Chapter Four

Exo Academy: Secret Institute For The Skilled And Powerful

Chapter Four

Personal Space

From the main office, you walked to the other side of the campus. You found the building you were looking for, the girls' dormitory. It looked pretty fancy from the outside. You decided to settle your stuff first.
Once you came in, you approached the lady in the reception area. "Are you new here?" she asked. "Yes." You showed her the slip that was given to you. She gave you a small paper. 
"Room 804. Just write down some info then sign here and you're settled." She handed you a clipboard.
After you signed it, you thanked the lady and walked to the elevator. As you were about to press the 'up' button beside it, a girl cut in front of you, making you stumble a bit backwards. She pressed the button, looked at you, and rolled her eyes. You thought what she did was rude but you decided to ignore it. You waited for the elevator door to open instead. 
When the doors opened, you went in along with the girl. She pressed the button to her floor and the elevator started to go up. 
How rude. She didn't say sorry for earlier and didn't even ask me which floor I was going to stop on. But since you noticed you were heading to the same floor you just stood there and waited. 
You hated being in elevators alone with someone you didn't know. You found it really awkward. You glanced at the girl and she looked at you from head to toe. When the elevator landed on the eighth floor, you walked out and looked for your room.
The rude girl was walking in front of you as you searched. You noticed that she kept on glancing back at you, giving you a weird look. She finally stopped in front of a door. You stopped in front of it too, because you noticed the numbers '804' on it. It was your room. We're roommates?  
The girl looked pissed when she faced you. She looked y and arrogant. She was wearing her school uniform but she changed it a bit to look better. Her skirt was very short and she was wearing very high heels that matched the designer bag she was holding.
"Are you some kind of stalker?" She asked you. "No." You replied. "Then what are you doing here? Why are you trying to follow me? I'm trying to get into my room but you're standing there being all nosy. Can you please just go someone else? You're invading my personal space." She took her sanitizer out and started to spray it around her. 
Wow, who does this person think she is? you thought.
"Excuse me, but how can I leave when this is my room too? You've been acting really rude and I don't like it. I'm new here and I've been assigned to this room so you better be aware that what you call your 'personal space' is going to be my space too." You retorted.
"Talking back huh? Do you even know who I am?" She scoffed.
"No. Who are you?" You asked her. She put her hands on her hips and looked you in the eye.
"The worst person you'll ever meet." She flipped her hair and walked through the walls of her room. Intangibility was her power.
You stood there in disbelief. "She's my roommate? How great." You sarcastically said to yourself. You entered the passcode written on the paper the lady downstairs gave you and opened the door, dragging your stuff in with you. 
 Your new roommate suddenly spoke, "Your bed is the one on the left, loser." She pointed at the smaller bed on the far corner of the room. It was still filled with some of her used clothes. "You clean it out, since it's your space."
You put your things next to your new bed and started moving the bundle of clothes. As you started arranging your things, she approached you and crossed her arms.
"So first things first..." she started, "don't you ever touch my stuff or I will break yours. Don't make a single noise or I will make you sleep in the hallway, don't leave your things just anywhere or I will throw them away. And don't invade my privacy or I will kick you out of this room right away. Got it?" She squinted her eyes at you threateningly.
"Yeah, sure. I'm Jooyoung, by the way." You introduced yourself. "I hope we become great roommates." You faked a smile. Of course you didn't really mean it. You took your hand out for her to shake but she ignored it and walked away.
You sighed as you opened your suitcase. She's definitely not friendly but I hope it'll somehow change in time. I'll just try not to get into her way.
When you were finally done unpacking, you looked at your schedule. My first day is tomorrow. I better pick my uniform up. 
You pulled out a comfy cardigan and walked out of the building. You didn't bother to bring a map this time and since you had plenty of time, you wanted to roam around and just look for it. You glanced at your watch and it read 1:27pm.
As you walked, you worried about tomorrow. You didn't know what you were going to do once you step inside your first class and how you'll introduce yourself to the people there. You didn't have any special ability like them. You had no idea on how you were going to blend & fit in.
Lost in your thoughts, you stumbled upon a small meadow. It was behind a huge building so it was hidden well. At the very end of the field was a large wall which bounded the whole academy. It was a very pretty sight. Dandelions and periwinkles surrounded the place. 
Since you still had time, you sat next to a large tree and just admired your surroundings. You lied down on the ground and looked up at the sky. It was a breezy day. Just the kind of weather you liked. Not too hot, not too cold. In other words, just perfect.
You just stayed there for a while and inhaled the fresh air around you. Minutes later, you fell asleep without realizing it.
You were awakened by the sound of fallen leaves being stepped on. As your eyes fluttered opened, you saw a guy in front of you, examining you closely with his doe eyes. Startled, you quickly stood up. He kept his eyes on you as you stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
He picked up some flowers and walked around you slowly. "I came here to sit and think, but I ended up finding a girl drooling on the grass. Things seem to be a bit of different today, don't you think?" he spoke. You stayed quiet.
He smirked as he pulled the petals off the flowers he was holding. "What's your name sleeping beauty?" He asked while dropping the petals on the ground.
"Uhh..." you hesitated to tell your name. You glanced at him and you could tell that he was waiting for an answer. "J-jooyoung." You stuttered.
"Jooyoung? Hmm... pretty name." He complimented. He scattered the purple petals everywhere and stopped in front of you. "I've never seen you before. What can you do?" He looked up at you. You backed away a little. 
"Um that, I can't tell you." You answered. "Why not?" He tilted his head. You noticed that he was getting closer.
"I just..." you didn't know what to say. You just got here and can't go around, letting people know that you were admitted without any powers.
"You just?" He signalled for you to go on. "I just can't." You tried hard not to look at his eyes. "Then I'll just guess." He smirked. 
"Is it water?" you shook your head and he took a step closer. "Flying?" you shook your head again. He made another step, "Phasing?" and another. "Invisibility?" Everytime you shook your head, he took a step closer until your back softly hit the trunk of the tree. You shook your head and looked away.
“Or maybe... telekinesis?" As he said that word, he raised his hand up and all the purple petals he pulled off earlier went up around you and floated in mid-air. Your eyes widened and the next thing you knew, his face was already about 8 inches away from yours. You felt uneasy.
"Tell me." he whispered. He rested his hands on the tree, next to the sides of your head.
Before he could do anything else, you pushed him away and quickly made a run for it. You ran away as fast as you could but when you looked back, you saw him running after you.
"Hey! I was talking to you!" He shouted. Ugh. I guess I used a bad approach. He thought as he chased you around the campus.
You ran faster but you were starting to get tired. You had no choice but to face him so you stopped and turned around, giving him your most pissed off look.
He started to slow down as he approached you. "Phew, I thought you'd never stop. I just wanted to--" You suddenly stomped on his foot and kicked him very hard in his manhood.
"Oww!" He shrieked. He crouched down in pain. "Stay away from me, you ert!" You yelled at him. The shouting caused the people passing by to look your way and witness him lying on the floor, whimpering in pain.
Everyone laughed at him as his face started to turn red from the pain and embarrassment. You started to walk away from the scene. 
"You better remember this day! You're gonna pay for what you just did!" He threatened you. "Yeah I sure will, ert!" You shouted back and continued storming off.
As you left, the boy rested on a nearby bench once the pain started to wear off. She looks pretty fun to annoy. She better not let her guard down when I'm around. He chuckled to himself.

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mikikitten #1
Chapter 6: Please continue to update!!
I love this story!!
ExoSehunnieee #2
Chapter 6: Update soon!!! It's great
Chapter 6: omg im rereading this and this is so good updated soon? :())))
isabella021402 #4
Chapter 6: Omo.... Heejung.. She changed so sad :( But anyways i wonder what her powers are..
Chapter 6: Hello ~ I really love your story!!! I Hope you will opdate soon. it's the 3. story that i stratet reading that isn't complet. *sight* I really Hope you are nok like Them - only opdating there story every 3. month. ><
mmmaaa #6
Chapter 6: Please update soon:))))))
Great story please update soon!!
Chapter 2: Ups sry wrong movie XD i luvv luhaann thats what i meant XD
Chapter 5: New plot but still good