The Story

Fly High

Word counts : 3555 words

*Nichkhun’s POV*


I looked at my watch; its 2PM and I’ve been waiting here for hours.


“Where is this guy? I knew that this is too good to be true. I’ve should have trust Eunhyuk when he said not to fall for him. He is indeed a player.” *Sighed deeply*


I walked out of the hotel in disappointment.


*End of Nichkhun’s POV*


*Wooyoung’s POV*


I looked at my watch; its 2PM and I’ve been waiting here for hours.


“Where the H is this mother f**ker?” *Started to get pissed*


“If he thinks that he can play around with me he is so wrong.”


I grab my bag and walked out of the restaurant. I’m seriously pissed at that time.


*End of Wooyoung’s POV*




“Eunhyuk’s POV”


I just arrived from a flight duty that one fine day. As I was walking towards the office to sign my duty sheet, suddenly my phone rang.


“Yeoboseyo.. Who is this? *Silent* Ahhhh.. Nichkhun sunbaenim.. It’s been a long time since I talked to you. What made such a gorges person like you to call me? *Smile* What? Your coming to IIA (Incheon International Airport)? Wae? You got into MIrSyah Airline? Yahh.. That’s where I’m working now.. Wahhh.. Seems like we will be working together then.. *Smirk* Ok, I’ll see you in a month time then. Yeahh.. Bye..”


Monolog session : “The great Nichkhun is coming here in a month time, great.. I can use this time to get my revenge on him. This is for rejecting me you jerk *Smirk* I need to come up with a plan now”


Pulled my bag and started to walk towards the office, as I was approaching the main door of the office suddenly I saw Junho came out of the toilet. He seemed to be pissed off about something.


“Yahhh.. Whats wrong with you”


“Ahh, Annyeonghasimnikka bukijangnim. Nothing is wrong, you may continue on walking to where you were headed. Geuroem” He bowed a bit and walked away.


But before he could get too far, I grab his arm and pulled him back.


“Come on, as if you don’t know me, you know that you could tell me anything right. I bet this must be something that involved Woo in it right? *I smirked*


I saw his shocked face.


“Right? I know. Want to grab a cup of coffee?” *I smiled at him*


With him being still in the state of shocked that I knew why he was pissed in the first place, I grab his hand and drag him along to the nearby café after the both of us signing off from work. Actually, since the time I knew that Junho’s problem was Woo, I immediately got an idea on how to get my revenge on Khun and I need Woo to do the dirty job for me, with the help of Junho, I think I can pull this off.




“Now, what’s the matter dear? Why are you so mad with Woo?”




“Its ok, take your time, I don’t mind”


I sipped some of the coffee and placed the cup back on the table. While doing so I said to Junho


“Let me guess, this must be about one hot passenger that the both of you fight for, right?”


Once again, he was seriously shocked that I guessed it correctly.


“How on earth did you…”


“Know? Simple, two lovely gay steward always fight over hot passengers, captains, co-pilots and the list goes on and on”


I saw his eyes widened.


“Sorry, I’m engaged, so I’m off the list”


“Yes, I knew, you got engaged to that fish guy right? What was his name again? Whatever, I don’t care. So, why did you drag me here? If you are off the list, that means that I can’t get you on my bed tonight right and you don’t want that too. So, why did you drag me here?” said Junho to me.


I was taken aback with what he said just now. Damn, I didn’t expect that at all form such a nice looking guy.


“Woww, you really are something. N fyi, his name is Donghae. Well, ok. Lets cut to the chase. The reason why I drag you along is because I need you to help me with something. I need to get my revenge on somebody”


“So why do you need me?”


“I need you to get Woo to get do the revenge for me. At the end, this will be your revenge to Woo as well.”


“Okay, go on”




“So, do you think you can do it?”


“Will think about it. I will call you and let you know whether I can do it or not. Anyway, thanks for the coffee” He pulled his bag and walked away.




Half a month later Junho called me.


“Helloo. Ya, its me, Junho. Count me in, I need to give this some serious lesson”


“Great!! I’ll arrange for it then, will update you about everything soon. Ok, bye”




Finally, today is the day; I’ve planned it well, got Junho, Woo, me and Khun to work on the same flight today, its time to get my revenge.


“Eunhyuk ssi~”


“Yahh, faster come here. You see that guy?”


“Which guy?”


“That guy, the one that is wearing our company’s captain uniform”


“Oh that guy, ok. Is that the one that you want to get your revenge on?”


“Yes, that is the one.”


“Whyyy.. He is one fine piece of meatttt… Damn he’s hottt”


“ -.- “


“Yahhh, snap out of it and focus on your job ok”


“But.. Can I have him” Junho did a puppy eyes face with those small eyes of his.


I kicked one of his feet to get him snapped out of his fantasies.


“Ouchhh.. Ok.. Ok.. Arrasoo.. I was just joking.. Gezzz.. *Cough* Monkey *Cough*”


“What did you say?”


“Nothing” whistles.


“Now, go to the plane and prepare for everything that we’ve planned okay?”


“Yeee, bukijangnim” he gave me a salute.




I saw Wooyoung just walked passed by and what a perfect timing it is, Khun saw him and I’m sure that he liked him. If not, he wouldn’t be chasing him now. But, I can’t let him talk to Woo just yet. If not, my plan will be ruin. I need to stop him.




“Ahh.. Eunhyuk ssi”


“Where are you going in a hurry sunbae? And the pilots office is that way” I asked him.


“Ahh, no where, just walking around admiring the airport. This is a really lovely airport ei” he lied to me. I knew him well. He is definitely was chasing after Woo just now.




The both of us were in the schedule room. This is the perfect time for me to start this plan. I asked him.


“Have you found your perfect man yet?”


“What?” he blurted out in informal manner.


“What?” (formal)


“You know, during our time in flying school, you told me that you were looking for that one perfect guy and you rejected me coz I’m not the type you looking for. Remember?”


“Yahh.. Keep it down will ya” (informal)


“Do you still have feelings for me? I thought you were engaged” he asked me.


“Of course not, Hae is my one and only now, no other can replace him now” I said confidently.


“Good then, I hope the both of you will be happy forever and ever. Now lets go” he closed the file and put it back in the bag.


The both of us were walking to the boarding gate; I need to launch my second plan now. He needs to be tease. I knew that he likes him but he seems to deny it. I continued talking to him.


“I think you might have found that so called perfect man of yours”


“Huh? What are you saying here?”


“I saw the way you looked at one of our steward today”


“Huh? When did I do such thing?”


“Hmm, let me see.. From the moment you saw him at the main entrance of the airport? And the moment you were about to chase him and also in the office just now?”


His eyes widened up after he heard what I said just now.


“How on earth did you know about that?” (Cough and put on a serious face to cover his true feelings)


“Its ok sunbae, I know he is hot” he smacked the back of my shoulder.


“Yah, watch it will ya. Anyway, I think it’s just your imagination only. FYI, I had never done something as low as trying to chase someone that I don’t know. No, you are wrong”


“Well.. His name is Jang Wooyoung, he is our top and hottest steward ever. Once you look into his eyes, you will surely be hypnotize by it and you will never be able to get out of it. But I have to warn you, he is a player, so I suggest that you better not go for him, coz you might get hurt”


“As I said earlier, I have no intention to know this so called Wooyoung sii of yours” (serious face)


“Good then” I chirp and smile. I looked at his face that tried to cover his true feelings towards Woo. *Smirked*




We walked into the aircraft and were greeted by all the stewards and stewardess. I saw Junho was standing besides Woo and made an eye contact with him and nodded a bit as a sign to start our plan. I glance at the person standing besides me; he was looking at me at the same time too. I knew that he want to make sure that I’m not looking at him so that he could look at Woo. But too late, I saw him did that and I grinned at him. He saw me grinning at him and he quickly walked to the cockpit.


*End of Eunhyuk’s POV*


*Junho’s POV*


An hour plus through the flight, the chief steward asked me to bring some food to the cockpit. Well, this is the chance to get this plan going.


“Wooyoung ahh.. Chief asked you to send the food to the cockpit.”


“Me? Really? Wae me?”


“Will you not ask thousands of questions? Took it as a chance for you to meet the captain” I convinced him to do it, I knew that is the only way for him to do it willingly.


“Oh ya.. Give me the food.” I saw him smiling happily. That fool doesn’t even have a clue of what will happen to him. *Evil smirk*


*End of Junho’s POV*




*Eunhyuk’s POV*


We heard the cockpit door was knocked. I got out of my seat and opened the door. As I opened it, I saw Woo was standing with a tray of food. I got back to my seat.


“Hello, my name is Jang Wooyoung I brought some food for the both of you, would you like to eat them now or later?”


I looked at him and waited for him to look at me. As soon as he did so, I gave the ‘I know you want it’ look and grinned widely to . He still wanted to act cool and want to assure me that he doesn’t have any feelings towards Woo. He then said it in a calm manner to Woo.


“I’ll eat it later, just put it outside”



After we arrived in JFK, I quickly got off of my seat and told Khun


“Sunbae, I really need to go first, its really an emergency *pointing at my stomach* I’ll see you in the hotel later ok”


“Ohh, geurae. Faster go then” he said to me happily.


It was a lie that I made up actually. I just want to know what will he do after this. I got out of the cockpit and hide in the toilet, which was located outside of the cockpit. I let the toilet door opened a bit so that I could see he walked out. After a few minutes, I saw Khun pulled his bag and walked towards the crowd of airhostess.


I walked out of the toilet and followed him slowly from the back. I stop behind one curtain where I can clearly see and hear his conversations with the cabin crew. I heard the cabin crew grated him.


“Annyeonghasimnikka kijangnim” and everybody bowed.


“Ahh.. Ye.. Annyeonghasimnikka.. What was this all about? It seems like all of you had a wonderful gossip session” he said to them with a smile.


Then, finally before he leave he said:


“Anyway, carry on then. Sugohetsemnida. Geureom.” And I saw him sliding a piece of paper, which I presume containing his phone number under the flap on Woo’s uniform’s shoulder.


“Gamsahamnida, annyeonghigasipsio kijangnim” all of them bit farewell to him.


As soon as he lived, I walked towards Junho when everybody else was busy and told him to replace the Khun’s phone number with my number when he get the chance.


*End of Eunhyuk’s POV*




*Junho’s POV*


I need to get all touchy with Woo now in order for me to replace that piece of paper with a new one. Geezz how am I supposed to do this, then I decided to used my new found love as an excuse for me to be touchy with Woo. I acted as I had never met a really hot passengers ever before. I acted as if I was madly in love and hug Woo and so one. At that time, I took the chance to change the paper with a new one. After several attempts I finally managed to do it. I let out a big sigh of relieved.




Back in the hotel, I kept on continue acting as if I was madly in live with my new found love. I tried to annoy and irritate Woo as much as I can.


“Yah!! Could you please stop smiling? I swear to God I will punch your face if you do that again. Don’t act all in front of me. Oh please, as if this is the first guy you ever met on duty” he said to me.


“This one is different, this time he is surely a keeper. I think I’m not going to flirt on a flight anymore after this, I can’t satisfy my heart by flirting around anymore.”




“Because my heart is no longer with me, he had stole my heart today”


“Aaarrrggghhhh pleaseeeee.. God help me, my not so friend is acting all suddenly, I can’t accept this.. Aahh my neck” I saw he closed his eyes and massaged his neck. I took that chance to throw a pillow at him.




“Ooppss, sorry.. It slipped” I shrugged my shoulder and acted as nothing had happen.


“Your so dead man”


Before he could even start to chase me, suddenly I got a call. It was Eunhyuk sii, but I can’t pick up that call and said his name, coz Woo might think of something else.


“Shhh.. Hello, yes this is Junho, who is this? Ahh Chansung ssi……….” I walked to the balcony.


“Chansung? Who the H is Chansung?”


“Shh.. I cant say your name out loud when he is with me right?” -.-


“Anyway, why hasn’t he called me yet? Did you change the number or not?”


“Of course I did. What do you think I am? A 5 years old who don’t know how to do such simple thing? Helloo.. This is Junho ok. If I can’t do it, nobody can.” I said it with pride.


“But, until now, there’s no result of your so called good job.”


“He just found the paper and he is lying on the bed now. I think he is confused of what number that is. Just wait for it; I think he will call you in a few minutes. Ok, bye” I quickly hang up the call.


After a few minutes, I saw Woo took his phone out and saw him dialing the number.




I dialed the number on the piece of paper that I took from Woo’s uniform earlier.




“Who is this?” I said


“Its Nichkhun here”


*Silence* I’m waiting for what Woo will say to Eunhyuk so that I know how to reply to Khun so that he won’t be suspicious. I tried to imitate Woo’s voice as much possible as I can.


“Helloo.. Wooyoung ssi.. You there?”


“Ya, I’m here, I don’t know why or how I have your no. But is there something that I could help with sir?” I’m copying word by word of what Woo said to Eunhyuk in the room.


“Don’t call me sir please, we are off duty now. Anyway, I don’t know how to say this or how you will accept this. But, would you like to have a lunch with me?”


*Silence* Damn, I need to know what time and where will Eunhyuk set his date with Woo will be. How am I supposed to answer him now?


Then I heard, Woo said:


“10am in the Italian restaurant 3 blocks from here. Got it. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”


Then Khun continued:


“I took it as a no then, sorry to bother you at this time of the day”


(Raised voice) “NO!! I mean YES!!” (Lowered voice) “Yes, I would love to”


*Slight laugh of relief* “Great.. Great.. I’ll meet you at the lobby tomorrow morning? Say, 11?”


“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow then”






Phewww.. I let out a big sigh of relieved that I managed to pull this plan well.


*End of Junho’s POV*


*Nichkhun’s POV*


Haishh.. Why does the weather today have to be this cold? I think this is how cold Woo’s heart would be. I cant believe he is that mean.” I saw a bench facing the river under the Statue of Liberty. I sat on the bench and continue talking to myself in disbelief that Woo did such thing to me. *Let out a big sighed* I heard somebody else was doing the same thing. I turned around and saw


*End of Nichkhun’s POV*


*Wooyoung’s POV*


I found a bench facing the park under the Statue of Liberty. Behind me was a river. The weather was being a bit y that day.


“That son of a b***ch. How dare he made me wait for him for hours and he didn’t show up. He didn’t even call and didn’t even pick up my calls. He is so dead if I ever find him walking in front of Me.” *Let out a big sighed* I heard somebody else was doing the same thing. I turned around and saw


*End of Wooyoung’s POV*


Both of them looked at each other and said the same thing simultaneously.




“What are you doing here?”


“You didn’t come”


“I didn’t?”


Then Nickhun said:


“Wait.. wait.. what’s going on here?”


“You didn’t come at 10 in the Italian restaurant that you asked me to come to.”


“Italian restaurant? What Italian restaurant? I asked you to come to the lobby at 11.”


“Huh??” Both of them looked confused at the situation they are in.


“I called the number on the paper that I found under the flap of my uniform shoulder”


“Yes, I know, I was the one who put that paper there. Show me the number that you called”


Woo did as he told and showed Khun the number that was dialed on his phone.


“Wait, this is not my number. But this number looks really familiar.” Khun quickly scrolled down his contact list and at the end he found the real owner of the number.


“Its Eunhyuk number. That monkey is so gonna get it”


“Eunhyuk? Why did he pretend to be you?” Woo asked Khun.


“I don’t know. Anyway, how about this number? I presume this is not your numbers too right?”


“That son of a b***ch. This is Junho’s number. That guy is so dead when I get my hand on him.”


The both of them laughed their heart out that day.




Nichkhun : “So, that is the beginning of our love story. The end.”


Interviewer : “So, what did you do to those two guys? Did you have a fight or something?”


Wooyoung : “Oh no, the both of us went to them and thank them instead. Well, if it wouldn’t be for them, we would have not met each other in that way. At the end, we found out why they did that and from that day onwards, we change the way we live our live so that nobody gets hurt anymore in the future.” *smile*


Interviewer : “Ahhh, that was sweet of you. Anyway, thank you for coming to the studio and for sharing your wonderful love story with all of us today. We hope that, the both of you will be happy together forever.”


N&W : “Thank you for having us and thank you everyone”


Interviewer : Look at the camera. “Well, that’s it for this week. Thank you for watching and don’t forget our session next week, same time, same channel only on MIrSyah TV and remember love is always in the air. I see all of you next week. Until then, have a nice day and goodbye.”



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Chapter 6: aiiiissssh, i hate junho and eunhyuk more...... I'll kill them, love you wooppa :)
Chapter 6: Awwwww so that's how all thisess started... In the end though they got together anyways :) awwww sooo sweet :)
Chapter 6: what a real twist! >.<" Hyukkie and dare both of u..but still...Khunyoung got together in unexpected situation :P ekkeke..wait wait wait.. MirSyah Airlines and TV??? *cocked eyebrow* :P and yeah..thanks to Hyuk and Ho...hahhaa...plan fail! :P love this! hehehe..they're just so cute..I mean WooHo bickering about hot guys :P love love! xDD
0430nayoung #4
Chapter 5: greeaattt!!
update soon!
AvenAcademyNichkhun #5
Chapter 5: heheheehheheheheheheh
Chapter 5: OoooooooooO a date A date :) that's exciting :)
Chapter 4: Dang that was one slick captain lol that was a classic move :)
Chapter 3: Lol even Junho is getting some attention :) whatever flight they're in I wanna be a passenger lol
Chapter 2: Dang wooyoung :) a flirt to the max
Chapter 1: Heheh wooyoung is those attention seekers lol :)