Chapter Five

Exo Academy: Secret Institute For The Skilled And Powerful

Chapter Five


You straightened your collar and stared at yourself in front of the bathroom mirror. It was your first day in your new school and you were feeling nervous and uneasy.
"I can do this. Fighting." You said as you made a 'fighting' sign. You jogged in place and did jumping jacks to calm yourself down and stop the nervousness that's rushing through your body.
You suddenly stopped when you heard a loud bang on the door. "Can you please shut up?!" Your roommate, whose name was Kim Yerin, shouted outside. You found out about her name when you did some snooping around as you cleared some of her stuff out of your space when she wasn't there.
Oops, I better get out of here. You rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed your bag without giving her a single glance. Once you got everything you needed for the day, you darted out of the room.
You enjoyed the fresh air as you made your journey to the building where your classes were held. You pulled your schedule out to look at the classes you were going to take. Some of the subjects were almost the same with every other high school, like Math, English, and Physics. Then there's Exo Science, Power Training, Exo History, and other weird subjects.  
Once the building was already in sight, you slowed your pace a little bit. You suddenly remembered your best friend, Heejung and wondered where she was now. You hoped that you would suddenly bump into her but the chances were small. The school was big and there were students everywhere. You decided to look for her once you had some free time. She would be so surprised and happy to see me. 
You entered the building and looked around. There were so many people walking alone and in groups, heading for their first class. You had no idea where to go. The hallways were so complicated that with every turn, came another one. You realized that finding your first class was going to be harder than you thought.
After passing through what seemed like a dozen hallways, the bell suddenly rang. The amount of people walking in the hallways were decreasing and you started to move faster or you're going to be late.
Minutes later, the hallways were already empty, like the one you walked into. You checked your watch and you noticed that you were already 20 minutes late.
 As you were walking, your schedule suddenly got pulled by gravity and landed on the floor. You were about to pick it up, but it started to move forward by itself. What the? You tried to reach for it again but it dragged itself further.
It kept on moving everytime you touched it so you followed it to wherever it was taking you. When the paper reached the end of the hallway and turned to the right, you finally caught up with it and picked it up fast. You looked up and realize that you were already in front of the room you were looking for.
You decided to forget about what just happened because you thought that somebody was probably just messing with you. You fixed yourself and took a deep breath. You twisted the doorknob and poked your head inside the classroom. 
The teacher who was discussing something turned to you. You noticed that everyone was staring at you like you forgot to wear your pants or something.
"May I help you?" the teacher asked, a bit frustrated about the fact that someone interupted her lecture.
"Is this Math 2a?" You asked as you felt tiny under everyone's gaze. "Why, yes it is. Are you the new student?" The teacher asked you. "Um, yes." You approached her and showed her your schedule. 
She inspected the paper and faced the class. "Listen up, we have a new--" She was interrupted when the door opened. A guy came in and everyone's attention was on him now as he walked straight to his seat. "It's about time you came back from the bathroom, Luhan." the teacher called him.
You looked at the guy closely. You recognized him from yesterday. Luhan. So that's the name of the telekinetic ert. You squinted your eyes at him. Wait, telekinesis? Did he possibly guide me here? 
"Back to what I was about to say, we have a new student. Her name is Park Jooyoung and she just enrolled yesterday." She announced. "Introduce yourself so we can move on with the lecture." This is what you hate a bout being new. Introducing yourself in front of a bunch of people was something you didn't like doing.
You introduced yourself while looking at the wall clock at the back of the room. "Uhh, hi I'm Park Jooyoung. I hope we get along with each other." You did a 90-degree bow.
"Okay, now that it's done, you can go sit over there." She pointed towards a seat in the back.
You thanked the teacher and went to your desk. You pulled your chair out and as you sat down, you realized that your couldn't feel your seat. You ended up landing on the floor with a loud thud. Everyone laughed at you.
Great. You got up and acted normal as if nothing happened while the teacher slammed a textbook on her desk.
"Luhan! Don't think that I didn't see what you just did!" Luhan looked down but his shoulders were still moving up and down in laughter. "No powers in class or I will send you out!" The teacher snapped. 
"I'm sorry, Ms. Kang." He apologized while still trying hard not to laugh. 
"Now back to the lesson!" She finally continued. As she got deeper into the lesson, somebody called your attention, "Psst." You decided to ignore it and listen to the teacher.
"Psst." You heard it again but you still didn't look at where it was coming from. "Pssssst." It started to get annoying so you turned to where the noise was coming from. You saw Luhan sitting 4 seats away. He waved at you and you just rolled your eyes. You looked back at the board and tried to focus but you couldn't because he distracted you earlier.
Ugh. I never planned to join this game, but if you're gonna play this way... 
then let the games begin.




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mikikitten #1
Chapter 6: Please continue to update!!
I love this story!!
ExoSehunnieee #2
Chapter 6: Update soon!!! It's great
Chapter 6: omg im rereading this and this is so good updated soon? :())))
isabella021402 #4
Chapter 6: Omo.... Heejung.. She changed so sad :( But anyways i wonder what her powers are..
Chapter 6: Hello ~ I really love your story!!! I Hope you will opdate soon. it's the 3. story that i stratet reading that isn't complet. *sight* I really Hope you are nok like Them - only opdating there story every 3. month. ><
mmmaaa #6
Chapter 6: Please update soon:))))))
Great story please update soon!!
Chapter 2: Ups sry wrong movie XD i luvv luhaann thats what i meant XD
Chapter 5: New plot but still good