Chapter Three

Exo Academy: Secret Institute For The Skilled And Powerful


Chapter Three

Cold Fire


"Holy Krisus."
That was all you could say when you reached the main campus. It was huge. The buildings there were so high that they looked like they could reach up to the 20th floor. There was an arena in the very middle of the sea of buildings. People were scattered around everywhere, practicing their powers and having friendly fights with some other students. Just like the things your aunt used to tell you. Some could shoot water out of their hands, some could carry cars without even dropping a sweat, some could even teleport from here to there, and the long list goes on. 
Everything looked amazing and you were completely left standing there, staring at the place with awe. Having powers must be so cool but what the heck, you didn't even possess them. You managed to get through the gates but you didn't have abilities like they did. No wonder this school was dubbed as "a place for strange kids". Never in your life did you expect yourself to get into this kind of trouble. 
I don't think I should even be here. You thought to yourself. You glanced at the paper you were still holding. But what could this mean?
You started to walk around and look for the main office but someone suddenly shouted from behind. "Yo, watch out!" A guy called your attention in panic.
You stopped in your tracks when you felt something pass by your head, almost touching you. You suddenly freaked out and looked back to see what it was. A small flower in the grass was lit up in blue flames. One inch closer and that could've been your head. Shivers went down your spine at just the thought of it.
Seconds later, somebody came over. It was a tall guy with messy red hair. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He held on to your shoulders and checked to see if you were alright. 
"I am so sorry about that." He apologized. You got into your senses and pushed his hands off.
"It's okay..." you said calmly at first, "except for the fact that you almost freaking burned my head!!" You exclaimed. It hasn't even been 30 minutes since you were let in and you were already welcomed with a near-death experience. 
"I'm really sorry. I kinda lost control over it. But the important thing is that no one got hurt right?" He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head. 
"But it was a fireball!" You fussed. He really couldn't blame you for getting mad. His power was actually pretty dangerous.
"Yeah it was, and you better be thankful that I used cold fire." he remarked. "Cold fire?" You asked. You never knew that fire could be cold.
“It's a trick I learned from a friend. I use it all the time when I practice. It creates less damage, see?" He pointed to the flower that was burning a while ago. When you looked at it for yourself, the flower was still there, not burnt, but frozen. It was surrounded with little pieces of ice instead of ashes.
"You look like new meat. You just got in?” He asked you, guessing from the suitcase and the casual clothing you wore.
“Uhh, yeah, something like that. I was looking for the main office. I have this letter here but I can't understand it.” You showed him the paper but he looked as puzzled as you were.
"This is ancient exotian writing. Not that many people can read this. You can show it to someone in the office. Maybe they can translate it. But I'm pretty sure the letter's from the school. It has the logo right there." He pointed at a small picture in the top left corner of the paper. 
"If you want, I could show you where the office is.” He handed the letter back to you and smiled. “Yeah sure, if it’s alright with you.” you said. He picked your suitcase up and started to lead the way.
“Of course it's alright! I’m Park Chanyeol by the way.” He offered his hand and you shook it.
“I’m Park Jooyou- oww!” You paused as you felt a burning sensation and suddenly let go of his hand. “Your hand almost burned me!” You shrieked.
“Well, what do you expect from a guy who shoots fire out his hands?” He laughed with his signature eye twitch as she rubbed her sore palm.
“Now, to the main office!”  He made a fist pump in the air and dragged her along. 
You eventually arrived at the school's main office with the help of Chanyeol. You thanked him and quietly entered the place. There weren't that much people inside and you didn't really know what to do so you stood near the empty front desk and waited for someone notice your presence.
A person happened to be approaching as he hurriedly glanced at his wristwatch and tightened his grip on the textbook and class record he was holding. From the looks of it, you guessed that he was a professor here. He was about to walk past you but he suddenly paused when he noticed you. He straightened his circular glasses and approached you.
"Are you here to enroll?" he asked.
"Um, yeah, I think." You replied. "I happen to have this letter but I can't understand at thing." He grabbed the paper and examined it. 
"Special admission." He mumbled as he read the text. "October, nineteen ninety--" He eyes widened and he suddenly looked up at you. "Park Jooyoung. That's your name right?" You nodded slowly, wondering why he was so surprised.
His mood suddenly went up and you didn't really understand why. Finally. he thought to himself.
"I'll take care of this." he waved the paper in front of you, "Wait here." he said. Forgetting about the class he was late for, he took the paper with him and went inside a room.
You sat on a random chair against the wall as you waited. Ten minutes later, he came out and handed you some papers.
"Here's your schedule, the map of the school, and a list of things you'll be needing." You took it and thanked him.
"Show this slip to get your uniform and settle in the dormitory. You don't need to pay for anything. There's no need for tuition here." He gave you another slip. 
"And about your powers..." He added. "Powers?" You uttered. Uh oh.
"Just lay low and make sure nobody notices. I'm Mr. Jang by the way. You can approach me anytime if you have any troubles." He told you and shook your hand. You nervously bowed and thanked him again.  
 You went out of the office quickly. How weird was that? Why does it seem like he knows a lot about me? How did he find out that I don't have powers? You shook the thought off your head and checked the map to see where the girls' dormitory was.
As she went out, Mr. Jang happily strutted through the office. As he passed by the photocopying machine, he came across one of his closest students who always helped out in the office.
"Hey, Mr. Jang, you think it's her?" the boy asked as he stapled some papers together.
"I think so." He grinned. "I want you to keep an eye on her though. She might run into some trouble on her first few days. She better not get caught by the admins." He ordered him.
"Sure." he replied and neatly stacked the pieces of paper.
A professor suddenly shouted from the background, "Hey, Luhan! Where are the papers that I asked you to photocopy?" 
"Coming!" The boy shouted back. He was about to leave when he suddenly paused and came back. 
"Hey, Mr. Jang, weren't you on your way to class earlier?" he asked him. Mr. Jang's eyes widened and he looked at the time. He was already 30 minutes late and the students might not be in the classroom anymore.
"Oh, shoot! I completely forgot!" He sprinted out of the office.
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mikikitten #1
Chapter 6: Please continue to update!!
I love this story!!
ExoSehunnieee #2
Chapter 6: Update soon!!! It's great
Chapter 6: omg im rereading this and this is so good updated soon? :())))
isabella021402 #4
Chapter 6: Omo.... Heejung.. She changed so sad :( But anyways i wonder what her powers are..
Chapter 6: Hello ~ I really love your story!!! I Hope you will opdate soon. it's the 3. story that i stratet reading that isn't complet. *sight* I really Hope you are nok like Them - only opdating there story every 3. month. ><
mmmaaa #6
Chapter 6: Please update soon:))))))
Great story please update soon!!
Chapter 2: Ups sry wrong movie XD i luvv luhaann thats what i meant XD
Chapter 5: New plot but still good