Teacher vs Umma

A not so 'normal' Umma

AN: Hi guys~ Umm.. Before the chapter start.. Could you please check out my fairly new darkish JongKey/2min fic, Living The Same Life As Everyone Else? I'm really working hard on that fic and I'd be thankful to you if you checked it out..

Also: I know that in the last chap, the ones that haven't read Normal Boy easily assumed that Minho had hurt Minnie, but it was actually his English teacher, Mrts Smith. She tore off his bracelet that he got from Key.. (this will be in this chapter I think but I just wanted to clear things upxD)


While still on the phone, Taemin told me that his teacher had torn off his bracelet. Of course he was upset. That bracelet was what made us remember of everything that had happened to us as friends, it was really important to us. 
I wanted to kill that woman for hurting my baby. Taemin was really the closest person to me, and seeing him hurt really made me mad. I mean, yes, he was 'only' my son, but sometimes I was even more overprotective than an Umma. It might have been because he was so innocent though.
So as I walked into the bathroom, I saw him and the man who was with the handsome teacher(?) from yesterday.
'So, Minnie, where is that..'I started and smirked when I realized that Taemin was blushing softly. Oh, so the froggy guy was Mr Choi. Minnie blushed even deeper and turned away.
'Umma~' he wailed on his adorable baby voice. I sighed and grabbed his hand, then started pulling him out of the restroom.
'Sorry pretty-teacher-boys, but me and Minnie have something to do.'I said and pulled Taemin out completely. Before we walked off so I could speak to that teacher, I looked back at the froggy guy's confused face. I had to admit that he wasn't a bad choice, I was proud of my Minnie. I told my baby to show me where his classroom was and he lead me there slowly. I could see that he was scared of that womam. 
I knocked on the door and told Taemin to go inside in front of me. He did so, and I could feel the teacher's glare in out direction. I walked in after him, earning a lot of gasps and some whispers saying how 'hot' or 'beautiful' I was. I scoffed inwardly. These boys were mere kids who couldn't even make a difference between a hot girl and me, a hot (beautiful) boy. Some of them were even drooling, which made me gag silently. Seriously, how old were they? Three?
I looked at the teacher, placing my hands on my hips.
'Excuse me, are you Mrs Smith?' I asked her in English, smirking to myself when she seemed confused for a few moments.
'Yes, I am. And who are you, if I may know it? Are you the girlfriend of the crybaby?' she spat out. I glared at her, ready to pounce on her and kill her for insulting my baby.
'No, I am his mother.' I started, and looked around, seeing that the whole class was still staring at me, some with confusion, some with lust, while some of them were just plainly interested in what would happen.'And for your information, my name is Key.' I smirked when everyone in the room gasped. I could once again hear the excited whispers of the kids.
'Oh my good, it's really her! She's so pretty~' one of the girls squealed. I giggled inwardly.
'Yes, she is sooo cute~ And her clothes are totally wow!' Another girl giggled. 'I want to be like her.' I smiled. I actually liked it when people at least had role models, whoever they were. At least they wanted to be like someone, which meant that they had goals in their life.
'Well, I have heard that you had hurt Minnie. I am a really nice person, so I will let you go with a warning' I said. I knew that it wouldn't be too great to harass a teacher. Plus she could just make Taemin fail what I didn't want at all.. Of course..'But if you ever, and I mean EVER say or do anything bad to him, I am going to make sure that all of your ugly clothes are going to be burnt..Maybe along with you.' I added and smirked when the teacher looked really scared. I had the sudden urge to yawn, I was still really exhausted, but I had to do this. I couldn't let anyone hurt my baby..
Taemin pouted at me cutely. I think he realized that he couldn't really be a normal boy, however hard he tried. I giggled and  turned to go home finally. Only then did I realized that the handsome man and Mr Choi were standing behind me. I gulped as I stared into the puppy resembling man's eyes, and saw him smile at me. He stared back into my eyes and he took a step towards me, but suddenly Taemin nudged me. I looked back at him. 'Go home~'he mouthed. I nodded quickly, and ran outside, my shoulder accidentally brushing the handsome teacher's. Even that small touch made my heart beat faster.
As I was leaving the building, I could hear a lot of people shout 'WHAT?!' I giggled mentally, I had a feeling that I knew what surprised them so much. 
I finally reached my car and I drove home quickly. I almost crashed several times because I could barely stay awake. Well yeah, being a fashion designer and an umma wasn't an easy job. Even though I loved being both and I would have never given up.
When I finally reached my house, I threw the door open. My mom was home for once, sitting on the couch. 'Hi baby~'she greeted me with a huge smile.
Hi Mom.' I smiled back at her and went to hug her. I usually met her when I was in the office to show my design to her or the managers, or when we were on a photo-shoot or something. Of course, both of us was famous now, and we barely had time for each other, but we still loved each other deeply. My mom knew everything about me. Even the fact that I was gay. She even told me that as long as I was happy, I could marry a monkey and she would be happy. 
So yeah, we were really close. After finally meeting her, I walked into my room and fell on my bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.
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I am going to update on this weekend. Sorry for the late updates guys, but it's tough to write this cause of a lot of things xDD


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Niek999 #1
Chapter 6: Do you need support so you can write another chapter? Wooooot wooooot katakatica~! You can do it!
Chapter 6: Omo! Jjong and Minho oppa also at there, beach???
Daebak! It's their fate or what???
I think i can't wait more for next chapter^^ plz update soon :)
Shadra220 #3
Please update soon!!!
ShineeFan200 #4
Chapter 6: WOOOOOO THANK YOU XxXxXxXx lmao ^-^/
thanks so much for continuing this story! and i love the fact that normal boy will have a different story line.
Jenkeey #5
Chapter 6: Omg vovifccuccif thank you for continuing this! <3
Chapter 6: I think this could have done without keys flashback, it didn't need it.
Yunie1827 #7
Chapter 6: Yay you updated!!! :))))) nice chapter btw. <3
Chapter 6: Hehe nice comeback :D
Chapter 6: Muahaha I knew I had this much power over you~ lol

Is Jjong shirtless? If yes, I'll expect a flustered and blushing Key xD