

Needless to say, Kyungsoo probably thought that Kai was driving for his very first time.

Which wasn't true. Kai had been driving for a little over a year without any accidents or tickets.

Kai liked to think he was a decent driver.

But he learned that he lost all concentration when Kyungsoo was just sitting there cutely next to him.

Kai seriously couldn't Kyungsoo's adorable eyes, or pouty lips.

Kai had never really met a person with thicker lips than his own, but there he was, sitting in his passenger seat in all his perfection.

".....Jongin, you just ran a red light."


"Did I?" Kai asked, his voice shaking just a little.


"Oh. Well, thank you for, uh- telling me," Kai coughed out an awkward laugh, sounding like something akin to a choking wolf.

"....You know. For some reason, if you were to get corn rolls, it would compliment you," Kyungsoo suddenly said.

Kai busted out laughing, naturally this time, at the thought.

"What? Corn rolls?" Kai couldn't keep himself from laughing as he drove. He suddenly felt more relaxed, glad that Kyungsoo was actually speaking to him.

"Yeah. I don't know. Random thought, sorry," Kyungsoo said as he shrugged and looked out the window.

"It's okay, but Kyungsoo, I just realized something," Kai said as he changed lanes.


".....You never told me where your house was," Kai laughed. Everything suddenly seemed extremely funny to him. It must be the thought of having corn rolls, Kai thinks.

"Oh. That's right," Kyungsoo says as he glances out the window, "Actually, we're totally going in the wrong direction..."

Kai couldn't keep the smile off of his face.

At least I got a little more time with you.

"Well, where do you live, Kyungsoo-ah?" Kai asked.

His eyes widened after realizing that he just said "Kyungsoo-ah" instead of just plain old "Kyungsoo".

Unfortunately, Kyungsoo seemed to notice it too.

I guess that's what happens when you don't talk to many people.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat, and Kai resisted the urge to tell Kyungsoo how cute even his throat clearing was.

"I live...I actually, I live near Chanyeol."

"Chanyeol?" Kai echoed in slight confusion and surprise.

"Yes. Park Chanyeol. You know. Our classmate. You call him your best friend," Kyungsoo said dryly. Kai blushed, mentally chastising himself for appearing dumb.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I know. Park Chanyeol, aka Park ChanPole," Kai mumbled to himself. Kyungsoo laughed at Kai's nickname for Chanyeol.

"ChanPole is pretty friendly. I mean, he rubbed my head when we first met, but, I like him," Kyungsoo said much to Kai's surprise. Kyungsoo was being talkative today.

"Kyungsoo, you're really talkative today," Jongin commented as he made his way to Chanyeol's neighborhood.

"I suppose I am being talkative. I think that's the most I've ever spoken since I moved here," Kyungsoo said, mumbling to himself towards the end.

"I talk a lot. Maybe even too much, if you haven't noticed. But I'm sure you have," Kai took a deep breath, reminding himself not to start ranting.

"Yes, you do talk a lot," Kyungsoo conceded, making Kai blush even more.

"Man, you're merciless, aren't you?" Kai grumbled, pouting a little.

Kyungsoo began laughing at him, making Kai's cheek grow even warmer with embarrassment.

"Aww. You're too sensitive Jongin," Kyungsoo said.

Yahhhh. Someone just set me on fire and roll me down a hill. That's what Kyungsoo's doing anyways.

"A lot of people aren't used to my humor, or my reticence."

"That would be me," Kai laughed.

The moments that followed after were quiet, and Kai wondered if he should have said that. 

Kai bit his lip as he looked over. Maybe Kyungsoo was sensitive about his natural quiet state.

"Kyungsoo! I have a joke!" Kai blurted before he could stop himself.


"So, there's a chocolate donut, and a regular glazed donut," Kai began.

"Is this a Korean joke? Jongin, we're Korean."

"Yes. Thank you for the information Kyungsoo, but this isn't a Korean stereo-type joke," Jongin laughed, and he could hear Kyungsoo laugh, "Well anyways, so, the chocolate donut is kind of ADD, and he may have a few sprinkles missing."

"So, the chocolate donut is like "HEY, HEY GLAZED DONUT!" and the glazed donut says "What". And the chocolate donut says "Nothing.""

Kyungsoo merely raised a curious eyebrow at Kai. 

Even his eyebrows are perfect OTL.

"Soooo, the chocolate donut says "HEY HEY GLAZED DONUT!!!!" and the glazed donut, now a little frustrated, says "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" and the chocolate donut just laughs crazily to himself, and says "Nothing, hoe." and the glazed donut is seriously ready to throw the chocolate donut into the ocean. The chocolate donut was ruining his beach trip. This chocolate donut had been doing that for an hour straight. "I swear, Choco donut, if you do that again, I will throw you to the sharks." The chocolate donut nods, confirming that he understands that the glazed donut isn't tooooo happy."

"This is a long joke."

"Patience, young Jedi."


"Nothing, anyways, so the chocolate donut says "Hey, HEY GLAZED DONUT!!!!" and the glazed donut says "Yes, Chocolate crazy donut?", and the chocolate donut say "Nothing." and the glazed donut really can't believe how crazy the chocolate donut is. "HOLY GLAZED GLORY, I'M THROWING YOUR CHOCOLATE INTO THE OCEAN." and so, the glazed donut throws the chocolate donut into the ocean."

Kai starts laughing to himself at the joke. 

You don't understand, Kai  loves that joke.

".......Is that it?"

"Yes, Kyungsoo, that's the end of the joke."

"Jongin, that was awful."

".....Was it?"

To Kai's surprise, Kyungsoo begins laughing, throwing his head back and everything.

"That was the absolute worst joke, ever."


"Jongin, come on. That was pretty bad."

Jongin's full lips curve up at the corners. He glances at Kyungsoo's smiling face once and smiles wider himself.

"Okay, that was pretty bad."

"As the common person would agree."

"Okay, okay, how about I tell you another joke to make up for the chocolate donut joke."

"...Well anything must be better than that."

"Okay, okay. So, there are two star-crossed lovers. They're high school sweet hearts and everything. So they're pretty poor, and they both want to go to college, but they don't have to financial means to do it. But, because they're such honest and hard-working people, both were offered full scholarships to great universities. But the problem was, their colleges were on opposite sides of the country."

"That's lame."

"Shh, Patience Kyungsoo. Anyways, the two lovers didn't know what to do. They were on a date, taking a picnic on a cliff sort of thing, over looking the ocean. The guy wanted to attend college in the north, and the girl's university was at the south end of the country. They agreed, however, that if their love was meant to be, it could withstand the four years of college. They agreed to meet at the same place, same time, if in four years, they still felt as strongly as they did now. So they went off to their respective colleges. They were too poor for email, or writing letters. So after four years of working hard, the girl goes back to the cliff, and waits there. And the boy, still in love as ever, returns. But! The problem is, there are two cliffs near each other.  So the guy accidentally goes to the wrong cliff. So the girl is really sad, because she thinks the guy doesn't love her anymore. She has no idea what to do with her life without him. The guy also thinks the girl doesn't love him anymore. The boy is extremely dejected, and he realized that he doesn't have dinner for the night. So, with nothing else to do, the boy pulls his fishing rod out, and begins to fish."

"......fishing from a cliff?"

"Kyungsoo! This joke has a great ending, I promise. Just let me get there."

"I'm sorry Jongin," he says, pouting a little. Kai couldn't fight the smile that formed on his face.

"....I was just kidding with you, but anyways. So the boy is fishing. And his hook gets caught on something really heavy, he can feel it. The boy stands up and pulls with all his might to reel in whatever it is that is stuck to his hook. And Kyungsoo, guess what he reeled in?"

"...the girl? Did she commit suicide??"


Kai couldn't help busting out laughing at his own joke. Kai knew it was lame, but he absolutely loved that joke. Kyungsoo was just staring at him like he was crazy.

Kai only continued laughing, and Kyungsoo couldn't resist but to join him.

"I have to say, it is kind of funny. Only because it's extremely lame and sort of dumb," Kyungsoo said between laughs, his eyes turning into happy little slits. 

Holy cheese. Kyungsoo's freaking beautiful.

Kai had to remind himself that staring at something or someone, namely Kyungsoo, couldn't be good while driving.

Kai couldn't help it though. His face was a little too warm, and he couldn't breathe properly, but he liked being in Kyungsoo's presence a lot.

When Kyungsoo didn't seem unresponsive or closed off, and when he was smiling, just letting himself come out near Jongin, it made Jongin's heart beat too quickly, and his cheeks hurt too much from smiling.

"Oh, turn here Jongin," Kyungsoo said after the two of them finished laughing, but still had lasting smiles.

Jongin followed Kyungsoo's instructions and found himself before a cute humble house, one with mutlicolored flowers dotting the flower beds, and cute little bushes trimmed into little spheres.

"You're so cute," Kai said absent mindedly as he continued to look at the house," Oh my gosh, I totally forgot the "house"! I meant "Your house is so cute"! " 

Kai was mumbling and explaining awkwardly. He really had meant to say that Kyungsoo's house was really cute.

"Well thank you... for whichever you meant," Kyungsoo laughed.

"Uh. Both, I guess," Kai smiled despite his embarrassment.

"Okay," is all Kyungsoo says as he gets out of Kai's car, "Thanks again, Jongin."

"You're welcome, bye!"

Kai waved, though Kyungsoo had his back to him. Kai saw Kyungsoo turn his head slightly and glance back at the car.

Kai thought he saw Kyungsoo's adorable cheeks puffed up in a cute smile, but he wasn't sure.

"Good job Kim Jongin. You're so cute," Jongin mimicked himself as he pulled away from Kyungsoo's adorable house, smiling nonetheless.






"My beauty, Sehun, how are you?" Chanyeol asks, observing that Sehun had giant dark circles beneath his eyes.

The demon child merely looked up at the eager eyes of Jongin and Chanyeol, his state burning holes into their faces.

Sehun had stayed up that night tossing and turning. Sehun couldn't just get over the fact that Luhan had blushed. Blushed, when their hands brushed....

He was clearly flustered afterwards.

Sehun just poked at his food dejectedly.

"He's just a teacher. He was probably flustered that a student was that close, any student for that matter," Sehun muttered to himself.

"Jongin-ah, anneong," said a certain roughly smooth voice. Chanyeol's eyes widened; he'd grown quite attuned to that certain voice.

Jongin looked up to see a very neatly dressed Baekhyun looking at him, and a very anxious looking girl standing next to him.  Jongin smiled as Baekhyun pulled out a chair and sat between Sehun and Jongin. The girl just stood there, looking lost.

"...Baekhyun, do you need anything?" she asked a little too eagerly. Her eyes were all wide and sort of frantic.

"No that's okay...Just go have lunch, Heejin-ah," Baekhyun said.

"O-okay," she stuttered as she walked away, throwing frantic looks back.

" Hey Baekhyun," Jongin greeted cheerfully, pushing the strange moment that just happened from his thoughts. Jongin was still in a good mood from yesterday.

Baekhyun looked slightly uneasy and threw a glance over his shoulder.

"Something wrong, Baekhyun?" Jongin asked, his head tilting slightly to the side.

"N-no," Baekhyun sighed as he returned his attention back to the table. Chanyeol just stared at Baekhyun.

"He's just so pretty," Chanyeol thought to himself.

"Anyways, hello, I'm a senior and my name is Baekhyun," he smiled as he addressed the table, his puppy eyes crinkling into little lines (Chanyeol took in a rather rugged breath).

"Hello, Baekhyun," Sehun replied tiredly, managing a small tired smile, "I'm Sehun, a junior."

"Hello, I'm Jongin," Jongin joked with a wide chipper smile," I'm a junior."

Baekhyun just rolled his eyes before resting his gaze upon the last person who hadn't say anything. Sehun had sort of fallen asleep on his food, his face smooshed against his bread. 

"Baek, this is Chanyeol, my best friend," Jongin smiled before cringing because Chanyeol was squeezing the life out of Jongin's thigh.

"Hi," Chanyeol managed. Chanyeol didn't know what to do, whether he should smile or just turn his attention elsewhere or ask Baekhyun how he was doing.

So Chanyeol did what he did best.

He just smiled his smile, one eye classically bigger than the other, his nose crinkling.

Baekhyun just looked at him for a second, slightly blinded by all the things happening at once with Chanyeol's face.

Is that possible? Baekhyun thought. How can someone's smile just be so.... big?

Jongin chuckled.

"Chanyeol might not talk too much at first, but he eventually will. He's going on the trip with us next weekend," Jongin smiled, noticing that Baekhyun kept looking away. Jongin and Chanyeol followed his gaze.


Jongin and Chanyeol sort of forgot that Baekhyun was really popular.

There was a group of four girls just sitting a few tables behind us, looking anxiously at us.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you sort of have a fan club," Jongin commented mildly as they waved frantically at Baekhyun.

"I don't have one, really! Since school began, they sort of just sat with me. And instead of going through the trouble and creating drama, I just do whatever they want, so long as it's not crazy... I guess I forgot to tell them officially that I wasn't sitting with them today," Baekhyun said sheepishly.

"I didn't know stealing you would make them this uneasy," Jongin said. Chanyeol was back to squeezing the life out of Jongin's thigh.

Curse those giant hands, Jongin winced as he looked over at Chanyeol.

Jongin nearly choked on his own spit at the sight.

Chanyeol's face was akin to the reddest tomato ever. Jongin was sure that it wasn't even possible.

"Chanyeol, are you okay?" Baekhyun asked, making Chanyeol's face even redder.

Chanyeol just nodded before abruptly pulling out his notebook.

"Anyways, Baek, how's choir?"




"Kyungsoo-ah!" someone called Kyungsoo as he was walking to his lunch table. Oh, it was just Jonghyun.

"Hi Jonghyun," Kyungsoo greeted him, and Jonghyun smiled.

"Hey, I've got something for you. This random guy told me to give this to you," Jonghyun said as he fiddled with his backpack.

Kyungsoo's scrunched his face cutely in confusion.

"The guy was one hell of a looker. Tall, dark, and handsome," Jonghyun membled distractedly as he rummaged around in his bag.

Kyungsoo thought for a second.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo asked in question, wondering what Jongin could possibly be giving him.

Jonghyun finally produced a small white paper bag and gave it to Kyungsoo, as well as a classic dino-smile.

"I think that was his name," Jonghyun said.

Kyungsoo took the paper bag. It seemed like a bag of pastries or something, from the way it smelled.

Kyungsoo turned the bag around, and on it was written

"You're the chocolate one."

Kyungsoo couldn't keep himself from smiling at that one.

"Kyungsoooooo has a boyfriend," Jonghyun sing-songed.

"WHO HAS A BOYFRIEND?" a certain diva asked as he sat down.

"Kyungsoo has a boyfriend, Kibum-ah, and he got himself a trophy boyfriend. His Jongin is delicious," Jonghyun smiled with a wide grin. Kibum smacked him on the back of his head with his notebook.

"Let's not forget who you belong to, Dino," Kibum reminded him, making Kyungsoo smile.

"I'm sorry, yeobo," Dino apologized, morphing into a puppy as he pouted.

Kyungsoo opened the bag, and there was one chocolate donut, and a single glazed donut.

"Chocolate one fits you better," Kyungsoo mumbled half-mindedly as he took a bite out of the chocolate donut.

"Delicious, no?" Kibum asked with his feline smile.

"I guess he is," Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I was talking about the donut, Do Kyungsoo," Kibum smiled even more widely, making Kyungsoo choke for a second.

"So was I.....?"





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Pichhy #1
Chapter 6: Are there any update next?
Chapter 6: AWWW this is so cute!!!
Chapter 6: *clutches heart*
cookiemonster1898 #4
Chapter 6: Damn! You make them sound so cute XD
Chapter 6: odg jongin you are so lame XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Sandraa #6
Aw this is so cuuute :D lol I love how chanyeol and jongin embrace their inner creep XD
illLoveYouForever #7
"Delicious, no?" Kibum asked with his feline smile.

"I guess he is," Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I was talking about the donut, Do Kyungsoo," Kibum smiled even more widely, making Kyungsoo choke for a second.

"So was I.....?"

Chapter 6: MUAHAHA
tohtohs #9
Chapter 6: hahahaha! i love the joke! finally baekyeol met!!!!!!