If You Just Knew Minnie

If You Love Something


After the work the members had done together, they had to spread for each of their own schedules, while some of them could go home and rest for the day. SungMin, RyeoWook, ShinDong, HeeChul and EunHyuk arrived home, after a rather hard day of work. ShinDong and EunHyuk placed themselves in the couches, turning the TV on. HeeChul just rolled his eyes at them,  and continued his way into his room, where there once had been a bit more delightful to go into. He sighed hard before closing the door after him.


“Do you want some food, Min?” RyeoWook asked nicely, and looked at him with a little smile. SungMin thought about it for a few seconds, and then nodded.


“Thanks, it sounds good.” SungMin said and they walked into the kitchen so RyeoWook could prepare the food. RyeoWook started gathering the ingredients for the food he wanted to cook. While he was collecting the different food, SungMin had sat down on a chair and starred at him. RyeoWook sometimes send him some smiles and looks, noticing that SungMin kept starring at him, while they spoke. The conversation was normal, and at times funny.


“Is it good?” RyeoWook asked when SungMin had tasted the food, and the latter nodded quickly. RyeoWook smiled satisfied and started eating himself. They kept chatting while eating and a few times, their eyes met, and RyeoWook’s soft, shining eyes almost begged for the eye contact to remain. But every time SungMin looked away, either on his food, or on something else that was possible to look at, without feeling weird. RyeoWook looked down at the rice bowl, when SungMin once again broke the eye contact.


“Do you know what KyuHyun should do after the work today?” SungMin asked and for RyeoWook to see, it looked like his eyes started shining more when he talked about KyuHyun. RyeoWook had had a bad feeling that SungMin had a thing for KyuHyun, which made RyeoWook’s heart ache. Because he knew what was with KyuHyun, but he couldn’t get himself to tell SungMin, he could tell from the look in his eyes, that he wouldn’t be able to handle the truth. RyeoWook wanted to talk to KyuHyun, inform him that there was something he should pay more attention to, and get clearer in his head.


“No, I don’t. Actually I thought he would come home with us, but he should be somewhere suddenly.” RyeoWook answered shortly and made a movement with his hand, to show that he didn’t know. SungMin nodded thoughtfully and smiled shortly to him. RyeoWook sighed inside and his gaze fell upon the table, noticing that SungMin had barely touched his food, which only made his inside sigh once more.


“I guess he’s just busy then.” SungMin confirmed and smiled softly towards RyeoWook.

*He should just know* RyeoWook thought. He did not know where KyuHyun was going, but he had a feeling that it wasn’t for work. He kept it in even though he really wanted to tell SungMin what he knew, but he didn’t want to break the elder ones heart, which he knew was the case if he got the information. RyeoWook really wanted to hold the older man tight and feel his soft lips against his own, but he also knew that something like that would never happen.


“Yeah, guess so too.” RyeoWook just answered, a slightly bit cold, but it didn’t seem that SungMin noticed.


“Do you want to do something?” RyeoWook suddenly asked. He hadn’t even considered his words, or the offer he just gave, before the sentence was out of his mouth. SungMin quickly looked at him, and a small smile formed on his lips. RyeoWook noticed the smile, and a warm, bobbling feeling spread in his stomach.


“Of course! What do you want to do?” SungMin said and looked happily at him. Normally they didn’t really have any time to do what they wanted, and when they had, no one wanted to, because they either were too tired, or just didn’t want to. Even though it was around evening, SungMin didn’t mind going somewhere.


“Uhm…” RyeoWook lost it when he was suddenly asked the question. After all he hadn’t thought about it before the question had just escaped his mouth. SungMin looked intensely at him and smiled brightly.


“We could… Uhm… Take a walk?” RyeoWook suggested and looked at SungMin to see his expression, to know whether it was a good or bad idea. SungMin smiled a bit more and nodded. Because if they took a walk they could always find something to do, if they wanted to.


“Sounds great! Let’s go!” SungMin exclaimed and was quickly standing up from his seat, giving RyeoWook a shock from the sudden movement. SungMin gave a sorry look, but the mood change after that was quick. He gave RyeoWook a fast smile, before pulling him up from the seat and dragging him with him to the doorway where they could put on their jacket and shoes. While SungMin was dragging RyeoWook along, RyeoWook tried his best to explain to him that they couldn’t just leave the food there and not clean it up, but it seemed that SungMin didn’t pay any attention what so ever to what he was saying.


At the same time as they had just left the kitchen, Heechul came into the room and saw the untouched food in SungMin’s bowl. He quickly looked from side to side, making sure there was no one to see him, and then he picked up the bowl, finishing the food there was in it in such a haste that it seemed impossible.


Outside the cold evening wind hit RyeoWook and SungMin in the face and made RyeoWook shiver from the cold. SungMin smiled and pulled his shoulders up to his ears, inhaling the air and letting it all out again in one deep sigh, relaxing the shoulders at the same time.


A car pulled up to the building not far from them, but they stood more or less in the dark, so the persons there would be in the car, would have a hard time noticing them. From the car KyuHyun and YeSung stepped out. SungMin was just about to yell to them and wave, but RyeoWook grabbed his hand, which made him squeak, but not loud, so he couldn’t yell at them. RyeoWook thought that this would might be the chance for SungMin to see what was going on, but SungMin was facing RyeoWook while the two others gave each other a warm hug, before going inside. SungMin turned around, when he heard the door open and close.


“What?” SungMin asked with a slight disappointment in his voice. RyeoWook sighed and shook his head.


“Nothing… Sorry I took your hand, I just got surprised by seeing them.” RyeoWook quickly said. He couldn’t hurt him like that. But why was he so afraid to make SungMin realize that KyuHyun wasn’t meant for him, and he, RyeoWook, himself was created just for the same as SungMin wanted, to love him and hold him forever.


“Oh… It’s okay.” SungMin said and looked down.


“We should go inside again. It’s really cold out here.” SungMin added, and this time it was RyeoWook who felt disappointed. Even though SungMin was right, he knew that SungMin only wanted to go inside to see KyuHyun. RyeoWook sighed, but nodded and they went inside again. SungMin was quick to take off his jacket and shoes, while RyeoWook felt it took an eternity for him to get into the living room. SungMin was already around KyuHyun, not in the puppy kind of way, but greeting him and talking about what he had done. RyeoWook heard some lame excuse from him of being in the rehearsal room, and at vocal training. *Like he need that*, RyeoWook thought bitterly. He knew he had been hanging around with YeSung. It hurt him to know that KyuHyun lied to SungMin in that way, that he couldn’t just tell him the truth, it felt like needles in his heart.


YeSung came across RyeoWook on the way to their shared bedroom. RyeoWook just let him go past him, and gave it a few minutes before he followed. He couldn’t bear seeing SungMin being betrayed like that, and he had to speak with YeSung.


When he entered their room, he saw YeSung sitting on the floor with his turtle and playing with it, by letting it eat some cucumber from his hand. *Cute*, RyeoWook thought sarcastic to himself while rolling his eyes. He didn’t really know when the hatred started towards YeSung, because he wasn’t involved with all this, directly. RyeoWook just didn’t like him anymore, feeling that he was betraying SungMin as well, but he wasn’t and RyeoWook knew that very well.


“What are you doing?” RyeoWook opened the conversation with those words. YeSung looked up, only noticing RyeoWook by now.


“Oh, I’m feeding it.” YeSung answered and threw his head towards the turtle to indicate that it was the turtle he was talking about. RyeoWook just nodded. He knew what he was doing, it seemed very clear, but he just wanted to ask to open the conversation and to be polite.


“Uhm… Hyung? I was wondering about something.” RyeoWook slowly started out, getting the older persons attention. YeSung looked at him with a smile there was disappearing. When someone said that, in a tone like that, it was not a good thing, YeSung knew immediately.


“Yes, ask away.” YeSung answered and looked at the younger with a bit of concern in his eyes. RyeoWook sat down on his bed, which made YeSung even more concerned, because it seemed to be a longer conversation.


“Do you… You know… Like KyuHyun?” RyeoWook asked and YeSung’s eyes widened in disbelief. He didn’t really know what to answer. But the feeling of worry that RyeoWook was in love with him filled him quickly.


“Yes, I like KyuHyun, but not in that manner. I care for him, but if you think I love him or have a crush on him or something, then no. Absolutely not.” YeSung hurried saying after he finally was able to speak again. The shock of that question had stunned him for a few seconds. The next move from RyeoWook surprised him. RyeoWook let out a deep sigh, and nodded with a small smile. YeSung was almost sure now that he liked him, and it worried him quite a lot, because he didn’t need people who liked him in other ways than as friends from the group.


“Okay, good. Then I will just go again. Hmm…” RyeoWook said and got up. YeSung wanted to ask him the question that filled his head and alarmed him this much, but before he could hold him back or say anything, he was gone. The door closed behind him, leaving YeSung alone in the room with the turtle, which almost bit his fingers because it couldn’t get its food, that he had hold in too far a distance while talking to RyeoWook. YeSung looked down at the turtle trying to attack him to get the piece of green, well tasting, juicy, food. YeSung just gave the turtle the cucumber piece and looked worried into the air with an empty look in his eyes. *I’m screwed*, was the only thing his brain managed to say. 

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Chapter 5: He had always liked SungMin when he was asleep, and had always caught himself with looking at him at night, when he knew he slept, and then he the lamp on his night table.


You did NOT just end it with a sobbing, broken hearted Wookie!!!!

I'm glad Kyumin got together (finally... This two are dorks XD) but but but Wookie being so sad broke my heart... ._. I want him to be a happy little unicorn T_T

Yay for you writing again! I hope you do more stories (where you chose someone else to be mean to.....)!
Chapter 4: Meh, I'm so torn between what I want to happen ._. *cries in corner* I want them all to be happy and.... You know... Kærlighed mellem dem alle sammen og booomchakalakalaka! XD
aulia21 #3
Chapter 4: I feel sorry for Sungmin BUT...I love Minwook!!^^
Chapter 3: Awwww, now you are hurting my Minnie T_T Baaaad daughter! But I so so so love this XD As long as it ends happily! ..... Does it? ._.
Chapter 2: What are you doing to my poor Wookie?! T_T I want Minwook! Yay! Gimme!
Chapter 1: I wonder what hair thingy he was looking for XD Sungmin reminds me of you in a very confused way XD Or me..... xD
fanfic-reader #7
update soon :)