One Bitter Childhood.

Ghost Whisperer

[No one's POV]

Two Korean newlyweds came to Japan for their honeymoon. They were so happy, it is a beautiful place to live too. Ha Na loves cherry blossoms and Japan has the most beautiful cherry blossoms in the world. Her husband, Hee Chul decided that they'll spend their honeymoon in Japan which is suppose to be a surprised birthday present for his beloved wife and her unborn child.  "Yeobo, thank you so much for all you have done. I'm so happy. Delighted, Hee Chul hugged his beautiful wife and gave her a loving kiss. 

 But their happy moments doesn't last long, Ha Na is having a miscarriage. Ha Na is depressed by the news andnher long silent months have passed so fast her husband cannot do anything but to cheer her up "Don't worry, yeobo, they will be next time." Feeling a little happy, Ha Na hold her husband limb hands, kiss his cheek and smile at him. She never met such a great husband. 

 They stick to their plans for their honeymoon in Japan in order to escape from their busy lifes in Seoul. It's spring and cherry blossoms blooms beautifully and as they flutter down to the ground. Ha Na smiles widely for the first time and her husband is glad.

They walk downtown and see an orphanage, the couple look to each other. "Yeobo, I want a child." her husband was taken aback but remain his calmness. "The doctor said you can't have babies anymore." His little wife shook her head as she point to the orphanage. "I want to adopt a child." Hee Chul without saying anything went inside the orphanage and ask if they had a child to adopt. The grandmother take the couple away  as they walk to see if there is a child that they can adopt. There she spotted a young child with ahuge teddy bear. Ha Na go near the child as she sits down. "Hello." she voiced softly to the little girl, the girl looking at Ha Na. "What is your name?" Ha Na said. The girl just keep looking at her. Then without second thought the girl hugged Ha Na, sobbing in tears "Mama..." Ha Na was a bit shocked by the little girl's sudden behaviour but she willing to embrace her. "Yeobo, what is the matter?" Ha Na carried the little girl with her and stands in front of her puzzled husband "Yeobo, I want to take her."

As the two couples welcome the girl into their lifes. They give her everything. Her favorite foods, her toys, her personal things. The girl was showered love by the two couples as they hold her, squeeze her and kiss her on her two plumpy cheeks. As they smiled at the little girl, who is as innocent as an angel to their eyes. "Hee Joo ya, welcome home."


[Park Soo Hyun's POV]

"Soo Hyun ah, Soo Hyun ah, wake up!!"

I slowly open my eyes and I looked at a figure. A tanned skin tall guy with a handsome features of an actor. Man, my head hurts. I try to get my sense up and saw the figure is Hyun Jong himself. I woke up, my head is still hurts "Why are you doing here?" Hyun Jong let out a deep sigh "Yu told me that you were fainted in the park. I was worried about you so I ran here." He ran to me and brought me into this place? That's great but I don't think I get it in a right mind right now. "Where am I?" Hyun Jong raised his eyebrow "You're in the hospital, dude." Hospital, when did I suddenly admit to the hospital. Did I was involve into an accident? But why am I not in bruises, instead of my forehead. "I told you, you were fainted and you hit your head hard." 

"Since when?"

"You are all ed up about Yu comparing you to your sister part?" Then I remember me being all upset about Yu comparing to Bomi nuna, but that's not all, I pushed my cousin who cares for me like a brother and a best friend who is with me since middle school away from me. Now that I think of it, I suddenly felt guilty. "I'm sorry."  

"Well don't be, I know you sometimes wanted to be alone but don't you think this is a bit unfair?" Hyun Jong said with a serious tone. I knew he won't let go of this because of my selfish deed I did to him. 

"I didn't ask you to forgive me though."

"Well, I don't need your apologies, because I forgive a long time ago."

My eyes widen by his answer. Hyun Jong hugged me tightly like I was his girlfriend or something. I can feel the sincerity in that embrace. "I know that too well that you're longing for your family." My eyes slowly drown in tears. Somewhat I think it's better I live on my own is somehow very stupid of me to think like that. Why when I have someone who treated me equally like the others. 

The reason is because I missed my family so much and I envied someone who still got their families with them. But they don't treat them right like I do but having a family is a good thing enough. Plus, my sister always teasing me for being such a baby because I always throw my tantrum on anyone. "But I think you better apologies to Donghyun, though he is in a big shock." 

I open my eyes and facepalmed, Donghyun, why can't I remember. My best friend, who is always with me when I'm trouble, how am I suppose to live myself if I hurt my friend like that. I try to stand up but my legs start to wobble. I was about to fall but there is  a pair of warm feeling catches my shoulder. As I look back, I saw Lang. His soft face with a sweet smile resonance the room as if I saw a very bright sun. "You don't have to try so hard, Donghyun is here."  Stood in front of Lang and me is Donghyun with his puzzled expression when he look straight at us. "Donghyun ah." He pouts "Damn it, Soohyun you could at least tell me what the heck happen to you. I thought you're upset about those es trying to say or is it because of me." 

I lower my head in embarrasment. I giggled. I have never thought that Donghyun will be this sensitive. I moved my head and give a smile, ensure that it's not entirely his fault.  "Seriously, what happen? You were there all night and no one noticed you?" 

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow. Hyun Jong "Gladly, Lang was there. He called me and I carried you."

"I'm worried you know, you are surrounded by those spirits." I looked at him with a shock. Lang can see the ghost? Since when? I didn't know about this. Lang then he flustered and wave his hands "Ah, I'm sorry, forget about what I said." He giggles while looking around. I felt uneasy about Lang, is there something that he wants to hide?

"Thank you for taking good care of my cousin."

The nurse bow down the same length as Hyun Jong's after that he walk out from the clinic. "Seriously, you scared me, you know. Don't ever do that again, okay?" I sneer at Donghyun "Alright, I get it, you don't have to seriously." Donghyun pouts. "But he's right, though, you really had us worried." My lips drew a straight line. Now that I think about it, I am really stupid for doing that. 


I moved into Hyun Jong's room (again) and Aunt SooYoung doesn't seem to faze about it. Hyun Jong as usual, sleeping on the floor and I'm the same the usual. I'm still not feeling sleepy yet. I also felt guilty about Yu. If only I didn't say that and act like a sulking child. 

"Back here again,huh?" I turn my head to my left as saw Yu, standing at the side the bed. "Yu, where were you?" Yu curled her lips and sit on the matress. " Nowhere." I knew this would be the time I apologies to Yu. I sit up and meet her eye.

I hold on to my breath, counting seconds "I'm sorry." Yu looked at me with her eyebrow raised. "For what?" 

"About the things I said before. I knew I shouldn't have said it, I knew that. But this--"

"STOP!" Yu suddenly stop me with her powerfull voice makes Hyun Jong snorts. I turn to my right looking at Hyun Jong sleeping. Thank God he doesn't awake. "I knew that. I shouldn't have compare you to Haru-san. I mean, if I did, she'll kill me." 

"Seriously?" I giggled. Yu nodded. "You ask me where I went, right?" I looked at her "But you said nowhere." Yu slightly punch my head. "Baka*" "But you said it~~" 

Yu told me that she's been following this one girl we met the other day. She's a social worker. I told Yu the reason why she followed her. She is also the witness of the phone call curse and also the victim's close friend. "That's not the point, the piont is that I sense this familiar aura that was around her. Don't you see it too before ?" Now you mention it. I saw a gruesome aura back then. I'm still surprised that the aura was from her. "But, she's aliving person, how come a living person have an aura of a spirit?" 

"That is what I want to find out."

[No one's POV]

It's the middle of the empty street. Hee Joo walks out from the yellow cab as she smiles to the driver "Drive safely, ahjusshi" as the the old man smiles warmly at her. After the she closed the door. The yellow cab moves and drive away from her sight. She went inside her apartment, open the lock and she opens the door. She put away her things and removes her clothes and get ready to shower. As she open the shower, Hee Joo washed her face and her entire head. She remembered her friend died in the accident. That is not a mere suicide no matter what you look at it, she thought, it is definately a curse. It came back. She done showering as she put on her pajamas. She cooked her ramyun while watching TV programme. She looked at the old teddy bear to her left at the sofa. The teddy bear that is her only best friend. She snuggles it and tears flows from her eyes.. She pushed th teddy's chest and the music box like children song came from the teddy. 

Hee Joo remember the times before she met her adopted parents. She was lonely, not a happy childhood memories for her. She also remember her sister often abused her and her poor mother had to be blamed by her daughter's wrong doing. She remembered her sister put an hot iron on her hands, she hit her with a long stick, hitting her endlessly. She remember her mother's frantic face when she rushed into the hospital.

"Your daughter will be just fine. She'l be okay within a week.In the meantime, she'll be staying here in 3 days." Hee Joo remember being lie down to the hospital while her sister looked after her. Her sister afterwards gave her the red candy with a smile . "Don't worry, you'll be cured soon."

No matter how many times her sister abused her everytime she was sent into the hospital, she gave her candy and tell her to get well.  But all of that changes when her mother finally found out about Hee Joo's sister's wrong doing as she bring Hee Joo away from her. 

"Nanako, you stay here, okay. Mommy will come back soon." As Hee Joo looked at her mother's sihlouettes starts to fade. Everyday she waited for her mother but she never came. No one played with her, not even the caretakers, except the grandmother. 

She then adopted by her new parents as they gave her good life and memories in Korea. She was very happy. She runs along the house backyard dirty while her new parents play along with her in the dirt. She also remembered her adopted father scold her, her mother's warmth throughout the years she grew. Now that she works as a doctor, she never forget sending half of her earnings to her new parents. 

But something always bothers her, she felt it. She felt her sister is with her all the time. Hee Joo searches something to her handback and as she open them , a round red colored candy is in her hand although is already rot. "I wonder if she is still around?" she wondered. 


[Soohyun's POV]

I walk to school with Hyun Jong as usual today. A lot of students staring at me too, the usual thing. I try not to look at their snickering gaze they looked to me. Hyun Jong looked at me "Are you alright?" I looked at Hyun Jong and shooked my head "I'm fine really."  

"Soohyun, if something bothers you, you could at least tell me, let me know, okay?" Hyun Jong hold my hand. I can feel his warmth around my thin hand. it's nice and comfortable. Like Bomi nuna. 

"Hey, you guys!!" Donghyun ran towards us with a frantic eyes and a worried face drawing from his face. "Donghyun ah, what's the matter?" Donghyun tries to catch his breath. As soon as he already calm himself down he looked at us and opened his mouth "The phone curse strikes again!" Hyun Jong and I looked to each other. 

"So, who is it this time?" I ask him.

"It's a manager from the Hwangseo Company." Donghyun replied to me with his usual Hamster like face. I think about Donghyun's answer. Hwangseo Company, where did I heard it? Isn't that my father's company? "That's strange." Hyun Jong puzzled. I looked at him in wonder. " Three days ago, the person who was being killed is also an employee of that company?"  Now that he mention it, it makes sense. But how? What could have ever do such a thing. "But are you sure it's the phone curse? Or is it someone just killed the man?" Donghyun shook his head from Hyun Jong's statement. "No, There is no one there at that time. The manager was about to go home from the company and then he heard this eerie song, like a music box. He picked the phone up and someone says if you hear your own voice later, that person dies. And he did!! The manager died the same way as the woman who died  "

"If so, how did he died then?" Lang questioning Donghyun's explanation. "Well, they said after he accept the call, after like 3 minutes, he was hanged by the electric wire and after that ZZZAAPP!!" Donghyun explain again with a LOT of gestures. "And there's more!! At the scene, they found this red candy."  

"A red candy?" I ask him. Donghyun nodded. "About the size of a lollipop." Donghyun makes his thumb and his pointy finger in to a circle.

It's recess time and I walk alone in the park. I was thinking about Yu. I wonder what is wrong with her? A few days I threw my tantrum at her for comparing me and Bomi nuna. I hope she still here.

"Oit, Chibisuke!!" I felt a loud force behind me that I fell from the ground. I faced the sky and looked at the same Japanese's school uniform and a fur. A freakishly tall for a woman. Yeah, that's Yu alright.

"Quit doing that, you Yanbake!!"


I pout at her usual antique. "But that's not why you are here, isn't it?"  Yu suddenly frowns. I begin to shrink my shoulder. Is she still think about that? From the look at her face, I think she does. "I'm sorry." I begin to lower my head which I'm prepeared for the worst. I was hoping she wanted to hit me while saying "Sorry,Is that all you wanted to say?! What kind of f*** is that?" But I felt a small touch from my head and as I slowly raised my head, she pouts as well. "Well, I should be the one who said sorry. I should have said it too much."  She ruffles my hair with her mischevious snickering of hers. I push her hand away and throw my tongue at her as she laughs. " But there is another right?"

"About what" I ask her.

"About the curse you guys been investigating. The phone call curse."

"Don't tell me you know?" I ask her since I was curious about how she know about it? She smiles "I'm a poltergeist, remember? Of course I know. And I know who is behind all this." 


I saw Yu with a worried face. "But as soon as I know, I wished that it can't be happening."

I don't want to push her because she looks tense when we bring it up. " But I am about to tell you anyway. But first..."

You have to find Kim Hee Joo

A/N: Sorry for took so long, I finish update The Moon Children and next I have to move to 'You Are My Sunshine'  and I'm sorry for this chapter is so boring but I have run out of ideas.

I hope you enjoy this chapter 

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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 10: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need more..after all this time am waiting huhu....keep up the good work & please always update too =)
1124 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ok author ssi but as soon as you have an idea update soon ok?? ;-)
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 8: Oh no no you need to update this dear i wonder what will happen dying to know...keep up the good work dear and cant wait for the next update =)
1124 streak #4
Chapter 7: Just finished reading it now... Wow this ff is great... Update soon :-)