Let It Burn, Everything

Ghost Whisperer

[Soohyun's POV]

I run as fast as I can. Yu also flies up in the air he same speed as mine. Both of us went to find Kim Hee Joo. The little sister of a long time pepertrator of all the murder case involving the death call curse. and we have to go there and fast before 'she' could get to Kim Hee Joo. 

"Wait!! You do know where she is aren't you?" Yu smiles as she look downward straight at me. " I followed her around of course I know. Now let's hurry before someone else find her first." i riased my eyebrows as I looked at her. "Someone else? You mean,Mimiko?" Yu shook her head "Other than her,"  I am confused as it is but I didn't dare to say anything to her. Who is this someone she said about ?

As we went to the apartment where she is staying. We are slowly get to the front door. "Did you sense something?" I sense an anoumynos Rei-Chii flowing from the door. Strange, I sense something very familiar about this aura. But where?

" When you grow up, you should go to this place, and find out about it yourself."  I remembered about what Noona said to me before. That place? Where is 'that place' Noona often talks about? "Oit, Chibisuke, there's no time to be in awe. knock the door!" I fringed at her. " There's always a doorbell in every doorstep in Korea, don't they have one in Japan?"  Yu frowns and give me a hard elbow at me. "Urusendayo omae wa!! [Shut up, you!!!]"  I slowly push the bell. "Who is there?" a voice came out behind the door. It's her alright, I thought. "Hee Joo-sshi, can I come in?" I heard a soft footstep and it sounds louder as it reach the door. Miss Hee Joo finally opens the door and she looks as if she didn't sleep. She look surprised to see me. "You. I saw you a few days ago."  I nodded at her "What is it that you wanted to see me?" "M-May I come in first?" She nodded. I went inside as I looked the other places. It seems--okay at first time. Her apartment is very clean. i guess she cleans her apartment well. Yu, did you sense anything? I looked at Yu behind me. "Did you want something from me?" I turned and look at Hee Joo, Chibisuke, you need to ask her about Mimiko. I nodded. "I am here to ask you something."

I told her about Mizunuma Mimiko. I told her everything I know about how she died and how she haunts and killed a dozen of people by just one call at a time. Miss Hee Joo looks shocked as I tell her. "So, your saying that, both my mother and sister died?" I nodded. "And-- all those happening few days ago, will be the same as nine years ago?" I nodded again. Hee Joo seems shaken by the thought of her sister will kill her next. "N-No, it can't be. My sister will never--" 

Then suddenly, I heard a music,echoing in the air. It's the same ringtone Donghyun showed me. Then I felt a darker Reichii floating through the living room covers me and Miss Hee Joo. "W-What's happening? This is not my ringtone." I looked at Miss Hee Joo who is in fear. "It couldn't be. It couldn't." She kept denying but then my body somewhat froze all the sudden and I fell from the floor. It's fear, it freezes me again. Then I saw the dark violet Reichii floating to Miss Hee Joo.  A hand, a pale white hand suddenly touches her. But the hand is soon to be tens and twenty of them appears. I looked at her, Miss Hee Joo felt frightens and wanted to get out from the fog. I want to move my body so much but I can't. My body is completely frozen. I only watched helplessly as Miss Hee Joo slowly fading away into the dark Reichii. 


"Oit! Chibisuke, wake up!!" Yu's voice woke me up all thr sudden and as soon as I open my eyes, we were in the forest. I slowly stood up as I standingbto my feet. I looked around the dark and gloomy forest that is around me. Somewhat I felt like I remember this forest but my memory fazed and it hurts my head. Yu grabbed me "Oi, are you alright? What's wrong?" Although I can hear Yu's voice but the pain keeps hurting me like a thousand arrow keep shooting at my brain. It hurts.

And then suddenly, the same eerie ringtone echoes through the forest and makes my head hurts even more.  It makes me going to bang my head if that ringtone keep playing. My eye-sight became fuzzy and just when I am about to passed out, someone is screaming and it gets my head straight. "T-There is someone--there,hurry!" I struggle to get up as Yu grab hold my arms to support me. Yu hold me and go fast foward towards the scream. My head is still fuzzy and my sight is fazed, but I can't bring myself to close my eyes because if I do, it'll be like last time. Then when we stop, my head becames clear and returns to normal. Yu let go of me gently as we see Hee Joo there. "Miss Hee Joo!" I ran to her side as she shivering in fear. "Miss Hee Joo are you okay?You're not hurt anywhere? " But Hee Joo cannot answer me. I tried to shook her off, say something to comfort her. But Yu stop me any further "Chibisuke, I think she can't hear you, and I know she won't." I looked at Yu "Why?" Yu didn't move an inch and keep looking at the distance. As I look at what Yu saw. A small figure standing far away in front of us. The figure looks dirty, for the dirt and stains are everywhere from her pale white body and her stained blouse. The figure's hair is long and messy and scars carved all over her arms and legs. Unlike the Onryo from the last time, she looks calm and emotionless. I stood up slowly and as I try to get closer. "Oi, Chibisuke, not so fast!" Yu pull me to her side. "What? She looks calm"  I said but looking at Yu's  expression, it is not like that.

The figure then came closer to us. She then stop after she makes five step towards us. "Nanako-chan" the figure finally speak, her voice seems calm but not sort of calmness as what I have heard. "You are hurt, come" the figure streatched her hand to Hee Joo "Let me take you to the hospital." Hee Joo slowly lift her head up and saw the figure. "Onee-chan?" Hee Joo then reach out to the figure but Yu stops her by reflect her Reichii to the figure as it flies back. The figure seems angry at Yu. "Yu, what was that for?" Yu ticked her tongue loud enough for me to hear. "That is gonna kill her." I am in completely shocked by her words. Hee Joo also shocked. "But-why? She was trying to help me." Yu smirk and scuff with dismay. "I don't think so, Ojouchan. If she wants to help you, then why she is holding a knife behind her back? " I looked at the figure's hands. Yes, that's a knife alright. "But why, isn't Hee Joo is her sister?" "Never heard of a conduct disorder? She has that from her 'father' that her mother."  Then in the speed of light, the figure tackles Yu from her feet. The figure now on top of Yu as she starts to strangle her. Yu tries to fight off her but even with her brute force, she can't win over the figure's inhumane strength.

"Akuryo Taisan!!" I threw my shikigami to the figure but she turn to me and burnt my shikigami. I am in shocked as I saw the burnt shikigami. Then something invisible grabbed my neck with a force. Just like the last time. I am about to die with that force. I tried to fight the pain off. "Kuso!!!" Yu forced herself to push the figure and punched her. After the figure lands hard to the ground, the force around my neck is gone and I can breath. "Oh my god~"  Yu stood up "Oi, Chibisuke, daijoubu ka? [Are you alright?]" I nodded at her in response.  "Miss Hee Joo, are you alright? you're not hurt anywhere?" Hee Joo looked at me with frightened eyes.  "What's wrong? I thought  I saw my sister, but--" "No time to explain" I interrupted, I grabbed her arm and ready to run away from it. "We gotta get you out of here." I dashed out with her without turning back and let Yu fight her alone.

Along the way I explain to her about the situation. I started at A to Z. "But I don't understand, why my sister wants to kill me?" I stopped halfway. In truth, I also want to know that as well, why would Mimiko wants to kill her? Her, her own sister, her own flesh and blood. Why? "To tell you the truth, I want to know as well, why would she want to kill you?"  I let her hand go, thinking of all those unreasonable things her sister done in the past. "I thought siblings suppose to love each other, even though sometimes they get a one-side love from their doted parents, but they love each other, so,why--" I turn to Hee Joo "Why she want to kill you?" Hee Joo then went to the big oak tree and leans " When I was still a child, the only thing I know is my sister is a nice person. She often took good care of me, playing with me all day and night as if the world is ours." She smiles as she looked at the sky "Those are a happy moments." She then turns frown "But when I was five, she suddenly stops playing with me and--" Hee Joo rolls up her sleeves and scars from her arms carved. "She starts to injure me, saying that she'll call the hospital for my treatment and gives me red jawbreaker." She turns to me, she smiles bitter  "To tell you the truth, I really don't know." I sigh and sit down to the grass and looked at the forest.

" When you grow up, you should go to this place, and find out about it yourself."   I remember the words Noona once told me and also this forest. "I remember this forest. My sister used to brought me to this kind of place to see ghosts." Hee Joo surprised "Ghost?" then she laughed "Oh, silly you, there is no such things as ghost." "I once think like that as well, but--" I start having flashbacks of my memories when I was in the accident that took away my parents and my sister's life and changes me. " After my family died, I start seeing things, like ghosts, you see my tall friend with a fur coat, she's a ghost as well, a poltergeist." Hee Joo hangs wide open "No kidding, but she looks so real." I laugh a little "Well, she had a habit letting other people see her or disappear into a thin air. Moreover, she's  my ghost." Hee Joo looks surreal "No way!" I laugh as I nod " I'm not lying it's true, she's from my mother's side of the families. In fact, she is 'inherit' by my sister to me."  I stood up and have a look around me. "Yeah. It looks just like it." Hee Joo stood up and stand beside me. "What is it?" 

Then suddenly I heard a stomp. I look around and see Yu, lying down to the grass, looks injured. I rush towards her "Yu, are you alright?" Yu struggles "Kuso, that Onryo is tough despite her appearance." Then suddenly, the eerie ringtone came back to us, and so does the pain in my head. I struggle the pain despite it worsen my sight.  "Hey, are you alright, please, say something!"  But she stop and saw something in front of her. It was Mimiko, her dead sister, right in front of her. "Why? Why you want to do such a thing? " Mimiko did not answer as she choke Hee Joo. I can hear Hee Joo's voice, she seems suffering. Mimiko strangled her despite Hee Joo is figthing her back. "Don't fight, Nanako-chan." Mimiko said calmly. "After this, I'll bring you to the hospital, you will feel better afterwards." I tried to reach out to her. But due to my fuzzy sight I can't see well. And Yu is still hurt from her fight againts Mimiko. Even the Yanbake is down. How can I save her? This is the first time I have felt so helpless. This is not like the last time, This is not the ghost that possesed my aunt, this is not Yoon Ji either. Just like Yu said, she had a conduct disorder. 

Nuna,please help me.

Then suddenly I heard a strange chanting, it's a foreign language so I don't understand. I felt relieved after that, my sight is coming back to normal as I saw a strange, golden Reichii flowing from the other side. I am shocked to what I saw. 

"Lang?" I saw Lang, my friend, Lang, closed his eyes and chant something from his mouth. Mimiko is gasping of air as she move away from Hee Joo. Then I sense three green Reichii flowing through gasping Mimiko. Then I saw three man, two adults and one teen. They are the one I knew as well. Gou Jin, Xiao Kong and Yue Jie. And they are fighting Mimiko. What is this? Why is Lang is here, and why these two are fighting Mimiko, and moreover they have the same Reichii as Yu. Despite she was weakened by Lang's enchantment, she fought with the trio with all her might. "Darn, she is so tough for a little Onryo" Gou Jin exclaims. Yue Jie stops Mimiko's movement by bind her with his light sphere. " This is all I can do, Goku, get her!" Xiao Kong then brought his weapon, a rod exact the same as Son Goku,wait,  did Yue Jie call him Goku? What's going on here?

"Here I go!!" Xiao Kong then leap to Mimiko as he ready to finish her. But Hee Joo stop him "No!" Xiao Kong seems flustered and leap over her. "Oi, xiaojie [Miss], what are you trying to put?" "I won't let you kill her. I still don't know why she wants to kill me and I still have something to say to her!" Gou Jin grabbed her arm. Hee Joo struggles to get off from his clutches "Let go off me!" Gou Jin then knocked her unconcious as I am shocked from what I saw. "That girl is a nuisance, seriously." said Xiao Kong. "Nah, don't worry about her, worry about this Onryo, she was about to be set free."  Yue Jie tightens more of his grip to make the sphere strong. "Hurry, I cna't hold her much longer!" Xiao Kong ready to attack Mimiko. As Lang shouted "Demons Dispel!" Xiao Kong's rod pierce through Mimiko and a huge piece of papers size of his shoulders begin to wrapped around Mimiko. Screams in pain as the paper were caught in smoke. "W-What the heck is that?" Yue Jie helped me stood up "That is the Sutra that dispels demons, the Maten scripture." I crooked my head to the side "Maten scripture?" Yue Jie laughs as he heals me. "We'll talk about that later. Let's get you and your spirit healed up." As Yue Jie keeps healing me, I saw  a fire burns Mimiko as she screams in pain. For some reason, it pains me to see her suffering. And for some reason, I did not see her as an Onryo. Why did I feel this way? I want to help her ease her pain like I did to Yoon Ji before, but I know it is too late for me as I watch the fire eats her alive.

And I saw Lang move to her with tears "May Buddha cleanse you from the sinned ones and go to Paradise where you can be free."  Mimiko is still struggles. Lang then quickly turn his back to Mimiko, as I see him sobbing. "Poor Sanzou, this is not the first time he see this situation." sighs Yue Jie. "I remember the first Onryo he dispels, that Onryo is full of rage and hatred and his flame from the Maten scripture kills her. This is a lot to take in for him." I looked at Mimiko burning in flames while still wrapped the unburnt scripture "For some reason, I felt the same as well." I thought. I remember the first Onryo I dispel. That Onryo really hated my mother and my father,toying my aunt's feelings to my father.  Of course it hurts you sometimes, but you got no choice but to dispel the evil spirits.  As I watched the flame grows bigger as Mimiko screamed in pain. For some reason I heard her voice. "Mama, help me!" she shouted. I wanted to help her, but I can't, I don't have the power to. I have no choice but to see her burnt from the overraging flames. Let it burn everything, her sins and her cursed life, let it burn until nothing is there.

Somehow, I finally understand what Nuna came through. There is no turning back from this fight. It has make me determine to defeat this White Lady once and for all. Seeing Lang helps me realized this. I must find her and defeat her no matter what.





A/N: Sorry it tooks so long for me to update. I have some work so sometimes I don't have the time to finished it, not just this but my other fics as well. I hope this is not boring as the others, and excuse me for my grammar. Haha. it's been awhile since I update so kinda rusty. 

Yes, Lang makes his debut as a Buddist priest and the trio, kinda reminds me of Gensoumaden Saiyuki but Lang is not like the cynical Genjyo Sanzou rather the opposite. 

I hope you like the chapter. Haha

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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 10: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need more..after all this time am waiting huhu....keep up the good work & please always update too =)
1132 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ok author ssi but as soon as you have an idea update soon ok?? ;-)
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 8: Oh no no you need to update this dear i wonder what will happen next...am dying to know...keep up the good work dear and cant wait for the next update =)
1132 streak #4
Chapter 7: Just finished reading it now... Wow this ff is great... Update soon :-)