
Just be Friends


That’s where their relationship finally began. After such a long struggle within himself to deny the unnatural feeling, it turned out to be requited. It was a wonderful feeling, finally being able to express how he feels for the lovely maknae.

Is it that he didn’t express it enough when they were together that he’s slipping away now?

Did he not love enough?

Or has he always been inadequate?

Has the maknae never really been satisfied with him?

Has this been an empty act for him all along?

There’s no way he can bring himself to ask, accuse, the younger beside him.

Knowing would hurt more than assuming.


Both would hurt.

Everything hurts.

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-sleepless #1
THIS IS BASED OFF JBF BY LUKA ISNT IT. Oh this fic is so good. Oh my poor little heart. ;w; Update soon! :D
This is like so beautifully well written it has like the right words to portray the right's seriously very sad though idk where this fix is going but the first few chaps were quite the right word alludes me as of now but yah I think the storyline is interesting ^^