Why did you...?

How to be a demonic demon?!


For a short moment it seemed that time had stopped. Chanyeol stared at the scene in front of his eyes, held back by Kris since otherwise he would have been the one laying there now, unconscious and not moving at all.
Chen was the first one who recovered from the first heavy shock of the scenario and ran onto the street to the body, to scared though to actually touch him. Then Baekhyun slowly approached them and Chen looked up at the other. "Why did he do that...? The only people he has to protect with his life while we are here... Are the three princes." Baekhyun stuttered silently. Luhan and Suho were talking to the car driver at that time, trying to calm the man down, who bowed deeply over and over again, stammering apologizes. Then he finally called an ambulance.
Finally Chanyeol was able to get out of Kris's grip as well. "Baekhyun! Baekhyun, are you okay?" He asked his friend, shaking him lightly. Baekhyun managed to look up at him and nod but Chanyeol knew Baekhyun wasn't alright. Not at all.
Chanyeol sighed deeply, looking at his two elder brothers. Then he looked back at the hospital they had just left. Baekhyun had been the only one to stay there with the unconscious Zitao. He had said it continuous times. "It's my fault so I'll be the one who stays." Had been Baekhyun's words and after a while everyone had accepted his decision. 
"So... Are those guys here to pick you up, Chanyeol?" Kris suddenly spoke and caused Chanyeol to jump slightly. Looking at the taller male he shook his head. "I don't think so..." He said silently but he wasn't all to sure.
"You still don't have permission to come back home. You have to learn how to be demonic after all." Luhan said calmly, looking up at the sky. Suho and Chen looked over at their little brother. But Chanyeol already was talking with Kris again.
"See, they won't take me back yet. But one day I guess I have to go back." Chanyeol said, sighing. He didn't want to go back that much anymore. Somehow... Especially now after the kiss, he wanted to stay. 
"Where are you guys living?" The young demon prince suddenly turned around at the other three demons, his voice slightly raised in his confusion. He hadn't wondered about that at all until now. "At Zitao's place." Was the calm answer, once again given by Luhan.  Chanyeol nodded. "At this semi-demon's place, alright..." He murmured.
"Semi-demons... And everything just gets more confusing." Kris growled silently. For him one demon was more than enough already.
"Why does a human being know that much about us anyway?" Chen asked curious and Chanyeol immediately looked to the ground, innocently whistling a melody. "You told him more about us than you are allowed to, hm, Chanyeol?" Suho spoke now, looking at his younger brother and slightly raising one eyebrow. 
"Don't blame him, that's how Chanyeol is." Kris said. He didn't knew why he did that though, he had no reason to defend the other and he surely did know less about Chanyeol's true character and behavior than his own brothers and long life friends. But just the fact that he had said that made all of the four demons stare at him silently. Kris stepped a little bit away from them as he continued walking, now a bit faster. "Kris, don't just run away again!" Chanyeol pouted, also increasing his pace. Chen already wanted to follow them but Suho held him back. "Leave them alone for a while, Chen... I don't know but I have the feeling this Kris is something... Special."
Kris and Chanyeol arrived at the college campus. They had walked in complete silence the whole time but as soon as they stepped into the dormitory Kris broke it. "Why did you follow me? You could have stayed with your family..." He said silently, though somewhere deep in his heart he was happy Chanyeol had followed him. He was allowed to spend a bit more time with Chanyeol.
Something about his feelings scared Kris though. He wanted the other to leave but at the same time he wanted to hold him close to himself. Chanyeol nervously stepped from one foot on the other and back. "I don't know, actually... I haven't thought about what I am doing." He said silently as they went up the stairs. Why DID I follow him? Why didn't the others stop me? 
They arrived at Kris's room but Chanyeol stopped at the door, looking into the room, looking around. He realized how different this room was from Kris's room in that nightclub. And then he took a deep breath, wanting to get ride of that question that burned inside his head since the moment he had remembered a few things of what had happened the night before.
Well, he had remembered only one thing though...
"Was that kiss an accident? What happened afterwards, I can't remember." Chanyeol really just remembered the feeling of this kiss but since Kris hadn't mentioned it the whole time either he thought that the other maybe forgot or didn't want to talk about it.
Kris turned around to look at Chanyeol. It was impossible for the latter to read in those eyes. Maybe that was because that was really impossible or maybe because Chanyeol just was bad at doing such things. But he felt sad when Kris turned his gaze away again, Chanyeol wanted to look into this eyes longer.
"That was because of the alcohol, Chanyeol... Don't think there was a meaning behind all this." Kris said clearly. Chanyeol gulped. There was a pain inside his chest as if someone stabbed him with a knife. But why did he feel like that now. Nodding, he turned around to walk to his room but suddenly someone take a hold onto his wrist and pulled him closer, turning him around in the progress. And in the next second he felt familiar lips on his own, briefly only and just for a second but he felt them. Kris just silently looked into his eyes.
Then the taller let go of his wrists, stepped back into his room and closed the door. Chanyeol stood there as if he was frozen to the spot, waiting. Maybe something would happen. One minute, a second one passed. Nothing. Just Chanyeol standing in an empty corridor.
He sighed inaudible and walked to his room, wanting to unlock it when he remembered that the key was in the pocket of his jacket. And his jacket was... Were the hell was it anyway? Did Kris take it? But he didn't want to disturb the other again so he just sat down on the ground in front of his door, closing his eyes as he lifted one hand, lightly touching his lips. "What is all this about...? I am so confused now..." He muttered silently.
Baekhyun stood in the room, leaning against the wall, his hands hidden in the pockets of his jacket, his eyes on the face of the unconscious semi-demon the whole time. In his minds the thoughts were rushing around.
Why did he do it? Would he blame Baekhyun after waking up? Would he tell him how stupid and careless he was? Would he hate Baekhyun though they didn't even know each other that well yet? What if... What if the other would never wake up again?
Baekhyun tried to shrug off the last thought, shivering lightly. He couldn't think of the trouble he would get in when one of their best henchman in the human world would die because of his stupidness. 
The young demon walked over to the window and pulled the whie curtains slightly to the side to look outside. The sunlight hit his face and he lightly squinted his eyes until his eyes were used to it. A few more minutes he stood there, staring out of the window, watching people running around down there. They were as small as ants from up where he stood. He wondered how many of those humans actually were semi-demons or angels or any other creature you could think about. He also wondered how many people did know what they really are and on which side did they stand, the demons' or the angels' side.
For the first time in months Baekhyun thought about this continuing fight between angels and demons. And their battleground always used to be the human world. For what did they even fight? Lucifer, the fallen angel, forefather of Chanyeol's family, had died thousands of years ago. Each generation there was a young soldier who asked this question.
For what do we fight?
Baekhyun, who was still young but a soldier for many years already due to his fighting skills, always had to answer this question as commandant Luhan's direct subordinate. 
'For the unfairness we had to accept all this years! For the suffering!'
Didn't this world suffer much more than the demons and their world ever did? Using the humans' world as battleground, wasn't that unfair?
Baekhyun spinned around when he heard someone enter the room. Seeing that it was just a nurse he relaxed. "I'm sorry, Mister, but Mister Huang needs to rest a lot. Could you please leave?" The nurse said in a calm and soft voice. Baekhyun looked at the not moving body on the hospital bed. Then he just silently nodded and walked pass the nurse.
Stepping out of the hospital, Baekhyun suddenly realized one thing though.
How the hell was he supposed to find the others now?
Tao got hit by a car! o.o Actually, when I wrote this in the last chapter I wasn't even sure who was the one hit by the car. ^-^; *sweat drop*
Ächem, next question: What did Suho mean, saying that 'Kris seemed to be something special'? I am good at asking myself questions about my stories. Too good at it sometimes. o.O
And what is the reason Chanyeol followed Kris anyway? 
Oh holy Krissus, this will be very interessting I guess.
I wonder if Baekhyun and Zitao will turn out being close friends after the car accident. =3
Demonic greetings
rebel_leader Saki Chiyuki
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13 new subscribers in two days because of this story? o.O I swear, by the name of the demon king, I'll update tomorrow!


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Chapter 8: aww its such a nice story xD
Kris like Yeol and vice versa,, I hope they become couple soon lol
Chapter 8: Kris must claim the eggYeol as his and eat him happy three times a week \0/
lol Chanyeol! poor demon
e u e
Chapter 8: Kris want s to win Chanyeol? O.o
Well, good luck XD
Chapter 7: poor channie.
but.. hey! that whole situation between Chanyeol and Kris.. it reminds me about someone else x.x
Chapter 6: ooh, whoah, whoah. Chanyeol x kris's kiss ^^ wow ^^
Chapter 5: I feel like Chanyeol ->p*s**d off today.
ergh,not my fault, i even had to reject the meeting >.<
aish, ><
why does chanyeol is so eager to come back? why cannot he enjoy the 'human's world' ?
Chapter 4: whoah. ghahhh...so long x.x even not seeing each other one or two years x.x and they didn;'t see other for 8 years... *sobs
what id Kari plan or what does he is planning, though ?^^;
Chapter 3: so now ch.no 3. lol, wow,it's the longest chapter of yours ;P
you didn't fail at all,Saki chiyuki * winks*
chanyeol just confessed he is not too demonic to live in the kingdom anymore x.x poor channie >.<
plus, poor Kris. heheh;
Chapter 2: So, here we're ch.2. I couldn't comment because I was in kitchen.
I mean.. today. I didn't think comment before.. I somehow forgot i didn't read it at all T^T
Well,it happens, ^^l I only did subscribe whatever,i had to cut my skin again x,x aish.
and I am a little not in the mood, but i want to read, and keep commenting your story.
wow, Chanyeol shouted at Kris.
Kris is shy ? since when?
now, i am done, commenting ch. no 2.
gotta go and read ch. 3
Chapter 1: okay, so comment under ch. no 1 ^^
It was nice yet amazing plus interesting.
Kris being interested at what was going on, in the graveyard... yeah,it fits him very well.
and yeah, Chanyeol shy and kind .vey suitable ^^