
Fly High


*Wooyoung’s POV*


“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to John F Kennedy International Airport, the local time is ten passed one in the afternoon and the temperature outside is 10 degrees Celsius, to all of the Americans we would like to wish you welcome home and to all of the foreigners we would like to wish you welcome. For your own safety, please do be seated at you set and fasten your seatbelt until this aircraft come to a complete stop, please do not switch on you electronic devices until the door of this aircraft is open. Allow us to remind you to do be careful when you open the overhead compartment. On behalf of MIrSyah Airlines and our captain today, Captain Nichkhun, we would like to wish you thank you for choosing our airlines as your preferred carrier to this destination. Until we meet again next time, thank you.”  I heard our chief steward Kim Minjun announced the arrival.


As soon as the aircraft is chocked on to the aerobridge, all of us lined up at the door of the aircraft to bit farewell to the passengers.


The passenger that was taken care by Junho walked towards the exit.


“Don’t forget to call me okay” he then touched Junho’s nose.


“Gamsahamnida, annyeonghigasipsio” we said it together and bowed afterwards to the leaving passenger.


After a few minutes of bidding farewell to all of the passengers, all of us quickly gathered around Junho and started to make him poured all the gossips about the new hot guy that he got today.


“Here you go, you won. A bet is a bet, besides I knew it since the first time I saw him that he was playing for the other team.. Pfftt” one of the female stewardesses holds a 100-dollar bill.


“Hahaha, its ok Jenny. You can keep your money, this one is a keeper” Junho smiled to Jenny.


“OMG!! You guys made a bet on that guy, why wouldn’t you ask me to join??” Joked one of the girls.


Junho just kept on smiling while packing his stuff. As everybody was still busy chitchatting and gossiping. Suddenly we heard a coughing sound from the back. Everybody turned their back and immediately bowed.


“Annyeonghasimnikka kijangnim” and everybody bowed.


“Ahh.. Ye.. Annyeonghasimnikka.. What was this all about? It seems like all of you had a wonderful gossip session” said the captain and he smiled

My heart was beating really fast after I saw the smile. It was such a perfect smile; I had never seen anybody smile as perfect as that, does that even make any sense? I don’t care. I think I just fell in love with a beautiful smile.


“Anyway, carry on then. Sugohetsemnida. Geureom.” And he touched me on my shoulder when I was totally in my own world.


“Gamsahamnida, annyeonghigasipsio kijangnim” all of us bit farewell to him.




All of us arrived at our hotel and we immediately checked-in. Junho and me shared the same room together.


“Yah!! Could you please stop smiling? I swear to God I will punch your face if you do that again. Don’t act all in front of me. Oh please, as if this is the first guy you ever met on duty” I said to Junho.


“This one is different, this time he is surely a keeper. I think I’m not going to flirt on a flight anymore after this, I can’t satisfy my heart by flirting around anymore.”




“Because my heart is no longer with me, he had stole my heart today”


“Aaarrrggghhhh pleaseeeee.. God help me, my not so friend is acting all suddenly, I can’t accept this.. Aahh my neck” I quickly closed my eyes and massaged my neck. Suddenly I felt a pillow hit me.




“Ooppss, sorry.. It slipped” Junho shrugged his shoulder and acted as nothing had happen.


“Your so dead man”


Before I could even start to chase him, suddenly he got a call.


“Shhh.. Hello, yes this is Junho, who is this? Ahh Chansung ssi……….” Junho walked to the balcony.


I sighed deeply.


“Am I the only person in this world who is still single?” I said to myself while hanging my uniform into to cupboard.


“Ohhh, what do we have here?” I suddenly saw a white rectangular piece of paper stuck under the right flap of my uniform shoulder.


I took it and saw numbers was written on it.

“What number is this? I don’t remember having this when I wore it yesterday.” I sat on the bed and hugged a pillow while thinking.


“Ohh” I counted the number written on the paper.


“Ahh, it’s a phone number.. Matta, it’s a phone number. But whose hp number is this?” I scratched the back of my head trying to remember whose number could this belong to.


After a good half and hour of thinking and rolling on the bed, suddenly I got it.


“Ohmo ohmo ohmo.. It couldn’t be.. No no no.. Impossible.. But could it be?” I quickly grab my phone and dialed the number written on the paper.


“Yeoboseyo” a familiar voice was heard on the other line.

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Chapter 6: aiiiissssh, i hate junho and eunhyuk more...... I'll kill them, love you wooppa :)
Chapter 6: Awwwww so that's how all thisess started... In the end though they got together anyways :) awwww sooo sweet :)
Chapter 6: what a real twist! >.<" Hyukkie and Nuneo..how dare both of u..but still...Khunyoung got together in unexpected situation :P ekkeke..wait wait wait.. MirSyah Airlines and TV??? *cocked eyebrow* :P and yeah..thanks to Hyuk and Ho...hahhaa...plan fail! :P love this! hehehe..they're just so cute..I mean WooHo bickering about hot guys :P kekeekke...love love love! xDD
0430nayoung #4
Chapter 5: greeaattt!!
update soon!
AvenAcademyNichkhun #5
Chapter 5: heheheehheheheheheheh
Chapter 5: OoooooooooO a date A date :) that's exciting :)
Chapter 4: Dang that was one slick captain lol that was a classic move :)
Chapter 3: Lol even Junho is getting some attention :) whatever flight they're in I wanna be a passenger lol
Chapter 2: Dang wooyoung :) a flirt to the max
Chapter 1: Heheh wooyoung is those attention seekers lol :)