What Once Was

Just be Friends

“Hyung! Ah, hyung!” he calls from behind him. He turns to see the younger push aside the other disgruntled members, though their annoyance doesn’t last long seeing the boy’s intent. They all smile knowingly to one another as if enjoying their own private joke, one he’s become a part of. Let them smile and think they’re clever, they can’t possibly understand what’s really going on between them.

They’re the ones actually enjoying the joke, not their fellow oblivious members.

“Hyung, why didn’t you wait for me?” he asks with a slight jut of his bottom lip. He’s always amused to see the childish action. As cool as he tries to be, he’ll always be the endearing little maknae.

“You should’ve come out earlier.” he chides with a smile and light tap of his nose. Speaking Korean takes more effort and thought than his first language but, it’s worth it to be able to speak with the younger. Heck, he’ll become fluent by tonight if it means being able to talk with the precious boy.

“I was practicing! I have to be ready for when we debut!” he complains swatting his hand away with an indignant pout.

“Careful, you may become a noona killer with that pout of yours.” he jokes with a playful swoon of his own.

“Says the guy that had girls come out and watch him play soccer every day.” mutters the slight lisped boy. Another endearing quality that’s sure to have fangirls tripping over themselves in no time. Honestly, he’s grown quite fond of it, so what’s to stop thousands of fans to do the same?

“That’s not the same, they were at least my age and it wasn’t every day.” It really wasn’t that big of a deal. All he did was play soccer and girls happened to be around. Granted more often than not but, the situation is entirely different.

“Whatever, it’s not like I’m actually going to have fans at all.”

He stops in his tracks, the other boy doing the same.

“Don’t say that. You have such talent and charm that it’ll be impossible for you not to have fans. We’re both going to become famous idols one day, alright? We’ll both have crazy fans and schedules and it’ll be great.” he says sincerely with an encouraging hand on his shoulder, “Who knows, we may even get those weird ‘couple’ things tagged on us that the Super Junior sumbaes talked about.” All seriousness forgotten the two of them share a laugh at the ridiculous idea.

Wouldn’t that be funny? If all of them were to be labeled as couples and paired up?

It’s something to look forward to, if nothing else, for another laugh.

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-sleepless #1
THIS IS BASED OFF JBF BY LUKA ISNT IT. Oh this fic is so good. Oh my poor little heart. ;w; Update soon! :D
This is like so beautifully well written it has like the right words to portray the right emotiond...it's seriously very sad though idk where this fix is going but the first few chaps were quite addictive...eh the right word alludes me as of now but yah I think the storyline is interesting ^^