If You Love Something - Set It Free

If You Love Something


The next morning, SungMin woke up with a jump and looked around the room, like he searched for something. His forehead had a slight shine from sweat after his restless sleep. It just felt like he didn’t find what he searched for, and that was correct. KyuHyun was already up and had left the room for breakfast. SungMin felt a little disappointment in his stomach, because KyuHyun didn’t wake him when he woke up himself.


SungMin sighed slightly and forced his legs out of the bed and stretched as a cat, before he stood up completely. He scratched his lower back and walked to the bathroom, where he had a quick shower and dressed him in some nice clothes. He had a feeling about this day. It would be a good one and hopefully with no complications.


He put on his best smile before he exited his room and went into the kitchen. But already at this point his smile dropped and he stopped in his tracks. KyuHyun and YeSung sat across each other by the table and talked together with smiles and laughed a bit. KyuHyun noticed SungMin at the entrance and waved him over.


“Hyung, you are awake.” KyuHyun said with a bright smile. SungMin forced himself to look at him with a tiny smile, and nodded. YeSung smiled to him, but more of a triumphing smile.


“Slept well?” YeSung asked, not really caring whether he had slept well or not, which SungMin also could tell from the missing interest in his voice. KyuHyun smiled at SungMin as he sat down at the end of the table, a few chairs from them.


“I guess…” SungMin answered silently and YeSung could already feel that the victory was in house. RyeoWook could get his bunny and sooner or later he could get rid of KyuHyun as if nothing had happened. SungMin sighed lightly and caught KyuHyun’s attention. He looked worried at SungMin, but YeSung noticed and quickly got KyuHyun’s attention back.


“What are your plans for today?” YeSung asked and threw SungMin a last glare, almost causing him to smile for the sad expression on his pretty face.


“Wow, you really are right. Your short time memory really ! You just asked me that question 5 minutes ago.” KyuHyun laughed at him, causing YeSung to feel completely stupid.


“Sorry Kyu. I just forget stuff really quick.” YeSung excused himself, smiling slightly to the younger in front of him. KyuHyun was still laughing, but toned it down.


“I just told you that I was going with you to do some interview stuff, with a few of the others.” KyuHyun said and shook his head to get rid of the last laughter which was still stuck inside of him.


“Ohh…” YeSung lightened up by the “news” of what was going on for today. Then the last few words hit him. “With a few of the others”. That seemed to be good. Whether SungMin was with them or not he would feel bad. If he was with them, he could make him jealous, and if he wasn’t, he would be jealous anyway! *I love myself when I’m evil like this,* YeSung thought and smiled bigger by that thought. Ruining others life had never been a big priority, but on the other hand – it felt pretty good to be the bad guy sometimes. 


“Hyung? Why are you smiling like that? You look pretty creepy.” KyuHyun said and laughed again. YeSung looked at him and smiled a little more, before he slowly let the smile fade.


“I just came to think of what you just said and laughed at myself, so to speak.” YeSung lied and smiled shortly. He shot a quick glance at SungMin, who sat there very lonely and with his head bowed so he looked at his hands in his lap.


“Ah…” KyuHyun nodded and still with a fair smile on his face. YeSung looked down on his empty rice bowl and up again.


“I’m done. Should we get ready?” YeSung asked towards KyuHyun, who looked at his empty plates of food, and nodded.


“Okay.” KyuHyun just said as he stood up and pushed the chair back under the table, and then put the dishes on the other table by the wash and quickly looked at SungMin. He seemed so sad and vulnerable, just sitting there, eating nothing and not even make the smallest pip. Unbelievable that he was still alive, if you couldn’t see his body move a little bit from his breathing, you would think he was either dead or made of stone. Slowly KyuHyun was moving towards SungMin, just to ask if he was okay, or at least put a hand on his shoulder, so he could see that he was there for him. But after a few steps, YeSung noticed and cleared his throat, so he caught KyuHyun’s attention.


“Should we leave?” YeSung asked and smiled slightly. KyuHyun looked back and forth from SungMin and YeSung, and then decided just to follow YeSung. Anyway it didn’t look like SungMin wanted to be disturbed.



Almost right after YeSung and KyuHyun had left, RyeoWook showed in the door and looked at the devastated SungMin. He hurried to his side and pulled a chair with him to sit in front of him.


“Minnie? Are you okay?” RyeoWook quickly asked and looked at the miserable being in front of him. SungMin didn’t even have the strength to look at RyeoWook. His dark thoughts filled his head and made him worry. RyeoWook tried a few times to get him to speak, but failed. He caressed his hair, his cheek and gave him a hug.  Nothing seemed to get the wounded person out of his hurtful thoughts. Though suddenly:


“You know what RyeoWook?” SungMin asked quietly and still with his face towards his hands in his lap. RyeoWook shook his head, and starred at SungMin, with a small hope of hearing something good.


“I like KyuHyun. No. I love KyuHyun… But it just seems like he doesn’t even want to look at me. He is really busy with YeSung and I really don’t get why. Maybe I should just tell KyuHyun what I feel for him, and then he can accept it or leave me be. Right?” SungMin asked RyeoWook, and finally looked up at him with blank eyes and a trail of tears down his cheeks. RyeoWook was taken a back with the sudden talk, and he didn’t really know what to answer.


“Uhm… I guess you should keep it for yourself a little more. You know. If he doesn’t like you, then he would maybe turn his back on you and that would be pretty hard when you think about you share room. And on the other hand, maybe he isn’t ready for such a turn of things. Think about it, if you tell him that you like him, which would be the same as saying that you have been starring at him all the time. Even when he has been under dressed, and again, you two share room, so it would be so awkward if he found out, right? I hope you see my point.” RyeoWook said, not even considering his words. But after he closed his eyes and sighed, because all the things that he could have said instead came to his mind now. 


“Ahh… Ye, I guess you’re right. I will keep it back a bit, and wait for the right moment. I don’t want to scare him. And if he really is together with YeSung, then I should just back off right?” SungMin asked and looked doubtful at RyeoWook, whom got surprised by the change in his mind, because he thought he had just talked nonsense, but somehow SungMin had figured it out.


“Hmm… Maybe that would be the best. If there is anything that I can do for you, I would be happy to do it.” RyeoWook quickly said and smiled warmly to him. SungMin sobbed and smiled back.


“Okay. Thanks Wookie. You are a real life saver.” SungMin said with a small sparkle in his eyes and a cute smile. RyeoWook felt a warm feeling in his stomach and smiled back.


“I’m glad you think that.” RyeoWook answered softly. SungMin nodded and stood up.


“I think I should go and get ready, so I won’t be late for my schedule.” SungMin said and hugged RyeoWook quickly before he walked out of the kitchen on quick feet. At some point he hoped to see KyuHyun in the room. Just to see him and give him a smile, so he could see that he was okay again. But once again the disappointment rushed through him, when he discovered the empty room, and that his jacket was gone. He had already left for his schedule? SungMin sank down on the bed and somehow he felt bad again. How could he stand watching YeSung and KyuHyun being together and love KyuHyun so much? It hurt too much right now. He just needed to let KyuHyun go. Somewhere inside of him, he needed to find strength to let go of his love. If KyuHyun loved YeSung, then he wouldn’t hold him back.


SungMin inhaled a deep breath and let it out again in one hard blow. KyuHyun should have his life for himself and SungMin should not try to steal it from him. He would keep his feelings in and let him live as he wanted to. Even though it would hurt, he rather wanted to see KyuHyun happy, than be the reason for his guilt or misery or what he would feel.


“When you love something – set it free.” SungMin silently said. He nodded to himself and smiled a bit. He knew he soon would feel fine again. Sooner or later.

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Chapter 5: He had always liked SungMin when he was asleep, and had always caught himself with looking at him at night, when he knew he slept, and then he the lamp on his night table.


You did NOT just end it with a sobbing, broken hearted Wookie!!!!

I'm glad Kyumin got together (finally... This two are dorks XD) but but but Wookie being so sad broke my heart... ._. I want him to be a happy little unicorn T_T

Yay for you writing again! I hope you do more stories (where you chose someone else to be mean to.....)!
Chapter 4: Meh, I'm so torn between what I want to happen ._. *cries in corner* I want them all to be happy and.... You know... Kærlighed mellem dem alle sammen og booomchakalakalaka! XD
aulia21 #3
Chapter 4: I feel sorry for Sungmin BUT...I love Minwook!!^^
Chapter 3: Awwww, now you are hurting my Minnie T_T Baaaad daughter! But I so so so love this XD As long as it ends happily! ..... Does it? ._.
Chapter 2: What are you doing to my poor Wookie?! T_T I want Minwook! Yay! Gimme!
Chapter 1: I wonder what hair thingy he was looking for XD Sungmin reminds me of you in a very confused way XD Or me..... xD
fanfic-reader #7
update soon :)