What are you? An alien? - No... Actually I am...

How to be a demonic demon?!


Chanyeol just stared at that guy in front of him for a while. His whole body was paralyzed. Then he remembered that he had been crying. And a demon DOESN'T cry!
He wiped over his eyes with the back of his hand and tried to look at the human in a scary way. Well, it seemed as if he had failed at being scary, the human looked at him with big, surprised eyes for a moment and started laughing.
"Is this kind of a daring or what?" The human asked between two laughters. Chanyeol growled silently and pouted. How could a mere human dare to laugh about one of the demon princes?
"It's not! Stop laughing, human!" He shouted angrily. The guy stopped laughing and looked at him again.
"Okay, okay, I won't laugh. So, why are you here, eh?" 
Chanyeol sighed. How could a human be so curious about a demon? He just stood up and walked away. But that guy followed him. Chanyeol turned around. "STOP FOLLOWING ME!"
"I don't follow you, you're just walking in the same direction I have to go." He got as an answer. Chanyeol blinked confused. Then he continued walking again. That guy walked in the same direction and when they reached a gate Chanyeol stopped, not sure where he should go to now. He looked to the left and to the right, nibbling on his bottom lip. 
What should I do...? Damn death gods! Me and not demonic enough? He thought and mumbled some curses for those five 'skeleton ghosts'.
He didn't realize that the human stopped beside him and looked at him again. "Hey, if you have to go left we could go together. I'm still curious about what you had been doing there." He said while pointing over his shoulder to the graveyard. 
Chanyeol instandly decided to go to the right. "Argh, leave me alone, stupid human." He murmured.
Kris shrugged and walked off the other way. Somehow he guessed that boy simply didn't knew where to go but seemed to not like him either and that's why he had decided to not go with Kris for a while. 
Kris really wondered why that guy had been sitting there, leaning against a gravestone. But what made him even more curious was the way he had called him 'human'. Did that boy lose a bet and had to play ghost or demon or whatever for a night on the graveyard. What if no one had been passing by? Maybe the friends of that guy would have forced him to go there all the nights until one person had met him there. Who knows, maybe it was already his fourth, fith or sixth night out there? 
Kris chuckled slightly. If that would really be the truth that boy should be happy that he met him there tonight.
Suddenly Kris stopped and looked over his shoulder. He thought someone was following him. But there was no one. He imagined things again. He walked a few steps and...
"Now you're following me." He said calmly when he turned around all of a sudden and found himself face to face with that boy again. That boy froze and looked away. 
"E-ehm, n-no, I'm not, I just..." He stuttered. 
"I'm Wu Fan, but call me Kris, okay. And who are you?" Kris offered him a hand. The boy looked at the hand and tilted his head to the side confused. "Ouh, you're not from a country where people greet each other with a hand shake?" 
The boy looked up. Though he had been trying to scare Kris earlier, his eyes looked so soft. Kris was sure, this guy could never hurt or scare someone.
"In my country people just greet each other with a 'hello' and that's it." He told Kris. Kris nodded. 
"Well, we're in South Korea, if you don't know where you are." Kris said ironically, since the boy sure should at least know in which country he was even if he was lost. And since the boy spoke korean, too, Kris was even more sure he knew the country. 
Well, to his big surprise it seemed he was either wrong or the boy kept his acting. "South Korea? I thought I am in the human world." The boy mumbled and looked around again. 
"It's a country in the 'human world'." Kris answered, deciding to join the boys acting until the boy would stop on his own. 
Kris started to think that this boy is really interesting. "If you don't know where to sleep tonight, Mr. 'I-thought-I-am-in-the-human-world', come with me to the campus of my college. I guess I can talk that weird, old man into giving you a key of one of the unused rooms." He suggested. The boy's eyes started to shine brightly.
"I'll be able to sleep in a comfortable bed?" He asked and smiled childishly. Kris chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, though you can't call the dormitory beds comfortable."
The whole way back to the dormitory Kris tried to get some informations out of the boy. But he answered all his questions with a 'I can't tell you' or a 'I don't know'. That guy was good at acting.
"So... You can't tell me your name? Or where you come from? What are you? An alien?" Kris asked. The boy kept silent and just looked down while walking beside him.
They arrived at the campus and went to the old man's apartment, that was also in the dormitory building. Kris explained the man the situation. The man luckily was a nice and caring old widower and gave them a key to one unused room. He also borrowed them bed sheets. Kris bowed and said thanks to the man. And out of the corner of his eyes he saw that the boy also bowed slightly as a sign of his gratitude.
Suho, Chen and Baekhyun sat in Chen's room inside the 'Demonicora', the castle of the demon's kingdom. It has been two hours since Chanyeol had disappeared and all of them were worried. 
"What, in the name of the five death gods, should we do now?" Baekhyun suddenly bursted out. Suho and Chen looked at him and shrugged.
"Chanyeol has to become demonic. Otherwise he can't come back." Suho answered. "We can't do anything." 
"That's not quite true, Suho-hyung. Couldn't we go and help him?" Chen asked. One of the death gods had wanted to send him to the human world back then too. The other four had saved Chen luckily. Now that his little brother was there he felt bad. If he would have been there he would have helped Chanyeol to become a demonic demon before his blessing. 
They did nothing else than trying to make him demonic all the time but Chanyeol always had kept being nice and angelic. At least as angelic as a demon can be.
"We can't just go to the human world to hel..."
"You can. Actually your father wants that, Suho." Luhan said when he entered the room. Baekhyun jumped up and bowed deeply in front of his superior. "And you, Baekhyun, you'll go to the human world too. With me." 
"W-what? Why do we have to go there?" Baekhyun asked surprised. Luhan sighed and shook his head in disbelief. Sometimes he couldn't accept that this guy was his best soldier.
"We have to take care of them! What do you think will happen if someone finds out, that the three are the princes of our kingdom, huh?" He told Baekhyun.
"Ouh, sure, you're right, commandant Luhan." Baekhyun mumbled a bit embarrassed.
"Good. We'll go there as soon as they managed to find a place to stay in the human world for us." Luhan said and looked at them serious. 
Chanyeol followed Kris, as the human had called himself, through the building. It wasn't as big as 'Demonicora' but still seemed to house a lot of people. A lot of humans. Here and there he heard muffled voices through the walls or scraps of music. 
"So, that's your room for now. You heard the old man earlier. Stay as long as you want, he said." Kris stopped in front of a door and unlocked it. Then he gave the key to Chanyeol. "My room is the next one. So if you need something just come over." 
Chanyeol took the key and walked inside the room. He put the bed sheets he was carrying on the table and turned back to Kris who still stood at the door. "You asked me so many questions earlier. Which one is the one you want to get an answer for the most? I'll answer you one question."
Kris seemed to think about it for a moment. "Since you didn't answer one of my normal questions, I'm really curious if you're an alien." He said chuckling and Chanyeol knew he wasn't serious about it.
"No..." He answered and Kris nodded as if he had waited for that answer. "Actually I am a demon." Chanyeol added and looked straight into the others eyes. 
Kris's eyes widened. "What the...?"
Yes, Kris is saying 'What the hell?' in the end! *winks* So this chapter is kinda short. I'm sorry.
Therefore I can 'promise' you, the next chapter won't come within the next five days but I'll make it loooong. *bows*
School is killing me. x.x I'm trying to organise my time table for my exams right now U.U" Sooo many exams are soon~

Ouh, and since I don't know if everyone reads the foreword: *points at the poster* Thanks to AkaneX and A panda's graphic shop once again. =3
rebel_leader Saki Chiyuki
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13 new subscribers in two days because of this story? o.O I swear, by the name of the demon king, I'll update tomorrow!


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Chapter 8: aww its such a nice story xD
Kris like Yeol and vice versa,, I hope they become couple soon lol
Chapter 8: Kris must claim the eggYeol as his and eat him happy three times a week \0/
lol Chanyeol! poor demon
e u e
Chapter 8: Kris want s to win Chanyeol? O.o
Well, good luck XD
Chapter 7: poor channie.
but.. hey! that whole situation between Chanyeol and Kris.. it reminds me about someone else x.x
Chapter 6: ooh, whoah, whoah. Chanyeol x kris's kiss ^^ wow ^^
Chapter 5: I feel like Chanyeol ->p*s**d off today.
ergh,not my fault, i even had to reject the meeting >.<
aish, ><
why does chanyeol is so eager to come back? why cannot he enjoy the 'human's world' ?
Chapter 4: whoah. ghahhh...so long x.x even not seeing each other one or two years x.x and they didn;'t see other for 8 years... *sobs
what id Kari plan or what does he is planning, though ?^^;
Chapter 3: so now ch.no 3. lol, wow,it's the longest chapter of yours ;P
you didn't fail at all,Saki chiyuki * winks*
chanyeol just confessed he is not too demonic to live in the kingdom anymore x.x poor channie >.<
plus, poor Kris. heheh;
Chapter 2: So, here we're ch.2. I couldn't comment because I was in kitchen.
I mean.. today. I didn't think comment before.. I somehow forgot i didn't read it at all T^T
Well,it happens, ^^l I only did subscribe whatever,i had to cut my skin again x,x aish.
and I am a little not in the mood, but i want to read, and keep commenting your story.
wow, Chanyeol shouted at Kris.
Kris is shy ? since when?
now, i am done, commenting ch. no 2.
gotta go and read ch. 3
Chapter 1: okay, so comment under ch. no 1 ^^
It was nice yet amazing plus interesting.
Kris being interested at what was going on, in the graveyard... yeah,it fits him very well.
and yeah, Chanyeol shy and kind .vey suitable ^^