Mizunuma Mimiko

Ghost Whisperer

[No one's POV]


In the small apartment in Japan. a little girl just sitting there in the corner. Looking at her little sister playing with her big teddy bear with all those bruises. Twiddelling her thumb on the side. She keeps on looking at her. Minute to minute. Her mother walk pass by her, kissed her little sister by her head and snuggle her before she goes to the grocery. "Mama will be right back." Her mother then look at her. But not the same as to her little sister, but her mother smiles at her "Be good,okay?" As her mother went to the front door, the girl still kept on  staring at her sister. She kept twiddeling  her fingers, rubbing the floor using her foot. She then slowly stood up as she view her sister upclose. Her little sister raised her arms at her, telling her to carry her. The girl do what her little sister wants as she carry her around the house.

But the girl, then stop at the corner of the entrance of the house, she put her little sister there. The girl went straight to the kitchen as she carried something from the sink. A huge knife, and she hold it like it's a toy. The girl went straight to her little sister while she is playing her teddy bear. The girl went to her sister's side as she slowly hold her sister's delicate arm. Her little sister kept on looking at her sister. "Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit." The girl smiles at her sister as she slashed her little sister's arm, leaving her little sister wailing in pain with tears flooding in her eyes just like the blood flowing from her tiny fragile arm. The girl then walks slowly to side as she picked up a red cellphone. "I'll call the hospital, don't worry."

But as soon as she dialled the number, her mother busted in because she heard her daughter's screaming in pain. The mother then looked at the girl. The girl then dropped the cellphone from her hands as she stares at her mother. Slowly,  the girl were choked as she gasped for air many times. Her mother, like her, stared at her daughter, with fear in her eyes. "Mimiko"  she softly said "It was you, isn't it?" The girl then gasped hardly when her mother dashed to her to steal away the knife and even knocked her daughter to the side and take the injured daughter out. The girl is struggeling for air as she called out her mother but her mother didn't hear her as she leaves the house. 

Leaving her,---

To her death.....

[Soohyun's POV]

That night was horrible. I had a dream last night. It's quite frightening, I guess. I dreamt about a girl, sliced her own sister's arm and her mother left her to her death and her spirit is wondering around, killing people with just one phone call. But then I thought, why? Why did she do that, is she kill people for fun? Or is it something else. I can't even think straight until I sratch my head, and making my hair a bit messy. Then I suddenly remember what Yu told me. "You have to find Kim Hee Joo." 

Kim Hee Joo, she is the one I met when Yu and I sensed a murderous Rei-Chii flows into the dark alleys at the neighbourhood. She is that social worker from the company that her manager and her collegues are killed from the phone curse. But then I wondered, what is her connection with the girl I just dreamt? Why did Yu want me to investigate her? I lie down to bed again. I close my eyes tightly, trying hard not to think about it.

"You didn't sleep last night? You got a panda eyes." Donghyun just checked up on me. Yeah, I got a panda eyes, even just thinking about my dream last night. I nodded to Donghyun's answer. "What did you do? Did you watch ?" Donghyun slightly teasing me until I get flustered and elbow him. "Don't spout nonsense, since when I watch those kind of stuff, I don't have any computer at home." Donghyun pouts. "But, really what did you do?" Lang felt worried about me ever since I faint. "I just--having a bad dream." Both Donghyun and Lang were surprised "About what?"

I told them about my dream last night about a little girls sliced her sister's arm and her mother runs away with her sister, leaving her to death. Donghyun and Lang were puzzled by my story. "See, that's the problem,though. Even though it's a dream, I still can't get it out of my mind." Donghyun went into a deep thinking and Lang noticed Donghyun's change of expression. "What is it?" Donghyun then looked at both of us "I've heard it somewhere about  this girl you talked about on the internet. Maybe we can see of it is like what you see." 

The three of us went to the computer room as Donghyun typed in words on the search board. He then went to this particular site. I was curious so I ask him "Donghyun ah, what is this site?" Donghyun looked at me "I think this is the site that shows how the phone curse start and also how the victim dies from it. Originally this site was taken down few years ago but it seems that it brough back thanks to the some gossips about the infamous phone curse is revived."

"Hey." Lang point out a certain newsboard on the site. " Who is 'Mimiko Mizunuma?" he ask. Donghyun then looked at the news board of the site and as he clicked the board he read it out loud the contents of the news "Mimiko Mizunuma died at the age of eight because of asthma and also killed by her own mother in Japan 8 years ago but her little sister is no where to be seen." Donghyun then shows us the clip. I was dumbfounded, it's the same as my dream yesterday. What the heck?! "It's the same." Donghyun and Lang look at me with a questioning look. "You're saying that this clip is like what you dreamt yesteryda?" said Lang. I nodded.  "Donghyun ah, can you search Mizunuma Mimiko on the general search online, can you that?" Donghyun then exits the site and typed the words on the search board 'Mizunuma Mimiko'. As he enters, a overflowing of news of Mizunuma Mimiko. Donghyun clicks away the first one. 

12th February 2005, Saitama, Japan: 

Mizunuma Marie (38) reported missing with her 6 year-old daughter, Mizunuma Nanako. Her 9 year-old eldest daughter, Mizunuma Mimiko, died at their home in the small apartment at Saitama. According to the witness of the scene, Iit seems as their mother often abused her daughters before. Mizunuma Marie, who were by a psycho killer who went on a rampage, killing everyone on sight three year ago and since Mimiko is born with the criminal's blood, the witness said Marie often abused her and so does her youngest daughter Nanako. But the other witnesses said it differently, saying that Marie loves her daughters so much, she' won't abuse her daughters or maybe her eldest daughter is the one who abused both of her mother and her sisters. The  furthur investigation is cancelled due to the death of Mizunuma Marie on the abandoned Saitama Hospital, which is the hospital Mimiko's body is there. On the other hand, no one knows the news about the youngest Nanako went.

"This is crazy." I said it out loud. Donghyun nodded. "It seems like that." 

I walked from school after. I kept on thinking about the news and also the video clip that is the same as my dream yesterday. Is it all fated, I thought. "Yu, what do you think."

"Yeah, I think so, too." I turn to my tall poltergeist friend who is also Bomi-nuna's friend. "But what does got anything to do with Ms. Kim Hee Joo?"

"8 years after that, Mimiko's sister were adopted by a Korean couple who went on a honeymoon. After that,  this little girl lived her life with her new family. Even now, she lived comfortably with her new families's love."

"Are you saying that Mimiko's sister is Ms. Kim Hee Joo?" Yu nodded. "But--that's doesn't make sense, why?"

"Maybe Mimiko is not going to give up on killing everyone that has anything to do with Kim Hee Joo."

"Then, Ms. Kim Hee Joo is in danger, is it?"

[A/N]: LOL.. it's been a long time since I update. Sorry to keep you waiting. A lot of thing pass these few days. I gotta job but stop halfway and things coming back to normal. :D

A s usual I'll update as usual. :D I hope my story doesn't rot. 



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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 10: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need more..after all this time am waiting huhu....keep up the good work & please always update too =)
1132 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ok author ssi but as soon as you have an idea update soon ok?? ;-)
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 8: Oh no no you need to update this dear i wonder what will happen next...am dying to know...keep up the good work dear and cant wait for the next update =)
1132 streak #4
Chapter 7: Just finished reading it now... Wow this ff is great... Update soon :-)