



Chanyeol and Kai were doing their all favorite past time in the world.

Nothing could replace their joy of what made them best friends in the first place.

Chanyeol and Kai revered the time they had to do these acts, and that’s all they did.


Chanyeol and Kai loved to “appreciate what life gave them”.

You might wonder what that means.

It really translates roughly as this: They loved being erts and observing the delicious candy before them.

But Channie and Kkamjongie are not erts (totally). They’re actually hopeless romantics. Kai dreams of doing little things with his boyfriend he hopes to have one day. Kai wants to watch him smile and make him blush and laugh. Channie wants to do the opposite; he wants to be able to stop blushing like an exploding tomato so that he can confidently be in a good relationship, not that he really minds either. Chanyeol actually wants to do the same. Chanyeol enjoys seeing people he adores of like blush. It’s appealing to both of them.

It didn’t start out erted-like at all, actually. At first, Kai or Chanyeol would just happen to notice a very appreciable aspect of a specific person. For example: The trio of Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun were standing at their lab station in biology. Kai asked if Sehun would lend him a dollar for lunch, and being the amicable person he is, Sehun agreed. But his hands were occupied because he was busy mixing some plant excretions, so Sehun just told Kai to fish it out of his back pocket.

So Kai innocently put two fingers in Sehun’s back pocket to fish a dollar out, but he ended up pushing the dollar down further into Sehun’s pocket. With his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Kai slid his whole hand in, but Sehun, too focused on the task at hand, didn’t notice.That’s weird, Kai thought. Kai curled his fingers just a little.

It’s so… firm.

Kai patted his hand around a little bit.

….And nicely shaped.

“Jongin, what are you doing?” Sehun asked slowly. Kai stopped as he realized what he was doing. He blushed as he removed his hand.

“I don’t know. Sehun… your is… really nice,” Kai admits, his cheeks flaming.

“Oh god Kai,” Chanyeol groaned as he threw a giant hand over his face.

“What?” Kai asked in his defense,” Just come here and have a feel for yourself!”

Kai always thought there was something nice about looking at Sehun from the back, but now he really knew. Chanyeol sighed and shook his head. Kai frowned and yanked Chanyeol’s hand from his notebook and slapped it on Sehun’s . Sehun yelped but he was trapped between Chanyeol and Kai, so he couldn’t move.

“What the heck are you- oh that is nice,” Chanyeol said as his concerned face was done away with one of realization.

“See what I mean? It’s so firm, yet soft and just squee-“

“YAH! I’m not a petting zoo!” Sehun yelled in protest, his voice cracking. 

"Your and its perfection is madness Sehun-ah," Chanyeol said as Kai nodded eagerly in agreement.


And that’s how it started. With Sehun’s . So back to the present, Chanyeol and Kai were walking down one of their school hallways, “appreciating the scenery” as they did any other school day.

The warning bell rang for the first class, and Kai sighed as he left Chanyeol and made his way to his first class: World Geography.

He shared that class with Sehun (who reluctantly agreed to continue their friendship after that fateful day in Chemistry) and it was an easy class where he would just do his other homework.

“Anneong Sehunnie,” Kai said as he sat down behind Sehun.

“Hi Kkamjongie,” he greeted without looking up from his textbook.

What a cute little nerd.

The tardy bell rang and the class settled down. Kai and Sehun sat by themselves in the furthest left side of the room. They didn’t really talk to anyone else. Usually, the teacher would be in class before the bell even rang, and it was peculiar that she was not.

A few minutes passed before a school administrator walked in.

“Hello, Mrs. Lee’s class, you all are probably wondering where Mrs. Lee is. Well, she will be taking a leave for an indefinite amount of time because of an emergency,” she paused (everyone was secretly throwing a party in their heads, for Mrs. Lee was always cranky) “and you will have a substitute in the meantime.”

On cue, the door opened and revealed probably the most precious face Kai had ever seen. Kai was punching Sehun’s arm and Sehun grew annoyed because Kai was interrupting his reading. Sehun pushed Kai’s hand away and continued to read his book, ignoring how the class around him had frozen in awe.

“Please welcome your new teacher and take care of him,” the administrator said as she stood up.

Is this guy really our teacher?

He looks so … young.

And Beautiful.

“Sehun…,” Kai whispered and nudged him again, his eyes still trained on the sight before him.

“What!” Sehun said as he turned around and looked at Kai impatiently. Kai just looked at him with big eyes and pointed to the front of the room.

Sehun followed and looked. Sehun actually stared for a little, and realized he was doing so. He quickly opened his book back up and pretended to be engulfed by it.

But Kai noticed that blush.

And Sehun knew he couldn't ignore the pounding in his chest and the stirring of something (lovely, though he won't admit) in his stomach.


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Pichhy #1
Chapter 6: Are there any update next?
Chapter 6: AWWW this is so cute!!!
Chapter 6: *clutches heart*
cookiemonster1898 #4
Chapter 6: Damn! You make them sound so cute XD
Chapter 6: odg jongin you are so lame XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
Sandraa #6
Aw this is so cuuute :D lol I love how chanyeol and jongin embrace their inner creep XD
illLoveYouForever #7
"Delicious, no?" Kibum asked with his feline smile.

"I guess he is," Kyungsoo shrugged.

"I was talking about the donut, Do Kyungsoo," Kibum smiled even more widely, making Kyungsoo choke for a second.

"So was I.....?"

Chapter 6: MUAHAHA
tohtohs #9
Chapter 6: hahahaha! i love the joke! finally baekyeol met!!!!!!