Drama in Minnie's school

A not so 'normal' Umma

AN: Hii~ I am only updating cause I am so happy about getting so many comments for only one chapter <3 Ok, I actually enjoy writing this xD Dunno why, but I do :D

So yeah, enjoy the 2nd chapter :D

A bit later, we were in Taemin's house. I had baked some cookies for us. I think he wanted to tell me something, but he wasn't sure if he could. I could see it on him. But when the cookies cooled down and he started eating one quietly, he looked at me with a sort of confused, but really cute expression. Awww, my baby was adorable..
'Umma..' he started softly. I smirked. Now I knew what he was trying to talk to me about. My baby had a crush~
'Yes, Minnie?' I asked him as I was still smirking. I couldn't just finish smirking so quickly though, my baby was all so grown up and yet, he was still so adorable.
'Do you think it's wrong to like a teacher?' he asked me and looked away. I could see his cheeks became a bit pink. I blinked for a few times, then smirked at him once again and shook my head. As always, I was right.
'I don't think so, Minnie..Why?' I asked him. After that, he explained to me how much he liked his Math teacher, Mr Choi. I was sure that I have heard of him somewhere, but I couldn't recall where, so I didn't even bother to tell him. Instead, I tried to cheer him up. The poor thing was sure that the teacher wouldn't like him. Well, I knew that he would. Taemin was my son, everyone had to love him.
After a few hours, I had to go home. I hugged Taemin and went home. I was late with a project for my next collection, and I knew that even if I could postpone the date, it wouldn't really do any good. So I stayed up all night, trying to draw the plans of  that damned T-shirt that just didn't want to be drawn. At all. But before my alarm clock could have rung, I was finally finished. I grinned happily as I looked at the completely perfect design. I was glad that I was on brake from classes until my next collection was out, even though I haven't even told Taemin yet. It totally slipped out of my mind, because despite not having classes, my free time only shortened. I sighed as I fell on my fluffy bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep almost immediately, but sadly I was woken up by my alarm clock only what seemed like a few minutes later. 
I sighed as I dragged myself to my bathroom. I took a refreshing shower, and dressed up. I put on some concealer as well, too hide the dark bags under my eyes. I stifled a yawn as I looked at the clock. It was nearing the time I should go and pick Taemin up. I would just take him to school and then go home and sleep a lot. 
After some time, I decided that it was finally time  to go and pick Taemin up. The way to the school was fairly quiet. As I parked my car, I turned to say goodbye to Taemin, but I realized that it was still too early for him to go to class, especially since he had his first class with some crazy woman who thought that my baby couldn't speak English. 
Soon, a car parked down next to mine and two familiar figures stepped out of it. It was the handsome predator from the previous day and the frog guy. I smirked to myself when I saw Taemin stare at the frog guy for a long time. 'So this is the famous Choi Minho.. ' I thought. 'Not bad, not bad at all.'I added in my thoughts as I pushed Taemin out of the car. Suddenly realizing that I wanted the handsome guy look at me, I got out of the car as well. He must have heard the opening of the door or something, because he turned to look at me. His eyes widened when he noticed me and I sent a small smirk in his direction before saying goodbye to Taemin and then getting back into my car. 
I drove home quickly, and dragged myself to my room. I was really exhausted by then. With Minnie, I didn't feel like I was tired but once I got home, I was glad  that I could reach my bed before falling asleep. 
Sadly, my peaceful dreams had to be interrupted once again. My phone was ringing loudly. I picked it up lazily. It was Onew.
'Key-ah, I was in the Library because a teacher asked me and I saw Taemin ran off to the bathroom. He was crying so badly... He seemed really upset..' he said. I growled to myself as I jumped out of my bed and changed my outfit quickly, so it screamed authority. Whoever hurt my baby was going to get hurt as well.
'I am going there, hyung. Thank you for calling me.'I said as I ran to my car. He just mumbled something and I was sure that he was blushing. I drove to the school quickly. Not caring about the ladies at the reception, I ran to find the bathroom. I threw the door open and the sight that greeted me wasn't what I expected. A boy and a girl were making out. I guess I was at the wrong place. Maybe he wasn't in the bathroom anymore. I walked out of the bathroom, not wanting to interrupt the lovers anymore. I growled in irritation and decided to call Taemin. He picked up almost instantly
'U-' I started, but I was interrupted.
'Lee Taemin. Where on Earth are you, and why did Onew see you ran off somewhere crying?' I asked him before he could have said anything.
'U..Umma.. Nothing happened. I think hyung is crazy..'He lied, laughing weakly. It was obvious that he was crying..
'Minnie, I am not an idiot. Was it that ugly teacher again?' I asked him and I could hear him giggle into the phone. After that, he told me that he was in the bathroom. I realized that there were more than just one restrooms in the school, and this time, I found where he was. Oh, froggy boy was with him too.


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I am going to update on this weekend. Sorry for the late updates guys, but it's tough to write this cause of a lot of things xDD


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Niek999 #1
Chapter 6: Do you need support so you can write another chapter? Wooooot wooooot katakatica~! You can do it!
Chapter 6: Omo! Jjong and Minho oppa also at there, beach???
Daebak! It's their fate or what???
I think i can't wait more for next chapter^^ plz update soon :)
Shadra220 #3
Please update soon!!!
ShineeFan200 #4
Chapter 6: WOOOOOO THANK YOU XxXxXxXx lmao ^-^/
thanks so much for continuing this story! and i love the fact that normal boy will have a different story line.
Jenkeey #5
Chapter 6: Omg vovifccuccif thank you for continuing this! <3
Chapter 6: I think this could have done without keys flashback, it didn't need it.
Yunie1827 #7
Chapter 6: Yay you updated!!! :))))) nice chapter btw. <3
Chapter 6: Hehe nice comeback :D
Chapter 6: Muahaha I knew I had this much power over you~ lol

Is Jjong shirtless? If yes, I'll expect a flustered and blushing Key xD