it’s okay it wasn’t for me anyway “


She lifted her head and smiled , I then could see her clearly , her smiling big grey eyes and pale skin, pink sweater pant and white shirt looked like normal home clothes but what most took my intension was her long , long black hair what remind me automatically of CatMoon , can she be the same person ?


I smiled to her .


“ it’s strange I never saw you before “ she said as she sat , contemplating the sky “ what’s your name ? “


“ same for me “ I sat in the other corner “ and I’m Hyukjae “


We watched silently the sun waking up and showing her bright rays to the city , as the sun came to us , greeting us with its warm she broke the silence as she stand up quickly


“ OMG the sun already raised ! “ she said , but mostly to her self , “ I must go “

She added and getting prepared but before she turned and said “ You can call me hae “ with that she jumped to others roofs and disappeared .


Hae ..




I see what you’re thinking and NO I’m not gonna make hae a girl here , just wait for know ^^

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hima_kawaii #1
Chapter 8: wha--- i'm confused here kkkkk~ >.<
anyway thank for the chapter :3
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 7: huuwwaaaa!!!!! hae!!!!! you.... hoowaaaa :O

i missed you too author-nim ^^
eastcandle90 #3
Chapter 6: what actually happened here...
who actually those girls????
the important one....where is my hae????^^
hima_kawaii #4
Chapter 6: yeah i'm sure there will be many things that will happen in the trip....
so hyuk's gay ?? :D kekekeke
hima_kawaii #5
Chapter 5: well not bad though :)
hima_kawaii #6
Chapter 4: the new student hae !!!^^
how come hyuk mistaken hae as a girl????
aaaaaa i'm curious about the detective hyuk kekekeke~
Chapter 3: Whoa this is intriguing xD
Update soon!
eastcandle90 #8
Chapter 3: owh!!!!!!!..i thought you gonna make hae as a girl...i don't really like gender switch to be true....this is some magical story or something like that?????...owh...i will wait..please update
thanks for the update^^
hima_kawaii #9
Chapter 3: aaa at first I thought Hae's a girl kekekekekekeke I don't like GS though... :)
waaaaa I'm more curious, could it be that there's something magical??? ahahahahahahaha I want more update okay.... ^^
and thanks for this chap ^_^
hima_kawaii #10
Chapter 2: catmoon=donghae????????? kekekekekeke update soon :)