SHINee Part 2

Expect Jinki to ask the oddest of questions and leave it to Jonghyun to answer them

Jonghyun yelped in pain as someone stomped on his toe. He felt a breathy whisper near his ears.

"Better answer lover boy, before he thinks your a creep with that erted smile of yours." 

Jonghyun glared at Kibum from the corner of his eyes before he turned to the smiling Jinki.

Jinki had his hand extended towards Jonghyun after giving a small bow in greeting.

Jonghyun firmly grasped Jinki's hand and pulled the boy to his chest.

A low gasp came out of Kibum's lips in mortification.



Jinki said hello, made a small bow and extended his hand towards his future bandmate who seemed awfully familiar.

What he expected was a handshake and a warm greeting.

He got what he expected, he did alright.

His hand had been grasped in a strong and firm grip, and he found his face in the chest of the boy before him. 

It felt warm though. He might even go as far as to say that he liked it.


The moment was thankfully interrupted with Kibum peeling Jonghyun off of Jinki, of course with some help from Taemin who wasn't quite happy with the fact of a dino taking advantage of his friend.

Minho stood at the sidelines, observing them. Well he was just shy. 

If not, it would have been him who was peeling Jonghyun off.



Kibum frantically mothered over his new son, while telling his other son to get something for the poor boy who had been suffocated by a pedo dino.

"I'm fine Kibum-si. It was just a hug." Jinki tried to pacify the over reacting drama queen.

"No, no Jinki. Don't defend that pedo." Kibum momentarily glared at Jonghyun. " And call me Key Umma, like Taemin does. Hmm?" Kibum stared expectantly at Jinki.

" Uh-.... Key um-ma?" Jinki said in a small voice and shied away. 

"OH!" Kibum saw stars watching the cute reaction.


Jonghyun bit his lower lip, eyes becoming wider and desperate to get nearer to Jinki. He resembled a deprived and sad puppy at that very moment.

The situation can ridiculously be defined as a scene in which a hungry person is placed in front of a large happy meal which he cannot eat before the prayers are said with everyone on the table, but the person gets to look at the meal and smell it from a distance. [Have I lost you guys?]

Or in simple words, Jonghyun is mentally scratching at the wall since he somehow became a doggy who wants his master? [O, I give up!]

Desperate, Jonghyun is desperate for the adorable boy's attention. He will be foaming from the mouth in a matter of moments.


"Aww aren't you adorable!" Kibum pinched the boy's chubby cheeks.

Jonghyun is losing it.

"O yes! That is Minho. Call him Minho hyung. He doesn't talk much, he's shy."

"Hi Jinki." Minho said lowly.

"Hi Minho hyung! Its nice to meet you!" Jinki smiled warmly at Minho. Minho is nice, he just doesn't express himself much, Jinki thought.

Jonghyun is still losing it.

"JinJin are you gonna be a vocalist like Jonghyun hyung? I'm a dancer! Minho hyung's a rapper, but he's still learning. And Key Umma's a full package!!" Taemin ranted.

Jinki stared in awe at everyone that was present in the room.

Taemin whom he was previously acquainted with, a good friend though pretty hyper.

Kibum who became his Key Umma in a matter of minutes after their meeting, quite a drama queen.

Minho who was shy and reserved, a good person at heart who couldn't express himself much.

Jonghyun who supposedly, according to Kibum, tried to harass Jinki.

Oh, not to forget the imposing old man standing at the door with a much younger male.

Wait, what?

"AH!" Jinki aburptly said. 


"I see that you all have met." An authorative voice boomed inside the room.

All the boys stood together and bowed at the CEO in greeting.

"Boys, its nice to see you all in tip top shape." Their CEO addressed them.

"This person beside me will be your mentor. He will guide you, teach you and help you become an idol group."

"Hello boys, as the boss has said, I'll be your mentor for the following months and train you to become idols. My name is Younghwa but call me Len."

"Its nice to meet you!" The boys chorused.

"Now before we move forward, we'll be talking about your images and also who your group leader will be." 

The rest of the boys stared at Jonghyun.

"I'll be quick. The leader will be the oldest..."

I knew it, Kibum thought. Hello life of being ruled by dinosaurs.

"... So the leader is Lee Jinki! Congratulations son! You'll make a capable leader." Saying this the CEO went out.

"Well then, we'll discuss the group image tomorrow. Spend the time knowing each other, have a good night's rest  and see you all in the morning. Try and get your members on time now Jinki-si." Len went away just as fast as the CEO.



"Your OLDEST?!"

"Jinki! I-I mean hyung!! I'm so sorry!"

"Hyung!! Its hyung??! Oh gosh, you look so young Hyung!!"


"Its okay guys, it happens."

"But I was so disrespectful!"

"Hyung called me hyung!"

Jonghyun is silent.

Kim Jonghyun is silent....

Yes, yes,yes!! I'm not a pedo, I'm just a ! Hyung, Jinki hyung! It sounds so wrong yet so right. Drool.

The gears in Kim Jonghyun's brain did not stop functioning but its working overtime.


"OH YEAH!" Silence.

"Seriously Jonghyun hyung. Whats your problem?" Minho asked for the very first time without being shy.

"I... Uh- ... Umm.... No its not.. I didn't.... Uh-huh." Jonghyun felt dumb.

The boys stared at Jonghyun like a newly discovered species until Jinki broke their chain of thought.

"Don't you guys feel thirsty? Lets get a drink. I'll-" 

" No, no Jinki Hyung. It'll be my treat. You stay here while Taemin an I go and get us something." Kibum interrupted Jinki.

" Its alright, you don't have to."

"I insist Hyung. Please let us buy you something." Taemin pleaded.

"Oh alright. But only just this once." Jinki said kindly.


After Taemin and Kibum leave.

"So Minho, you seem uncomfortable? Something wrong?" Jinki worriedly inquired.

"Just feeling drowsy hyung. And I'm sorry for before. I didn't know." Minho quietly said. 

Jinki didn't have to strain his hearing to listen to the boy since the room was awfully quiet. Jonghyun was still in his dumb state period.

"Its okay Minho, I don't blame you. I've encountered worse. Why don't you go wash your face to drive the drowsiness away?" Jinki ruffled Minho's hair.

"Be back soon hyung." Minho said on his way out. Minho slightly glanced at Jonghyun's direction feeling rather curious.



Jinki fumbled with his key chain feeling rather uncomfortable with someone's piercing stare.

"Uh... Do you have something to say Jonghyun-si?" Jinki timidly asked and turned away. 

"I have a lot actually..." Jinki jumped at least a feet feeling Jonghyun so close all of a sudden. When did he get so close? Jinki questioned mentally.

His eyebrows came together, lips pursed and his curiosity kicking in.

Jonghyun went through many emotional twists inside his heart in a matter of seconds.

Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Kyaaaaa.... So cute! 

Kim Jonghyun did not just squeal inside his head. Kim Jonghyun just squealed inside his head. Yeah, he's still squealing.


"Ahemm..." Jonghyun cleared his throat.

"So, your older..."


"So um-..." Well this is awkward.


Kim Jonghyun with ideas is bad news. Note this down.

The perfect solution to get friendly with a fellow guy around the same age: Share ultimate secret stash with guy. Friends for life. Or even more.

Kim Jonghyun your a genious!

Jonghyun gets closer to Jinki.

Kibum, Taemin and Minho enter the room.

"mumblemumblemumble........." Jonghyun whispered in Jinki's ears.


"Yah! What are you telling Jinki Hyung?" Kibum accused.

"Adult stuff, kids won't understand!" Jonghyun hollered back at Kibum.

"Eww your corrupting people!" Taemin stuck his tongue out.

"Jinki Hyung, whats wrong?" Minho got worried seeing Jinki's expression, even though it was endearing his hyung's welfare was the main concern.


Jinki had placed his hand under his chin seemingly in deep thought. 

He looked up from his many pondering ideas.

In 3,2...1 Fire!

"Jonghyun, I understand you want to watch a movie. But why in secret? And I've never heard of a movie called p*rn before."

Jinki said the words easily without bias nor blush.


"KIM JONGHYUN!! I'm gonna kill you even if we've just met!" Kibum charged at Jonghyun, while the unfortunate boy tried to escape impending death by the hands of the diva and bandmate. His future looked bleak with Kim Key's threats. 

"Jinki hyung is pure!" Taemin chanted.

"Oh brother" Minho placed his arms around Jinki and pulled his confused hyung out of the chaos. 

"Don't listen to them hyung especially Jonghyun hyung."

"But Jongie is nice." Jinki pouted.

"Aish, if I had know you were this innocent.... Nevermind that." 

"Huh? Minho where are we going?" 

"We're sneaking out." 














So..... Guys.... Me is very sorry for the late update.

I got sick and now I'm in the middle of an exam. An important one.

After this its winter vacation!!! Which I'll be spending with my family in the country.

Meaning no Internet? Maybe.. Hehehe. Ahemm.

As you can see, I didn't re-read the chapter. I assure frequent updates at the end of december.

Excuse my tardiness though. I'm in a bind. I hope you guys will understand.

Now I'll go read all those mind boggling essays and history of modern literature.

Freshman life is no walk in the park





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chapters will hopefully be up as soon as the wifi gets connected.


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Chapter 11: This is a great story! I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 11: Update plss!!
rendes #3
Chapter 11: Updaaaaaateeeèeeee pleaseeeeeee. Omg i need next chapter......pleaseee~
Chapter 11: I miss this T^T
Kyattchan #5
Chapter 11: Seriously.. this fic.. is like the most funny thing I have ever read. xD Naive, adorable Jinki is just.. too tempting!! I also really love Jjong's mind in this too.. he is weird but so funny... xD I can't wait to read more! :D
niezz15 #6
Chapter 11: OMG, when will you update again ? Iam waiting for youuu , poke poke Jonghyun XD
Chapter 4: It's fen, I love jinkixeveryone!
Chapter 11: OMJ!!! Kyaahhh!! Can I have this Jinki?!xD He is so freaking cute!!*w*
And Jjong you ! What sort of lies are you telling Jinki!!
Poor Minho! He fell prey to Jinki's curiosity!!xD
Waiting for the next update!!xD
When are you going to update author-nim ! I really love this ahaha Fighting! Please update ^^
finalnote84 #10 reader here...this is so funny...Onew is so adorable...update soon pleaase!!..:D