
Just be Friends


“Then, was there any member you wanted to become friends with because he was handsome, like I did with Siwon? Yes or no?” Their MC for the night, Leeteuk asks. This is the first time they’ve seen each other again in too long. Unfortunately they’ve only had time for a quick greeting, ushered away to prepare for their first showcase.

There are a few members who say yes, he’s not one of them.

Baekhyun is the first to answer, briefly describing how he wanted to become closer to Kris because he claimed they looked similar (which, in his opinion, is in no way true). Suho is the next to answer, his words bringing out of his half attentive state.

“I had a crush on Luhan from EXO-M.” he says making the audience erupt in a fit of screams.

“I love you.” he replies with a joking smile, playing along for the fans’ reaction.

The rest of the showcase goes by in a wild blur or colors and deafening noise. By the end of it he’s exhausted but full of excited energy. They ride back in separate vans, space is always an issue with the twelve of them, but he sends a text to the other van’s occupant.

You did really well tonight little maknae~ So cool~

He smiles at the sent message and waits patiently for his reply. As soon as he does he’s demanding they go get bubble tea, it’s been too long. No reply comes. That’s alright. He’s probably just dozing off or messing around with the K members.

When they arrive at the dorm building the two vans finally meet again. Sliding into places beside one another he and his fellow M members wave at the other sub-group with goofy grins. They can barely see each other through the tinted windows and falling night but the gesture still holds the same meaning, visible or not.

He’s the first to exit the van, nearly throwing himself over the others to escape. Once successfully out in the brisk wind of the night he hurries around to the other van to find his bubble tea mate. As the K members file out he waits expectantly then furrows his brows confused.

Where is he?

Kai’s the last one to hop off the van and he grabs him by the arm. Coming to a drowsy stop the dark boy gives him a knowing look.

“He was the first to head inside.” he states with a nod toward the building.

“Oh… Okay, thank you.” he mumbles pursing his lips a little put out. Why would he just leave him behind? With a slow nod Kai starts making his way to the building as he jogs past him to catch up to the maknae that abandoned him.

Upon entering the building he's disappointed to see he isn't waiting inside for him. With a huff he continues on to the K dorm, determined to drag the younger out for bubble tea kicking and screaming if he has to. He's met by Chanyeol at the door who gives him a hearty grin.

"Hey, hyung, did you come to celebrate a great first showcase with us?! By the way, you were fantastic!" the happy-go-lucky giant exclaims throwing one arm up in a celebratory fashion.

"Chanyeol-ah, how are you not exhausted? I'm about to pass out." Baekhyun complains behind him, clinging to his other arm while rubbing his eyes tiredly. The two are almost as inseparable as him and their maknae. Well, when nations don't divide them that is.

"Actually I was looking for-" he cuts off spying the evasive teen slipping out of the living room. A little impolitely he leaves the now squabbling pair and goes after his tea mate. Padding quietly down the hall, in case any members are trying to sleep, he silently pushes into the last room on the right.

It's an act of good judgment he notes when stepping into the dark room, Suho fast asleep on the bed to the left. To the right is another sleeping form, though he knows better than to believe he's actually asleep. Tiptoeing to his side of the room he kneels by the bed and prods his back.

"Yah, let's go for bubble tea." he whispers incessantly jabbing at the thin back. He doesn't reply but shakes him off, scooting closer to the wall and away from him.

"Ah, come on! It's been too long!" he whines climbing onto the bed and shaking his shoulder. In one fluid motion the younger sits up and whirls around grabbing his collar.

"Stop screwing with me and get out." he spits shoving him back nearly over the edge of the bed. Swinging his arms to balance himself he in turn grabs the angry boy's arm to stay upright.

"I-why are you-are you mad at me..?" he stammers at a loss. He never gets mad at him, not once in all their trainee years has he even gotten upset with him.

"Just get out." he reiterates throwing him off with a sharp jerk of his arm.

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong." he retorts grabbing his wrist firmly. His hair shadows his face as he stares down at his small hand clenched around his fair arm. A heavy silence hangs between them, only the sound of Baekhyun and Chanyeol fooling around down the hall can be heard.

"Why did you say that at the showcase." he finally says, voice small.

"Say what?" There isn't much he said but it's all sort of a big mesh of events now.

"That you love Suho hyung."

He blinks.

"Is that what's bothering you?"

The younger doesn't reply, adamantly keeping his head down.

"Silly maknae, I was just doing it for the fans. It's the only thing I can confidently say in Korean anyway." he assures settling himself in front of him and taking his hands, "You should know that I'm the closest with you. But, if you're really that worried about it why don't we go out for bubble tea and talk it over? Huh?" he suggests, swinging their joined hands playfully. He still doesn't respond slim hands limp in his. Sighing he pouts unconsciously and leans down to see the younger's face.

"Ah-ah, don't ignore me! I was just kidding with Suho! Seriously, can we just-" He doesn't get a chance to finish his complaint, suddenly pushed against the wall. Hands locked in his iron grip and pressed on either side of his shoulders he stares bewildered at the suddenly alive maknae.

"What are you-"

For the second time in the same minute he's cut off. However, this time his words are caught by desperate soft lips against his own. At first he's tentative, unsure if he should stop. The maknae seems to think better of it and presses closer to him instead, deepening the kiss with their bodies separated only by the glittering material of their show clothes, though he can still feel the heat radiating off him.

His eyes widen and his heart stutters erratically in his chest.

What is happening?

This isn't right.

What is he doing?

This is wrong.

This is so, so wrong.

Yet, he finds himself melting into his touch, earnestly kissing him back. It's probably not a good thing he's letting this happen. This is just all kinds of unnatural and he should push the other boy off him right now.

It's probably worse that he doesn't care. In fact, he's wanted this for while despite forcing himself to think otherwise.

When they break he's gasping for air, lungs burning and head spinning. Unlike his usual stoic demeanor the cool maknae looks just as disheveled, as if surprised by himself.

"Hyung, I... Do you still want to go for bubble tea?" he breathes with a sheepish smile. Releasing his hands he rubs the back of his neck with flushed cheeks visible in the dim light.

He laughs looping an arm through one of his, spirits soaring.

"Of course, silly maknae."

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-sleepless #1
THIS IS BASED OFF JBF BY LUKA ISNT IT. Oh this fic is so good. Oh my poor little heart. ;w; Update soon! :D
This is like so beautifully well written it has like the right words to portray the right emotiond...it's seriously very sad though idk where this fix is going but the first few chaps were quite addictive...eh the right word alludes me as of now but yah I think the storyline is interesting ^^