Things Can Only Get Better

Just be Friends

There’s a loud ringing that jolts him out of bed. Disoriented he blindly reaches for the bedside table where the offending noise comes from. Fingers curling around his phone he squints at the screen and groans.

Five in the morning? What would possess you to call me at five in the morning?

Unlocking the screen he brings the phone to his ear and instantly regrets it.

“HYUNG, GUESS WHAT!” the maknae yells with the most animation  he’s ever heard the silent boy express. Startled he jerks away from the phone but can still clearly hear the excited shouts emitting sharply from it. Carefully he brings the phone back slowly to his ear, shouting over him to calm him down. “I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME?! WE’RE DEBUTING IN TWO WEEKS!”

He sits upright, exhaustion and exasperation forgotten.

“We are?! Are you being serious?! This is going to be amazing! I can’t believe it! We did it!” he cheers bouncing spastically on his bed. This is the best news he can ever hope to hear. After leaving his home for his dream and two hopelessly long years of uncertainty in a new country he’s finally debuting. His dream is coming true. Only now, there’s a clear image of a friend celebrating with him.

They’re going to debut in two weeks.

Life can only get better after that.

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-sleepless #1
THIS IS BASED OFF JBF BY LUKA ISNT IT. Oh this fic is so good. Oh my poor little heart. ;w; Update soon! :D
This is like so beautifully well written it has like the right words to portray the right's seriously very sad though idk where this fix is going but the first few chaps were quite the right word alludes me as of now but yah I think the storyline is interesting ^^