Stressful Mornings and Old Melodies

A not so 'normal' Umma

AN: Hi guys. So sorry for not updating T.T This chapter is dedicated to Miyocca, who 'encouraged' me to update :D  And every other subber and commenter xDDD

Note: I made a tiny change in last chap, cause I made some mistakes before. So, Key doesn't have a fashion shot, but a photo-shoot. Sorry T.T

Ouch, this isn't what I planned, sorry T.T I'll try to make better chapters next T.T

The next day started out as a total catastrophe. Two of my male models got sick (or at least that's what they told me, I had an idea that there was something else behind it). It wouldn't have been that bad if the fashion show wasn't too important. But it was. Much more important than anyone could have imagined.  Plus, I only found it out after dropping Taemin and Onew off. Taemin seemed really excited about going to the beach, while Onew was quite cute when he realized that I wanted him to come with us as well. Strangely, I'd been noticing more and more things about Onew. Normally, he wouldn't have been my type, but every time he smiled at me made me like him a bit more. Of course, it wasn't a crush or anything... Or at least that's what I told myself.

It was strange how I liked Onew and Taemin's Music teacher. But I knew that my chances with the Music teacher were really low. Yes, maybe he liked me until he thought I was a girl, but I was sure that when he found out that I wasn't, he was disgusted by me.

I decided to try and spend more time with Onew.

Let's say that when I found out that those models weren't able to come, I freaked out. It rarely happened, but when I did, I got pretty scary. Or at least that's what the models surrounding me said. But I had no idea how I would get two models.

Of course, as usual, I was going to model as well. But there weren't too many clothes, so at first I was planning to say that I was sick or something and not model, but now that we were lacking two people, I couldn't do that.

I sighed and called the principal of Taemin's school, and told him that I needed Taemin. He was my only hope. Of course, after some 'please, let him go just for a few hours...'the principal allowed Taemin to come. I smirked to myself as I called Taemin and told him that my driver was going to be there soon. Sometimes, it was really great to have a famous mom and be famous as well. Of course, I preferred to drive, but this did save me some stress.
I explained the models what that had to do and how (they were professionals, but I had to be sure that everything would go as planned) and waited for Taemin to arrive.

He was there in a few minutes. Somehow, I was already in the first outfit I had to go out in. Taemin greeted me and offered to help with my make-up, but I refused it. I was fine, my hands weren't shaking because I was nervous. They were shaking for another reason. I just didn't know what.

Strangely, the shooting went smoothily. Taemin made a few mistakes like looking at the wrong angle, or looking too dreamy, but he was almost like a professional.

And he was so cute when he laughed at one of the female models tripping. It was a bit rude, of course, but I knew that even if she had seen it she wasn't mad at him. No one ever could stay mad at Taemin.

I really hated how I looked though. I could view the photos soon, and the ones made of me were horrible.

At some, I looked like a heartless , glaring like the cameraman had hurt me. Those were really bad pictures.

At others, I looked creepy. I mean, they were pretty good, and I looked quite cute, but the look in my eyes made me cringe. I wasn't sure why though. It was like it was obvious that I didn't want to be there or something.

The pictures of Taemin were freaking awesome though. He looked like a professional model, though I knew that he was far from it. I've always been trying to convince him to start modeling professionally, but he always said no.

I knew that he had his reasons and everything, but it would have helped me a lot to know that he was going to be there and model the clothes I made. Of course, he was always there when something went wrong.

Luckily, we finished sorting the pictures out quickly, and I was able to go home and calm down a bit. I was still in a really bad mood.

I sighed as I entered my house and pulled off my shoes. I decided to do something I hadn't done in years. I walked down where the basement was (well, actually it was like a whole floor under the ground with a lot of rooms) and headed to the direction of one particular room.

I put my hand on the door handly, and it started to shake a bit. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The room seemed like it hadn't been cleaned since I'd been there. Everything had a thin layer of dust on it.

Even my piano... The room itself held a lot of instruments. I never really knew why I gave up studying music. It just happened.

For many years, I wanted to go bact to the music room and play again. But as time flew, I had more and more things to do. Soon, I was well-known, and busy as hell.

I sat on the piano chair and sighed softly. I blew off the dust that covered it and pushed down a few random keys. I smiled when I could still remember a melody I've learnt when I was really young. As I played, I closed my eyes and relaxed for a while. It was like time had stopped for a short while. For long hours, I just played and played. I didn't even know how I remembered all those songs, but I did.

By the time I had to pick Taemin and Onew up, I was in a much better mood. I smiled as I left the music room, looking back at the piano once more.


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I am going to update on this weekend. Sorry for the late updates guys, but it's tough to write this cause of a lot of things xDD


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Niek999 #1
Chapter 6: Do you need support so you can write another chapter? Wooooot wooooot katakatica~! You can do it!
Chapter 6: Omo! Jjong and Minho oppa also at there, beach???
Daebak! It's their fate or what???
I think i can't wait more for next chapter^^ plz update soon :)
Shadra220 #3
Please update soon!!!
ShineeFan200 #4
Chapter 6: WOOOOOO THANK YOU XxXxXxXx lmao ^-^/
thanks so much for continuing this story! and i love the fact that normal boy will have a different story line.
Jenkeey #5
Chapter 6: Omg vovifccuccif thank you for continuing this! <3
Chapter 6: I think this could have done without keys flashback, it didn't need it.
Yunie1827 #7
Chapter 6: Yay you updated!!! :))))) nice chapter btw. <3
Chapter 6: Hehe nice comeback :D
Chapter 6: Muahaha I knew I had this much power over you~ lol

Is Jjong shirtless? If yes, I'll expect a flustered and blushing Key xD