Chapter One

Exo Academy: Secret Institute For The Skilled And Powerful

Chapter One



"What? You're leaving?" You asked as you got up from your seat and grabbed your bag. The last class has ended and everyone was excited to leave and finally have the rest of the day to themselves.
"I have to." Heejung answered sadly as the both of you walked out of the the classroom and approached the main door of the school.
"Is this some kind of joke? Where are you going?" You wondered. It has been a pretty unsusual week. Heejung, your best friend was acting kind of strange. She didn't talk as often as she did before and it bugged you. And when you finally had the nerve to ask her what's wrong, Heejung suddenly told you that she was leaving and it was her last day before she had to finally go.
"The school’s name is Exo Academy, if I could remember." She shrugged and just continued walking as you trailed behind her, bombarding her with more questions.
"Isn't that the school where strange kids go to? You said it yourself." She ignored your question.
Your name was Jooyoung, 17 years old. You lived a pretty normal life. But when you were just 5 years old, you parents left you in custody of your loving aunt who took good care of you as you grew up. As a kid, you were confused and devastated, thinking that your parents didn't want you anymore and gave you away. But as you got older, it was something you just had to live with. Deep inside, there was a part of you that still thinks that they will come back. For almost your whole life, you just kept on waiting for something to come up. 
You only had one friend that you trusted the most. Her name was Heejung. She was a very shy, but sweet girl. You met her when you just moved to your aunt's place when you were 5. She saw you crying on a swing on the playground once and Heejung tried to cheer you up. And that's where your friendship started. You practically saw each other as sisters.
That's why the news about Heejung leaving caught you by surprise. You really didn't know how to take it in.
"Why are you leaving all of a sudden?" You asked her. "I want an explanation now." You held her arm back to stop her from walking away. Heejung just looked down and didn't say a word.
"I'm your best friend. Please tell me why you're going." Seconds later, tears were starting to form in your eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." She started to cry too. "I couldn't do anything about it. It's really complicated." She felt guilty. The two of you were already outside the gates and only a few students were passing by.
You both stayed silent for a while. Not a sound was heard except for the non-stop sobbing. You really didn't see this coming and the thought of your best friend leaving without knowing why hurt you a lot. But if Heejung doesn't want to tell you, the best thing to do was to just respect her decision. You both never had any secrets untold but if Heejung had to keep this one, it might be really confidential.
"Who's going be my best friend now that you're leaving?" You moped and all Heejung could do was keep her head down. Guilt and sadness could be seen through her face.
"Can I come with you?" you asked hopefully as tears kept strolling down your face. Heejung placed her hands on your shoulders. "You know you can't." She wiped the tears on your cheeks.
"But will I ever see you again?" you asked, but Heejung sighed. "I don't think so." You continued crying hard. The thought of not being able to see her nor talk to her anymore just made things worse. 
"You're my bestest friend ever and I know you'll make it through the rest of high school without me. Just endure it a little more, okay?" She tried to motivate you a bit. You tried to smile for her but it was hard. "Come on, let's walk home." Heejung pulled you along and gave you a soft smile. 
She continued walking next to you until you reached the place where both of you had to part ways. You looked at her. "So I guess this is goodbye." Heejung hugged you tight for the last time.
"I'll miss you and I'll never forget you." You started to cry again on her shoulders. Heejung then pulled out of the hug, "Now go before I push you down the road." Heejung threatened and the two of you laughed but the tears were still coming down. 
"Bye." You waved and smiled a bit. Heejung waved back and you started walking away.
As you took your first step, you realized that you wanted to hug her one more time since you were probably never going to see her ever again. "Heejung wait!" You turned around but she wasn't there anymore.  
"That's odd." The road was wide and it was impossible for Heejung to be gone when it hadn't even passed ten seconds yet. She should still be in your sight by that time.
You just sighed and with another look back, you whispered one last "goodbye" and continued walking home.
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mikikitten #1
Chapter 6: Please continue to update!!
I love this story!!
ExoSehunnieee #2
Chapter 6: Update soon!!! It's great
Chapter 6: omg im rereading this and this is so good updated soon? :())))
isabella021402 #4
Chapter 6: Omo.... Heejung.. She changed so sad :( But anyways i wonder what her powers are..
Chapter 6: Hello ~ I really love your story!!! I Hope you will opdate soon. it's the 3. story that i stratet reading that isn't complet. *sight* I really Hope you are nok like Them - only opdating there story every 3. month. ><
mmmaaa #6
Chapter 6: Please update soon:))))))
Great story please update soon!!
Chapter 2: Ups sry wrong movie XD i luvv luhaann thats what i meant XD
Chapter 5: New plot but still good