When you get chances and you blow it

Expect Jinki to ask the oddest of questions and leave it to Jonghyun to answer them


Shinee were official idols now, which was proven by the screams and mobs of fan-girls following them at the moment. They were at the mall at present. Kibum had thought that they needed to go shopping for utensils for their new dorm.

Unfortunately, they were too busy running from a crowd of rabid fan-girls to do their shopping. The boys ran scared for their lives from the screaming girls following them at predator speed.

“We need to split! ASAP!” Jinki shouted out in his leader voice. The boys immediately spread out and ran in different directions.

Jinki mentally face palmed as the crowd split up and followed the members according to their preferences. “Great, peaches and candy!” Jinki said to himself. Things were looking rather ill for his liking. He sped down the hall and jumped in a cloth shop just as a customer was leaving. The door closed behind him and he hid himself behind a cloth rack watching the crowd pass by the front of the shop. Jinki momentarily sighed quite relived.

He heard feet shuffle behind him and he came face to face with a male employee. Jinki put his finger to his lips and smiled sheepishly. The man nodded and gave Jinki an ‘okay’ sign with his left hand. Jinki mouthed a ‘thank you’ to the kind man.

“You can stay hidden in the changing room. It’s a guys clothing store so you don’t have to worry about a thing.” The man whispered and pointed towards the changing room. Jinki smiled gratefully and crawled his way to the room.



Jonghyun ran around in circles with the crowd following him relentlessly. He skidded to an ungraceful stop in front of a store and ran inside. While the crowd of women of almost all ages were trying to fit themselves through the glass door, Jonghyun swiftly ran outside to another exit door. Jonghyun hastily hid himself and observed the crowd from behind a mannequin.

“I’m saved.” Jonghyun sighed out as the crowd left the area. Jonghyun let out an unmanly shriek when someone placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Shh.. I don’t bite. Go hide there.” A male voice said with a finger directed towards a door from behind Jonghyun. Jonghyun turned to the kind man and thanked him before making his way to the room.

Jonghyun looked around the stack of clothes and made his way inside the room backwards. He closed the door and realized how dark and small the room was. Of course it’s small. It’s a try out room for crying out loud. Jonghyun mentally chided himself. He took a step back and came flush against another body.

“Wha..?” Jonghyun gulped and felt the occupant with his right hand. The unexpected company whimpered as Jonghyun jabbed his hands around. Determining that it wasn’t a ghost and most probably a guy, Jonghyun turned his body to face the person. Crap, Jonghyun thought. It was too dark to see in there.

Jonghyun’s heart raced as the guy moved from under him and heard hands brushing against the wooden wall. The light switch clicked and Jonghyun almost screamed his lungs out. Jinki was flush against the wall with knees bent a little and face red.

“Jjongie! It’s you!” Jinki said with a relieved smile on his face. “I thought it was some stranger.” Jinki pouted.

Jonghyun had out as soon as the light was . The way he found Jinki was just too much for his hormonal driven brain to handle. Too much of a tease, Jonghyun cursed. Well he liked the situation a little bit too much to be considered safe. Jinki stared at Jonghyun a little uncomfortable with the way Jonghyun was pressed against him.

“Jonghyun? Earth to Jonghyun?” Jinki frowned at the unresponsive boy. Jinki pressed himself further against the wall when he felt Jonghyun shift suddenly. “Jinki I-“ The ringtone of Jinki’s phone cut Jonghyun’s words off.

Jinki raised his palm at Jonghyun and took the call. “Yes, manager hyung?” Jinki cringed at their manager’s booming voice through the phone.

“How could you boys leave without me, huh? Do you know how dangerous it is? You should have told me if you needed something. Come to the parking lot now!”

“But what about-“ Jinki said only to be cut off.

“I caught them in time. Jinki just find Jonghyun and come.” Their manager sounded tired.

“Okay. I’m sorry hyung.” Jinki apologized.

“It’s alright. I understand what you boys are going through. Everything’s changing so fast and you boys don’t know any better yet.” The man on the other end of the line responded.

“Jjong, lets go.” Jinki smiled at the younger male.

Jonghyun had regained his sanity during the call and was kicking himself for almost doing something stupid.

This is what Jonghyun calls, getting chances and blowing it. Or maybe other’s blowing it in this case.

Jonghyun still has a long way to go, but maybe it won’t take too long.


Later that evening, Jinki was telling Kibum and the rest what had happened and how Jonghyun suddenly came in the room and felt him.

“He what?!” Kibum screamed and Taemin spit out his milk in shock. Well Kibum’s outburst scared the out of him. “How dare he feel my little baby up?!” Kibum stood up and power walked to their shared room where the singer was currently chilling.

“Oh boy.” Minho said and ran after Kibum.

Jinki stood up from his seat as well. “Why are they leaving?” Jinki said more to himself in confusion. He tilted his head to the ceiling and tapped his finger on the dining table.

“Maybe I’m sick?” Jinki stated to himself with a pout. “Why did my heart beat funny when I saw Jonghyun inside the room?” Jinki felt the left side of his chest. “It’s so weird.” Jinki crossed his arms and walked out the kitchen paying no mind to anything else.

Taemin sat stoned on his spot on the kitchen counter. “We have a serious problem.”



A few hours later while Jinki was scrubbing himself clean in the shower.

Minho stood guard outside the bathroom door as Kibum instructed.


“What do you mean I put a curse on Jinki hyung?” Jonghyun half shouted in defense.

“Well why would he say that he felt funny with you, then?” Kibum raged.

“What? What did I do?” Jonghyun asked on confusion.

“Hyung said it himself! He said you made him feel funny in that room.” Taemin defended Kibum’s accusation.

It took a few seconds to let everything sink in Jonghyun’s dog brain. He suddenly clasped his hands together and grinned. “Oh! He does love me. I knew it!” Jonghyun jumped on his spot with a face splitting grin.

“Wipe that grin off your face, you !” Kibum grabbed the couch pillow and slammed it against Jonghyun’s face.






Okay. A lot shorter than I intended.

Enjoy and drop comments!

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chapters will hopefully be up as soon as the wifi gets connected.


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Chapter 11: This is a great story! I can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 11: Update plss!!
rendes #3
Chapter 11: Updaaaaaateeeèeeee pleaseeeeeee. Omg i need next chapter......pleaseee~
Chapter 11: I miss this T^T
Kyattchan #5
Chapter 11: Seriously.. this fic.. is like the most funny thing I have ever read. xD Naive, adorable Jinki is just.. too tempting!! I also really love Jjong's mind in this too.. he is weird but so funny... xD I can't wait to read more! :D
niezz15 #6
Chapter 11: OMG, when will you update again ? Iam waiting for youuu , poke poke Jonghyun XD
Chapter 4: It's fen, I love jinkixeveryone!
Chapter 11: OMJ!!! Kyaahhh!! Can I have this Jinki?!xD He is so freaking cute!!*w*
And Jjong you ! What sort of lies are you telling Jinki!!
Poor Minho! He fell prey to Jinki's curiosity!!xD
Waiting for the next update!!xD
When are you going to update author-nim ! I really love this ahaha Fighting! Please update ^^
finalnote84 #10
Ih..new reader here...this is so funny...Onew is so adorable...update soon pleaase!!..:D